III. When and where is this?

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Chapter 3

Clementine, we've already given you enough time to prepare but you're hardheaded as ever. We don't even know if you can survive out there," she uttered and I can feel my hair raising. I don't know what Miss Dolores is talking about.

"I don't understand..."

Miss Dolores just stared at me, suddenly, I could see worry in her eyes. I don't know why but that made me more nervous.

Then the last thing I know, she pushed me to the cold sea and before I had time to react, everything went black.

I thought this is it. That this is how I'll die. But then I was surprised when I felt a warm hand under my knee and another one around my neck. Somehow that brings me comfort.

I kept hearing the same words over and over again but I couldn't understand them.  Then I felt something touch my lips.

Everything is blurry to me. I can't barely open my eyes and speak to know what's happening around me.

The next thing I know, everything went black once again.

When I opened my eyes, I automatically realized this is not my room since this one is far too plain. The walls are painted in beige and the room has a total of two beds.

I heard a very unfamiliar voice that said, "Thank Goodness you're awake, Clementine."

"The whole household, especially Mr. Augustus Bennett, are worried about you considering that you've been asleep for the past week."

Questions came flooding right into my mind but I am too dizzy to start.

What? What is she talking about? Who is Mr. Augustus Bennett? And I've been asleep for one week?

"Who are you?" I asked the blonde woman, probably around fifty years old. Relief is evident in her face which makes me more confused.

"What are you talking about? I'm Martha, your coworker." she answered. Nervous is slowly replacing the relief in her face.


I don't remember having work.

"A-and where am I?" I added since it's taking so long for her to answer.

"My dear child, haven't you remembered anything? What's happening to you?" she added.

"A-all I remember is getting pushed by Miss Dolores into the cold sea and getting drowned. Then someone saved me. And that's it." I answered as I gently massaged my temple.

"What are you talking about? Why would Missis Dolores push you into the sea? Have you done anything wrong, my dear?" she asked, I don't know why but her questions kept hurting my head.

Why is she calling Miss Dolores a Missis? The last time I checked, she didn't have a husband.

"That must be the effect of drowning yourself, sweetie," she insisted, her eyes searching for any injury in my face.

"I told you, Miss Dolores pushed me!" I replied, sitting.

Her eyes automatically widened, her jaw dropped.

"Goodness gracious, a woman should never speak like that." She strictly uttered and I can feel my cheeks getting red.

"Be careful with your words, Clementine. Your accusations can get you in trouble. People will talk about the Bennett family having a crazy maid."

"You know what they say, rather be silent than talk nonsense," Martha once again blurted out. My head is down due to confusion and shame.

All I want her to do is to tell me this is nothing but a big prank and that she works for me and Grandpa and that she'll promise not to do any of this prank again and that she'll leave me alone right now.

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