Chapter 115- Establishment

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Apart from making donation, there were plenty of ways to contribute to the territory, such as by completing a special task or through doing something productive for the territory.

Just like Yu Kai, he helped in assisting Cheng Yang find the Nirvana God Stone. It wasn't a task that someone in his position was required to handle, therefore this task should be converted to contribution point. However, the contribution he received was only a minuscule amount. This time, the person that obtained the maximum benefit was the soldier that discovered the Nirvana God Stone.

Of course, if we goes by credit, Cheng Yang's credit was no doubt the largest. However, he was the lord and was the only person in the entire territory to not possess a contribution value stat. After all, the entire territory belongs to him. Even if he does make a contribution, who would it goes to?

The rules of gods could not judge the worth of a person's action in terms of contribution point. Therefore, in order to ensure fairness, it was suggested that a special department be set up to manage the contribution value. Their primary responsibility would be to provide missions with contribution point as the reward, as well as determine what had happened and evaluate them in a numerical contribution value.

It was certain that the workload of this department would be heavy, with their personnel destined to be unable to leave the territory all day long.

Therefore, Cheng Yang came up with the idea of picking a few professions that didn't like to fight and had them placed inside this department. At the same time, he also added some territory guards. These two sides combined would make up the department.

In fact, Cheng Yang could also extends this olive branch to the ordinary people, but those people has a much lower sense of belongings to Luo Feng Village, and might not necessarily stands in the viewpoint of Luo Feng Village when considering things. As a result, Cheng Yang had to choose those that didn't like to fight to run this department.

As for the territory guards, don't look at them as if they were machines that could only fight 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They were also once humans, and with intelligence not lower than anyone else. Moreover, they were completely loyal to Cheng Yang. This alone, puts them above everyone else. With the combination of these two, the evaluation would certainly be judged fairly.

Cheng Yang and the others came up with a name for this new department, it was named Glory Hall.

The name meant that whoever could have their name enter the hall, that they would obtains glory. At this moment, only 10 people made up the department. They were respectively 5 ordinary professions, and 5 territory guards. The person in charge of the department was a territory guard named Yan Jun.

After these matters has been finalized, the infrastructure for the territory contribution value system was also taken out on the agenda, but the details on this matter could be perfected and improve later on. After all, no system was perfect from the very beginning.

Afterwards, Cheng Yang and others discussed on the development of Luo Feng Village. But since there was no one that knew better about the overall situation than Cheng Yang, basically it was him talking, while the rest were carefully listening.

After the meeting was over, Yu Kai and the rest began to disperse. Cheng Yang walked up to Liu Hao who was in the rear and inquired about a few matters from him. From his mouth, he obtained a piece of good news.

This guy had unexpectedly found the instance portal that was near Xianghe Village, and he had to admit that it was really well hidden. It was hidden between three trees, from afar, these trees looks like a single trees and was easy to be overlooked by other people.

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