Bad Days (remake)

Start from the beginning

"Oh my goodness Remus! I've been looking everywhere for you!" Lily hugs my waist fiercely. I hug her back.

"Hey lils, what's up?"

"I haven't been able to see you and I just want to known if you're okay"

"I'm okay lily. Don't worry about me, a little shaken and a little I dunno, dampened, but okay." She lets go of me to look at me.

"Are you sure?" I bend down and kiss the top of her head.

"I'll be okay Lil, I promise" She hugs me one last time before walking onto the library.

On my way back to the tower I hear more slurs, some worse or louder then others. One of them makes me stop in my tracks

"He deserves better that Black" I turn around, a look on my face that no one has ever seen before accept for people who insult my friends or Sirius. I find the boy who said it and snatch him to by his neck, pushing him against the wall so a thud can be heard.

"I like to think of myself as a pacifist. But when someone says that about my boyfriend, I get a little angry. I don't like getting angry, and no one likes an angry Moony. So I suggest you take back what you just said or you won't wake up for a fucking week" I growl, wolf like, in his ear. The boy just shudders. I tighten my grip on his throat.

"What? Think you can't make me mad? Think I'm always a dorky kid? I don't think so. I'm just as much of a marauder as my friends, buddy. I just don't show it often" I murmur darkly.

"S-sorry Remus. L-let me g-go pl-please" The boy pleads. I lessen my grip on his throat. I lean down to his ear one last time

"I ever hear something like that come out of your mouth personally again, I won't stay nice. And as I said. No one likes an angry Moony" I let go of him and he drops to the ground. I wipe my hands on my black hoodie, that I stole from Sirius, and start walking down the Hall again. Everyone is staring at me now, in awe.

When I get to the tower, I climb on the portrait and find my boyfriend, sitting on one couch, James sprawled across another. I walk to up Sirius and put my bag on the couch next to him, then crawl into his lap sideways. He acts a bit surprised at my open act of affection, but rubs my back gently anyway, still talking to James. I snake my arms around his waist and bury my head in his neck, slowly calming myself down.

After about 15 minutes, James has a detention to go to. Sirius turns his attention to me.

"Care to tell me why you're clinging me like a baby koala?" I bury my head further into his neck, whining.

"You'll just get mad, and I don't wanna deal with it right now, just let me be a koala. I'll tell you later. I'm still trying to control myself" I murmur into his neck.

"Wait, you. my sweet, soft, gentle, boyfriend got angry? What the fuck happened?" Sirius asks me, obviously concerned. I whine into his neck again.

"Yes, I'll tell you in a bit, just let me be comfortable" Sirius sighs and puts one arm around me, the other one going to my hair, gently playing with it. He hums quietly and I snuggle closer to him.

"I love you, more than you'll ever know" I whisper.

"I dunno, I love you a lot" I can almost hear the smile in his voice. I move one of my hands to play with the ends of his hair. He chuckles at me.

"Now, the only thing not normal about this is that I don't think you're letting me go anytime soon, and you're clinging to me in the first place, this is usually reversed" Sirius rambles. I lift my head up and kiss him softly.

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