Part 54

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Semalam mood aku down tak berapa baik sangat. Asyik moody je. Syed pulak asyik nak buat lawak bodoh. I know niat dia baik nak cheer me up tapi kemon lah. Aku tak suka. Macam takde cara lain. Aku tengok dia rasa nak marah je satu hari. 

So dia macam tak putus asa and cakap lah satu benda yang bagi dia lawak tapi actually annoying nak mampos. Aku campak dia kat laut lagi bagus. Macam tu punya perasaan aku ada dekat suami sendiri, aku tahu dosa tapi aku dah geram gila.

"Ala muka si bam bam ni kenapa macam sabut kelapa dah? Berkerut je? Tak comel lah," kata Syed.

"Syed can you not?" Qina tengking.

"What did I do? I was just trying to cheer you up," kata Syed.

"Well its a hella bad time to do that. I'm not in a right frame of mind so would you mind stay away? I don't need you here. Get lost!!!!!" kata Qina.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Well if you say so, fine!" kata Syed cuba bangun dari tempat duduknya untuk pergi.

"Like you ever care about me. You never been home early. You never said anything to me like you used to. There's nothing to talk about except if I try to start the conversation and you ended up sleeping early and coming back home late! So don't try to create excuse whatsover that you're busy because that's just full of crap! Obviously I'm just a maid in this house!" bentak Qina lalu bangun dan naik ke atas mengunci diri.

"If that's what you think then whatever. I'm done!" jerit Syed dari bawah lalu mengambil kunci kereta dan keluar entah ke mana.

Keesokan pagi Syed menghantar mesej "if you need me I'll be at ayah's house," 

Aku tak tahu lah apa masalah aku but atleast I have my space in this house. A time for me to think. He's been there for 2 days. Almost three. I have my alter ego with me so I'll just go with the flow not that I'm asking for the D word that's not even the last thing that I will think of. I just need some time off that all. 

Exams coming soon. Its in a few days. I've texted Syed to give me time here in Putrajaya to be alone and let me prepare for my exam while he spend most of his time with his family again. Well that's what he wants. I just don't mind. Not now. For now there's only one thing that I could think of my exams. 

I've never had the chance nor appetite to eat. I don't know why. Sometimes I just miss Syed but most of the time I'll kept myself busy, studying. Well a degree final exam is not what you think. Its not as easy as SPM. Its far worst than that. Especially when it includes calculas and geomatry. Totally outta my league but its my dream so I gotta strive and achieve it. I still want to make daddy proud. 

Diary QinaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant