Part 40

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So hari ni aku officially jadi student dkat Herriot Watt Putrajaya dalam course Degree in Actuarial Science. Aku macam tak percaya je. This is one stepping stone to my dream to study abroad. Habis Degree ni bolehlah sambung di Herriot Watt Edinburgh. 

Next week pula Syed dah nak balik. Rasanya Syed terkejut tak tengok aku sekarang? Aku dah kurus. Dari 80kg jadi 65kg. Sungguh aku tak percaya tapi ni semua usaha aku dan aku suka. I felt like a new person and I wanna maintain it. 

Pasal ayah, mungkin ayah masih lagi tidak dapat menerima Syed tapi tunggulah sehingga mereka berjumpa. InshaAllah everything's fine. Umi pun dah okay cuma Farouk je nak pindah keluar duduk rumah sendiri dengan Alisa and Farish. Umi tak kasi tapi. Jadi Farouk ikut je cakap Umi and stay kat rumah.

Hasnah pula dah 6 bulan duduk Korea sampai pandai guna Instagram. Handphone pun dah canggih. Dulu pakai Nokia 3310 je lepas pindah Korea punya pasal, sebab samsung kan Korea jadi dia tukar pakai S3. Katanya duit elaun daripada biasiswa dia dapat tu ada lebih so dia pun belilah handphone yang baru supaya dapat catch up dengan yang lain. Macam-macamlah Hasnah.

Hafizah dah kerja jadi kerani dekat pejabat tanah di Kedah. Dekat dengan rumah dia so bolehlah dia jaga mak dan ayah dia. Memang itu niat Hafizah dari dulu. 

Hassan pula nak quit belajar sebab nak kerja dengan Makcu tapi Makcu tak kasi. Hassan kata belajar ni waste of time and yang penting pengalaman. Lantaklah. Kau kan lelaki so senanglah untuk kau nak dapat pengalaman whatever. Perempuan susah sikit. Semua nak kena jaga. 

Syafiza? Macam biasalah, mana aku pergi dia pun ada. Kami satu course. So lepas ni sama-sama fly pergi Scotland. Weehoo! Tapi jangan pulak ingat dia suka ikut orang je tak. Tapi memang coincidence kterang minat benda sama. Saja perangai kterang je berbeza. Aku malu berhadapan dengan orang laki tapi kalau Syafiza banyak kawan laki. Kadang-kadang aku respect dia sebab most of kawan laki dia respect dia. Bukan macam sakai je. Hehe faham faham la ye.

I just can't wait for next week. Syafiza akan pick up Syed and his family from the airport then his whole family with my whole family except Ali will have lunch at Lai Po Hin, Mandarin Oriental for a dim sum treat. Syafiza will be there too. I've booked a table for 11 at noon because they will be arriving at 10.30 am. 

I guess I've been preparing myself to see Syed again. After six months there's a lot of changes been going on. I've lost weight, I'm a student again, I'm going to be someone's fiancee soon! inshaAllah and I'm learning how to cook. I've asked Syed what he likes to eat he said Asian food and mostly vietnamese. I don't really know when he started to like those vietnamese food because as far as I'm concern, the last time he said that he likes to eat a hot raspberry pie with vanilla ice cream.  Yum! That sounded delicious too. Perhaps I should invite them over after lunch or maybe some other day? They'll be in Malaysia for good this time. Well atleast that's what I hope. I miss my honey boo so much. Don't tell him that I called him like that. He'll be totally annoying afterwards because he wants me to call him like that all the time. 

Like this one time, I accidently called him "cik abang" and he started to be so annoying and made me nuts. He was like "What? Could you call me that all the time? When will I have the time to be so 'manja' with you?" Please Syed. Its not the time yet. I don't really do mushy stuff all the time. Sometimes yes but not all the time! But sometimes I likes it when he calls me "sayang". Its like the fog had lifted, the sky is new and its warm and real and bright. 

Loving Syed was... Wait! Loving? Err I mean being with Syed had been such an adventure. I don't if he found this diary how would he react. He knows that I've never dated before. He did. I knew he did just that he won't tell me about it. He said it was the past and that I shall never know. I would wanna dig it from Hanani but I'm too shy. Well atleast I knew about this "Sara" girl from Hanani. It wasn;t her fault either. She accidently mentioned "Sara's" name. She said I was much better than her. Well atleast I'll thank Hanani for making me a loser for never having a boyfriend since birth until I met Syed and he didn't mind. In fact, he likes it. He said I'm too special for anyone else yet too close to him. Till our horizons meet. 

To Syed, I know that I never told you how you stole my heart and being a different and rare guy. You're that guy that I've been searching for. Its not that I've experience it through relationships because like I said I never had a real relationships before. All of those guys I knew were from those social networks. If not, they were schoolmates nor classmates. But all of them couldn't be compared to you. You're the one and only guy that have been in my heart and will always stay in my heart inshaAllah. 

I want to try to be a good wife to you and for you to guide me through thick and thin of this cruel world. I want you to be my imam. My strenght. I'm just a part of your back rib but you are everything to me. 

Oh please Syed, I hope you will never ever find this diary. I don't want you to know about Haiqal. Why am I mentioning him here? This page suppose to be about you. Sayang, keep those skies blue for me and let those rains take away our sobers.

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