"Hey" He whispers back,  resting his head in my chest. I kiss the top of his head and look over at James. 

"Ima go find lily,  Peter went to hang out with some of his Hufflepuff friends earlier"

"Okay" I answer.  He exits the room and I pull away from Sirius,  making him look at me.

"You alright honey?"

"I am now" He lays his head back down.  I rub his back.

"I love you"

"I love you too Re" We pull away from each other and I put my back against the wall.  He lays in between my legs and I put my arms around his waist.  He snuggles into me. I kiss the top of his head. He turns his head and kisses my cheek,  making me smile at him. 

"I missed this" He whispers. 

"Me too Sirius,  me too.  Pretty much all I did was worry about you.  Are you sure you're okay?"

"Re,  I'm okay.  Reggie hung out with me sometimes and I had my journal.  I didn't go crazy.  And yeah,  my parents did their thing,  but I'm fine.  I was built to handle it" I hold him tighter to me,  fighting the urge to cry out.  My arm is throbbing but sirius is more important.

A few moments later,  James walks in,  lily evens in toe. 

"Hey lils" I greet the red head. 

"Hey rem"



They sit down and we chat about our summer a bit.  Lily went to Spain to visit family,  James to Germany to do the same.

~When at Hogwarts,  in the dorms~

~Still remus~

Sirius and I are sitting on my bed,  talking about everything and nothing. 

"Can thestrals see each other?" He asks.  I look at him for a moment.

"I..  I dunno. Good question"

"Maybe if they had one child and lost it,  then they could see their other babies and themselves,  but then the baby would be confused"

"Sirius,  how would they make the babies if they cant see each other?"

"Changing the subject"

"Hmm,  I haven't seen you for 3 months...  So how bout you kiss me?" I lean in and connect our lips into a passionate kiss.  I snake my arms around his waist,  pull him him closer to me.  His arms instinctively go around my neck and I break away from him,  crying out in pain.  He moves his hands,  quick as a flash.

"What happened? Are you hurt?" I move my good hand to the back of my neck,  wincing in pain.

"Full moon?" I answer,  not wanting to tell him the truth.

"Re,  don't lie to me.  The full was three weeks ago" I drop my head in defeat,  not moving my hand. 

"Remus,  what happened?" Sirius presses

"I'm f-fine" I stutter.

"You're obviously not" I sigh and move my hand.  He looks at the back of my neck,  gasping in horror.

"What in the actual fuck happened to you?" He questions,  his voice soft,  yet urgent. 

"My d-dad's a drunk" I whisper.

"Re,  baby what did he do to you?"

"He's hated me since I was bitten.  Whenever he's drunk he has this damn silver rod" There are tears accumulating behind my eyes.  I move so I'm sitting in the edge of the bed,  my head in my good hand. Sirius sits next to me and puts an arm over my shoulders.  I couldn't even tell I was shaking until he lays a hand on my knee. 

"He'll fucking put a silver spoon by my plate just to trick me"

"That's fucking awful.  I knew those scars weren't from fulls" Sirius whispers.

"Last night he woke me with that damn thing,  he never put it on my neck before,  that why you scared me when you touched it" I explain.

"Did he hurt you anywhere else re?" I shake my head,  reluctant to tell him about my arm. He shakes his head at me.

"I can read you like a book. Let me rephrase my question,  where else did he hurt you?" I sigh.

"Can't you just drop it Paddy?"

"Re,  you know how I get when I'm worried about you" I sigh

"Just because I don't want you pacing the damn dorm tonight.  And please,  don't fucking freak out"

"From your tone of voice,  I can tell its going to take all of my willpower but I'll try" I sigh again and roll up my sleeve,  wincing at the intense pain.  Sirius gasps again. 

"Holy fucking Remus! How the hell.."

"It's happened before pads,  and while I'm at it, Why don't you read the word he burned into me?" I move my arm so he can see the under side.  He takes my hand in his.

"Remus. Why didn't you tell me about this?" He question in a soft tone.  I let out a shaky breath. 

"You have your own family problems,  and this has been happening since before Hogwarts.  You come before me Sirius,  you're issues are worse than mine" I murmur.  He rubs my back gently and I can tell he's crying.

"Remus,  sweetheart this is worse than a lot of things my mother does to me. And you've been going through it since before Hogwarts. Mine didn't start until I was 11. I love you more than anyone in the world,  and if you're uncomfortable with telling me things..  I need you to confront me about it"

"Babe,  it's not that.  I know I can tell you anything.  I just knew you had a lot in your plate and I didn't want to add to the stress. It hasn't been this bad in a really long time.  It was just worse last night.  I could smell the damn booze radiating off of him" Sirius intertwines his finger with mine on my good hand. I lean into him slightly. 

"Remus,  I'm so worry that he did that to you.  You're not a monster.  Pretty much the exact opposite. You're so soft,  kind,  loving.  I love you so much and it hurts me to see that. I can't even begin to imagine what they was like for you,  but reg tells me I'm pretty good at comforting people"

"Just be careful,  it's not like I like pain"

"I know babe,  I will" He lays down on the bed and I lay next to him,  my head on his chest. He runs his fingers through my hair.  I have my bad arm against my stomach,  trying not to move it. Sirius gently rubs my back and hums.  I smile and cuddle close to my boyfriend.

"You could go to pomfrey,  we all know she loves you"

"When you touch silver to a werewolves skin,  the wound can't be healed with magic.  I just have to kinda wait it out" I explain to him. He nods his head in understanding.

"Is there anything that helps?" I shake my head

"It's not that bad" I whisper

"Remus you were just crying because of the pain,  you don't cry much sweetheart"

"True enough"

"Now get some sleep,  my prince.  I love you"

"I love you too honey"



I cried...

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