Chapter 3

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Before a show a week later, Kristen Anderson-Lopez called all of the leading actors into Jess's dressing room for a quick meeting. Ryan Willson, the orchestra director, was there too, along with all of the design leads.

"As you all know, contracts will begin to expire in August," Kristen explained to Kasey, Jess, Sebastian, Reed, Dylan, and Jacob. "I wanted to give you all the option to stay with the show and renew your contracts. You can decide how much longer you want to stay- obviously I understand if you want to move on and find a new show. I am just honored that all of you were willing to spend your time creating this amazing production to begin with."

Kasey sighed. She'd been expecting this talk- contracts were always part of the deal when a show went onstage. Hers, specifically, was one of the ones that would expire in August. She was still considering if she'd leave or not. 

"We just wanted to ask you all what you were thinking, so we can begin to cast for open spots. If you could get your decisions in by next week, that would be great so we can start the audition process," Ryan continued. 

"I'm staying," Dylan said. "For a little while longer, at least."

"Of course I'm staying," Jacob scoffed, rolling his eyes. "This job pays the best I've gotten so far, I'm keeping it as long as I can."

Kasey almost snorted, but stopped herself.

Everyone looked at Jess. "I don't know," she said, glancing at Kasey. "I was thinking that when we leave, the two of us would leave together."

Kasey couldn't help but be a little surprised, and even flattered. That kind of thing was usually an extreme gesture of mutual respect- when two cast members, especially original principle cast members, left at the same time. 

"I completely agree," Kasey told Jess instantly. "I can't imagine playing Anna with anyone but you."

"I'm going to stay. I think it'll be good to work new people in," Sebastian chimed in. "But Jess and Kasey leaving at the same time seems like a good idea. There's less pressure that way, on the newcomers." 

Jess glanced at Kasey. "We'll talk about a date soon, alright?"

Kasey nodded.

"Great, thank you. I think that's all I really needed you all for," Kristen said. "If you're leaving in August, it would be great to have a date by next week. Is that an okay deadline?"

Jess swapped another glance with Kasey, and they both simultaneously nodded again. "I think that's perfect," Jess answered.


Back at the apartment after the show, Jace and Kasey sat at their little kitchen table with mugs of hot chocolate. 

"I think I'm leaving Frozen," Kasey said, breaking the silence. "It feels like the right time."

Jace looked at her, frowning. "You're leaving so soon? You've only been there a year."

"I know, but plenty of main cast members leave after the first year of a show being on Broadway. It's time someone else had a chance to play Anna. I can't keep her to myself forever," Kasey explained. "And I'm ready for a change. I know some shows have auditions coming up for replacements- I'll start preparing for those."

"You'd do this so close to the wedding?" Jace asked, eyebrows furrowed.

Kasey tilted her head to the side. "Does it matter where I'm employed, for the wedding? We have enough money. We're not having a large ceremony."

"I'm just worried, that's all," Jace interjected. "I don't want you to stress about getting into a show when we have to plan a wedding, too."

"You don't have to worry. We'll be okay," Kasey said emphatically. 

"I know, I know. I just overthink things, you know that."

Kasey sighed. "Sometimes you just need to take a step back. Some things are just out of your control, and that has to be okay. Not every detail needs to be set in stone for us to be happy."

Jace gave a little smile. "That's true. We just need each other, right?"

"Right. And we'll have that. We already do. The wedding just makes it official," Kasey reassured him.

"When do you want to leave?"

"My contract expires in August. Jess and I decided that we're leaving together. There's a little less than two months until then, I think that's enough time to start auditioning for other shows."

Jace nodded in agreement. "There's no time like the present, then. Whenever you leave, I'll make sure to get off in Spongebob. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

She took a sip of her hot chocolate. "You don't have to do that for me, Jace, if you don't want to. I didn't do it for you, and I wish I could have."

"I thought we put that behind us. There are no hard feelings from that, okay? I want to be there, I know you wanted to be there for me. That changes nothing," Jace told her. "Just tell me when you decide."

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