Part 46

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The first place we went was Yati Ayam Percik since Syed is super jakun about Kelantan so I have to teach him starting from the food. One of the shop that have many food is Yati Ayam Percik. They have ayam percik, kulit ayam percik, bontot ayam percik, pedal ayam percik, daging bakar, gulai kawah, solok lada, pulut bakar, onde-onde, pudding karamel, makaroni bakar, and so much more. Before we reached the shop, I told Syed "jangan membazir" and he laughed. 

He ended up buying a lot of frozen ayam percik like 10 packets of them and two fresh ones, a bag of gulai kawah, two sticks of daging bakar and two packets of onde-onde. I didn't get down because there was no parking. So we double parked. 

When he came into the car was I shocked.

"Syed Qhalid Syed Qhoftar!" Qina jerit.

"Apa?" kata Syed dengan muka innocent.

"Apa semua ni? Kenapa banyak sangat??? Syed kita ada 3 orang je tau. Siapa nak makan? Didn't I told you jangan membazir?" tanya Qina.

"Qina Syed beli yang frozen nak bawa baliklah. Lepas tu yang lain kita makanlah. Tak habis nanti we'll give the stray cats to eat," kata Syed.

"Habis, stray cats makan onde-onde?" tanya Qina.

"The mak cik just happens to know that I'm a tourist so she gave me a sample and I loved it so I bought two," kata Syed.

"Syed!!!! Geramnya tau. Sejak bila kita balik sini as tourist? The main reason is for you to meet Mama. Didn't I tell you we have to budget? Syed you're supposed to know all this. You're going to be the household leader. You shouldn't just spend like this," kata Qina.

"Qina, its just food," kata Syed trying to defend himself.

"Its not just that. Nevermind just drive to the beach or else we'll ended up balik after maghrib," kata Qina.

"I know you wanted to say something," kata Syed.

"Not now. I don't want to ruin my mood," kata Qina sambil memandang depan.

She's realistic I know but couldn't I just pamper myself? bisik Syed.

Mereka tiba di pantai. PCB sudah tidak indah seperti dahulu namun beach itu yang agak dekat jadi mereka pergi ke sana untuk menikmati udara pantai sambil meminum air kelapa dan duduk di atas batu-bata yang ditambat.

"This is fun," kata Syed.

"Yeah. Menenangkan," kata Qina.

"So do you want to talk about it now?" tanya Syed.

"Its okay. I don't want to ruin the moment. Let us just sit here for a while," kata Qina.

"Do you want me to get you some fishballs?" tanya Syed. Dia tahu Qina suka makan fishballs yang dijual di kedai-kedai berdekatan. (Kedai Colek)

"Its okay. Air kelapa ni buat Qina rasa kenyang. Where's that onde-onde?" tanya Qina.

"I thought of eating with Mama later," kata Syed.

"Okay," kata Qina.

"But if you want one I could go and take it," kata Syed.

"Its okay Syed. Let's go. There's one more place I want to show you before we head back home," kata Qina.

"But we just arrived," kata Syed.

"Yeah but this beach is not as nice as the ones in Tok Bali. Sadly, our flight is at 8 in the morning tomorrow so I can't show you and its too far to go today. I mean not that far but its impossible to go back before 7," kata Qina.

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