Chapter 63 || "Say Yes"

Start from the beginning

Colton nods knowingly, but before he has the chance to respond, the group of girls in the back make their way over to the register and hover behind Colton.

"I should probably let you get back to work. Bye Helaina." he says, waving as he leaves the shop. I wave back, and the three girls move forward.

"Did you guys find everything you needed?" I ask, and they nod. They all pile their clothes onto the counter and chat quietly amongst themselves as I ring up the articles of clothing. As I ring up a shirt, the door jingles as it opens and more people walk in. I glance up quickly to see a large group of girls walk in.

"Are you friends with that guy who was just in here?" one of the girls in front of me asks. I look up, and all three of them are staring at me.

"Uh yeah, I guess you could say we're friends." I shrug, finishing up the order. I start to fold the shirts and pants, putting them in bags. "He's the manager at the coffee shop I work at."

"Is he single?" the girls friend blurts out. The third girl with them bursts into giggles, the girl who asked the question giggling too.

"Trisha! Stop!" the girl in front snaps, her face turning beet red.

"She thinks he's cute but she won't say anything to him." Trisha explains.

"Well, he's on his break right now, but he works directly across the street from here." I say, putting the final shirt in its bag. "If you want, you should pop over there in about twenty minutes or so and try something then. Also, your total is $125.43."

"Thanks, we will." Trisha smiles. They all hand me a credit card. "Just divide it evenly."

I nod, taking the cards and swiping them. I hand them back to their respective owners before handing them each a bag.

"Have a nice day."

"You too." they all chime, heading out the door.

I sit down in my chair, picking up my coffee and taking another few sips. I look over at the group of girls, watching them mill around the racks. The door opens again, and I look over as two younger girls- presumably freshman in high school- walk in.

"Hi, welcome to Lucky. My name is Helaina, let me know if you need anything." I say. They nod, immediately heading over to the rack of clothes directly next to the door. I stand up and go over to the group of girls and ask, "Do you guys need any help?"

"No thanks, we're good." one of them replies. I nod, heading back over to the counter. I sit down and sigh. Sure, working here is extremely boring when I'm by myself, but at least I'm getting extra money.

I pull my phone out quickly to check the time. I still have another forty-five minutes left until I can leave. Underneath the time, I see a notification for a text from Shawn.

S: Want me to walk with you home from work?

H: i mean i was just gonna take an uber home

H: it's kind of a far walk

S: I don't mind

H: but i do

S: Helaina

H: i'll just Uber back to campus. it'll be quicker and easier for everyone.

S: Baby just say yes

H: why

S: You'll find out soon enough

H: ugh ok fine

S: See you at 5 ;)

H: can't wait!!1!

Once again, the door jingles as it opens. I quickly shut my phone off and put it down, looking up.

"Hi, welcome to Lucky." I begin, but the girl is already too far in the store to hear me. I pick my iced coffee up and take a sip, wishing 5 o'clock would just arrive already so I can leave and be with Shawn. Sure, he might've been irritating me before, but I'd much rather be annoyed by him than bored from working.

More people file in the store, some leaving without buying anything. I greet them as they walk in, and soon enough, there's ten people shopping in a relatively small store. I survey the room, looking at the customers to make sure no ones stealing anything, when I turn my head to the left a little and see a head full of pink hair.

I stare at the back of the girls head, trying to see if it's who I think it is, when someone appears at the counter and catches my attention.

"Are you guys hiring?" the girl asks. She looks a little older than me, but not by a lot. Maybe a year or two.

"Uh, sorry, I don't know." I respond. "I just got hired here last week, so I'm probably not the person to ask. If you come back in about a half an hour, though, the girl who's working after me should be able to tell you."

"Okay, thanks." she says, and I nod.

I turn my head to look again to see the pink-haired girl, but when I look, she's gone. I sigh, picking my drink up and sipping from it. I need to stop being so paranoid and letting my imagination getting the best of me.

"Hi Helaina." a voice says, and I nearly choke on my iced coffee. I turn my head slowly and swallow hard.

"Oh, hi Alex."


AN: finally updated!!!! sorry it took me so long to update, i've just been beyond busy this entire month and i've had actually no time whatsoever to write. i didn't even have time to do my school work for most of the month either. but yeah, i'm good now and i'll have time to actually update again.

hope you enjoyed this chapter, even though it was admittedly a boring one. don't forget to comment/vote/follow me!!

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