Chapter 21

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After the matinee show was over, Christy, Delilah, Anika, Amy, and some of the ensemble members hung out in her dressing room. They hung out in the dressing room for an hour, eating snacks and joking around. The swings delivered the day's notes and the girls did a quick livestream with Kathryn Boswell. 

Eventually, the ensemble trickled out until it was just Delilah, Anika, Amy, and Christy. "Can we go to the park?" Nicole begged. "It's so nice out. And we have time."

"Sure, why don't you change out of your costume, though?" Christy laughed. Delilah was still in her Little Anastasia outfit. The girls left with Amy, leaving Christy alone.

Christy unlocked her phone and checked her notifications.

One missed call from Jace Reynolds. One voice message.

Christy pressed play, the sound on speaker.

"Hi, Christy. This is Jace. I want to thank you for your advice and your friendship. It was something I treasured over these past few months. Thank you. And thanks for everything you do for Kasey."

"Tell her that I love her, and that this is for the better. And don't let her blame herself. She tried. You tried."

Christy's heart was pounding. She dreaded what was about to come. Her stomach felt like it had sunk through her dressing room and into the floors below.

"I guess this is it. Live well. Treasure everything, and take care of her. For me."

With that, the message ended. Christy let out a shuddering gasp and dropped her phone, tears streaming down her face.

"What have you done, Jace?" she choked out.


Christy didn't know how the day had turned from ordinary to unimaginable in a span of a few minutes. She took a few seconds to compose herself in the mirror, wiping the tears off her cheeks. She went into her little bathroom and splashed her face with water before she opened the door for Nicole and Amy.

"Lyrica's taking you to the park. I have something I have to... I need to do something," Christy said, trying to keep her voice steady. Amy gave her a concerned look.

Once Nicole and Amy set off down the hall, Christy stepped outside the theatre. With shaking hands she dialed Kasey's number.

She held her breath as the ringtone sounded. Once. Twice. Three times. Still Kasey didn't pick up. It rang until the voicemail message began. 

"You've reached the phone number of Kasey Winslow. Leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can." Christy hung up before it asked her to leave a message. What would she say? 

Hey, Kasey, your fiancee called. I think he's going to do something horrible. Thanks, bye.

What was she supposed to do? 

She didn't think Kasey knew. The way Jace was talking made it seem like Christy was the only person he called.


Christy whipped around, startled. It was John.

"What's wrong?" he said instantly, seeing the expression onher face. Christy took a deep breath. 

"I'm scared that a friend has done something he'll regret. He called me," Christy explained, trying to stop herself from shaking. "John... what- what if he killed himself?"

John froze for a split second before springing into action. "We can call the police. We can go to his apartment, check on him. We'll get help. I'll go with you."

"Thank you," Christy breathed, relieved. She didn't think that she would be able to face what she found at Jace's apartment alone.


The call came in halfway through Dear Evan Hansen's second act, toward the end of the show, right before 'You Will Be Found Reprise'. The company manager, and older man named Bill, came backstage, his face white.

"What's wrong?" 

It was Jennifer who noticed Bill first. Kasey was busy changing into her next costume.

Bill ushered her aside. "We got a call from Christy Altomare, from Anastasia. Jace Reynolds committed suicide this afternoon, just after the Anastasia matinees ended."

Jennifer's hand flew to her mouth. "What?!"

"Christy said that Kasey doesn't know. I don't know when to tell her," Bill said. "It feels cruel to not tell her as soon as possible..."

"They were going to get married," Jennifer said softly, sinking to the ground. "Oh my God."

"When should I tell her?"

"After bows. Don't do it before then, I don't want people to connect dots of any kind. We want to keep this private. It'll be up to her to decide when she wants to tell everyone," Jennifer told him slowly.

"I think you should be there. It might help... if someone's there, other than me."

"I can do that," Jennifer reassured him instantly. Her heart was heavy as she composed herself. Kasey joined her in the wings, unaware about the news she was about to receive. Unaware about how her life was about to be turned upside-down.


sorry my dudes

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