Part 44

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So Saturday came around. Our flight is at 10.30am. He booked two Malindo Air tickets to Kota Bharu means that we will boarding from Subang Airport. Since I lived in Sri Pilmoor, I told Syed that I will asked dad to send me to the airport. You could imagine how stubborn he is that he insisted that he'll drove to my house and wait for the taxi to arrived. Why would he waste such time? 

In the end, I told dad to send me and I texted him. 'my decision is final and dad is sending me. Meet you there,' He didn't replied. It was 8.30 am at that time. I wanted dad to send me at 8.45 am because the traffic at Subang's roundabout is terrible but dad insisted on sending me at 9.00. At that point, I asked myself why didn't I took a driving license? And what's up with men being so stubborn?

Why can't someone be like Yusuf from A Muslim's Romantic Journey novel on Wattpad. Atleast he will give in to his wife. Well I hope for the best. I hope that Syed wouldn't be so stubborn after we got married or else I don't know how I will live with him for the rest of my life. 

"Qina dah pukul 9.00 ni. Dah siap ke?" tanya umi. Tengah asyik menulis diary sampai tak kabo masa. Bisik hati Qina. Kemudian dia bersalaman dengan umi dan memasukkan bag ke dalam boot sebelum masuk ke dalam kereta. Encik Hussein telahpun menunggu Qina di driver's seat. 

"Qina nak pergi awal, Qina juga yang lambat," perli Encik Hussein.

Qina sekadar tersenyum. Apabila mereka tiba di airport, ayahnya membuka but dan mengeluarkan bag dari boot. Qina memeluk ayahnya selepas bersalam. Encik Hussein menunggu Qina masuk ke dalam airport sebelum berlalu pergi. 

Selepas melambai ayahnya, Qina masuk ke dalam dan scan bagnya untuk check in. Selepas check-in Qina ke mesin ATM Maybank tidak jauh dari situ untuk mengeluarkan duit sedikit. Kemudian, dia text Syed bahawa dia telah sampai. 

Qina walk passed Starbucks until suddenly she saw Syed at the counter trying to buy some hot chocolate. Qina cuba telefon Syed sebab dia takut kalau dia tersalah orang. Syed tengok telefon tetapi bila dia nampak nama Qina yang muncul dia menyimpan balik telefonnya. 

Apa kena dengan mamat ni? Apahal nak merajuk sangat dengan aku ni. Ish sakit hati betullah. Ni ke yang aku nak jadikan tok laki? Bisik Qina dalam hati. 

Kemudian Qina text Syed. I saw that. You purposely did not pick up my phone. What's up with you anyway? Period much? You do know we have a plane to catch and the tickets are with you right?

Qina nampak Syed sedang memandang sekeliling kerana dia terlalu ego untuk membalas mahupun return her calls. Selepas mengambil minumannnya di counter kutipan, Syed berjalan keluar dari Starbucks dan terserempak dengan Qina yang masih berdiri sambil memandang Syed with that smirky face. 

"What?" tanya Syed.

"Syed, we're going on our first official vacation. Can you atleast cheer up?" tanya Qina.

"Qina, why are you so mean lately? Why would you always teased me if I'm on a...," Syed mendekati Qina dan berbisik pada telinga Qina "period," 

"Syed does those texts sounded mean? I'm truly sorry. Seriously I am sorry. I didn't know you terasa. I was just joking. Literally," kata Qina.

"I saw some changes in you since I got back and since our family first meeting. As if you're keeping a distant between us. Does this means you have something between you and Halim?" tanya Syed.

"Please, for the last time, I have nothing between Halim and there's only you. You're the only one Syed," kata Qina.

"You do know this is our first outing together since a month since I got back from London. Qina, are you happy with me?" tanya Syed.

"Sayang, I'm very happy with you. I'm trying to make it up for you today because I was so busy with an assignment a month ago. Let's just forget about the past and enjoy the time we'll spending time together in Kota Bharu later," kata Qina.

"inshaAllah sayang," kata Syed sambil memandang Qina dengan senyuman.

"Okay let's go. Its already 10 am. W're late!" kata Qina.

"Qina, relax. Our flight is at 10.30 and who knows it probably will be delayed. I wanna spend time talking to you," kata Syed.

"Sayang, kalau kita duduk diri sini pun tak guna kasi sakit lutut je. Baik kita masuk dan duduk dekat kerusi yang disediakan," kata Qina.

Syed tersenyum. Mereka masuk ke dalam dan duduk di kerusi depan sekali. Musim cuti sekolah pasti penuh dan sudah tentu tempat duduk di depan diduduki oleh passenger yang lain namun hari itu hanyalah hari Sabtu yang biasa. Jadi tak berapa ramai orang yang ada.

"What time is it?" tanya Syed. 

Qina mengangkat tangannya like shoving it up into the air just for her sleeves to come down not like other people dimana mereka akan menyelak lengan baju menggunakan tangan kiri. Yep, Qina lebih selesa memakai jam pada tangan kanan.

"Dah pukul sepuluh suku. Cik Abe nok gapoe?" tanya Qina.

Syed memandang Qina sambil membuat muka pelik. Like a puzzled face.

"Maksudnya awak nak apa?" kata Qina.

"No, you said cik abe that literally means cik abang aka husband. Am I right?" tanya Syed.

"Were you tricking me?" tanya Qina.

"I guessed. I just miss this. Selalunya we had this conversation on skype and its weird to talk like this in person," kata Syed.

"Well you're the one who started the whole thing. At the park," kata Qina.

"Yeah you were a teddy bear at that time. So cute. But now, macam cicak kobeng. Kurus sangat apasal?" tanya Syed.

"Its for your own sakes. Nanti kalau I preggy senang. Kalau I gemuk lepas tu preggy susah. I will ended up having asthma," kata Qina.

"Seems like someone here can't wait to get married huh?" perli Syed.

"You were the ones who liked to talked about how many kids you wanted! Now you sarcasticly critics me? Seriously Syed?" tanya Qina sambil membulatkan matanya.

"Well your eyes are too sepet to be bulat," kata Syed sambil ketawa.

"You're literally changing the topic," kata Qina sambil memeluk tubuh tanda protes.

"Now you knows how it feels to be defeated huh?" tanya Syed. "You know I like seeing you pretending to be mad. It seems like we're totally different in person," kata Syed.

"I was thinking the same thing too. Kenapa kalau I texted you or call you we always ended up fighting but now we are laughing our asses out!" kata Qina.

"Qina that's a bad word to say," kata Syed sambil mengangkat jari telunjuknya dan mendekatkan kedua-dua keningnya.

"Don't be so naive. I heard you said the pantai word," kata Qina dengan senyuman.

"Hey that's not fair. Syafiza said it first," kata Syed.

"Hey look! Its our turn to board the plane. We'll continue this later," kata Qina sambil ketawa dan berjalan menuju ke barisan penumpang yang sedang berbaris untuk boarding.

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