Chapter 177 - Flamingo Tree Species

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A few seconds later, the battle was over and Cheng Yang had to admit that he was too cautious. ''''

This powerful ss wave did not reappear, until the end, it was to be dragged to death.

When this wave of ss was turned into a pile of chaos, the scene in front of them instantly changed dramatically. The magma lake that was originally crushed seemed to be extremely cold, quickly solidified, and the dark red walls around it quickly became dim.

"Lord, how is this going?" Jiang Yang's face changed a lot. The scene in front of him can be compared with the earthquake experienced at the beginning of the last days.

Cheng Yang smiled and said: "Don't worry about it. This is normal. After the lava cave has completed its reclamation, the environment will change greatly. Otherwise, you imagine that under such high temperatures, who can enter the cave to kill the monster?

" This is also." Jiang Yang down can understand, but then said, "But this way, the name of the lava cave is not unworthy of name?"

Cheng Yang silent, said: "Why do you entangled the name?"

Jiang Yang A laugh, it will no longer say.

Cheng Yang ignored them and went straight to the pile of rocks that the lava warriors turned into. After shaving the dark brown stones, he found that there was a thing hidden in the stone heap. It was a red-hot bag. .

Cheng Yang quickly picked things up and his attributes instantly entered Cheng Yang's mind.

Flamingo tree species: You can cultivate fire fruit trees.

Cheng Yang showed joy on his face. It seems that the world has not changed because of his arrival. This leveling map has been obtained after the pioneering of wasteland.

For the world leveling maps, the first land reclamation can get a good thing. In the lava caves of the city's area, what bursts out of the lava caves is the fruit of the fire.

It can be seen from the name of the fruit tree of the fire. This is a tree that can bear the fruit of fire. As for the fire spirit fruit, it is not the kind of ordinary fruit before the end of the world. It is definitely a kind of spiritual fruit.

To some extent, fire spirit is a medicinal material, but it can not only be used to refine the medicine. Direct use also has a very significant effect.

During the last century, it was said that the fire fruit trees that were cultivated were fruitful and their properties were known to the public. Its most significant role is to enhance its strength.

This upgrading power is not a promotion of a single property, but the promotion of professional rank. According to the information revealed by those of the previous generation, the energy contained in a fire spirit fruit is sufficient to advance a junior apprentice-class veteran to mid-level, and if it is taken by middle-level apprentice-class veterans, it can also increase 50%. The progress of the practice will be reduced by the higher ranks of those who are employed.

There is no doubt that the effect of this fire spirit is very abnormal, at least in the early days is a powerful thing. Just imagine. Others worked hard for dozens of days before they reached the mid-level apprenticeship, but they only needed to eat a single fruit.

But after careful inference, we can know that this fire spirit fruit is not as antithetical as it is.

First of all, it is not so easy to obtain the fire seedlings. Although it is not the only way to obtain the fruit of the fire seedlings, the opening lava cave is the simplest way to obtain it. Even in this simplest way, in the last century, people got their hands in about half an hour in the last day.

Getting the tree species is only a prerequisite for possessing the fire spirit fruit. If you want to take fire spirit fruit, you must also plant the fire spirit fruit. Fortunately, after the end of the world, the rules of the world have changed. All plant growth rates have been greatly improved. After the fire seedlings are planted, they can be fruited in four or five months and harvested in half a year.

This is why the last time Cheng Yang could know the properties of the fire spirit fruit. If the growth cycle of fruit trees is the same as before the end of the day, this subspecies will continue. No four or five years, don't think about seeing fruit.

If it weren't for this accident of Cheng Yang, it was already a year after the end of the last day that human combatants wanted to get mature fire spirits.At that time, the general strength of the combatants had already reached the high-level apprenticeship. This fire spirit fruit can also increase the progress of cultivation by 25%. For those who had reached the junior level at that time, the effect was only a little more than 6% poor.

Secondly. There is also a limit to the number of firefighters taking any fire spirits. A maximum of three can be consumed. For this number, eating too much has no effect.

However, for Cheng Yang today, getting tree species five months earlier than the last generation of human beings was definitely a huge change. It almost took Fire Lime fruit half a year earlier, which is undoubtedly greatly improved. The value of fire spirit fruit.

Of course, the effect of fire spirit is strong, but the output is very limited, a fire fruit tree can only bear twenty or thirty fruit at a time. Of course, this figure was derived by Cheng Yang from the fruit trees of the fire that were planted by the people of the previous generation. Maybe the yield will be higher when the fruit is harvested in the next season. However, no matter how you look at it, this fruit tree of fire spirit is not like a fruit tree with high yield.

Cheng Yang opened the bag containing the fire fruit tree species, which lay eight tree species, which is the harvest of this trip, he was very satisfied.

"After going back, give each of you one hundred points of contribution value of the territory." Cheng Yang was happy, he also gave Jiang Yang and others some sweetness.

Jiang Yang and others are naturally overjoyed, but don't underestimate the contribution value of one hundred territories. This thing can not only redeem some territories' items, but also the value of the territory's contribution is an important indicator of a person's status in re-occupation. In the opinion of Jiang Yang and others, this is definitely more important than military rank.

"Lord, when will the Lava Canyon come into use?" Jiang Yang asked immediately.

Cheng Yang said: "Tomorrow you will be able to refresh the enchanted beast. At this time, each of your teams can call a part of the combatants here to kill the monsters. But you can be cautious, and the enchanted beasts inside can be harder than those outside. More to deal with."

Jiang Yang said: "The lord rest assured that we will bring the words to the leader."

Cheng Yang nodded, but did not worry too much.

Then, seven people in a row went in the direction of coming. Cheng Yang also collected the fire beads at this time. After the land reclamation, the lava gorge had already had no previous high temperatures, and there was no difference with ordinary caves.

Not only that, the magmatic rivers on both sides of the previous channel have also completely solidified at this time, allowing the entire cave floor to form a wide flat ground. Cheng Yang knew that after this block of land, it would refresh the flock of enchanted beasts, and it would also be an important source of psionic values ​​for the veterans.

Cheng Yang took Jiang Yang and others to the village of Luofeng. After Jiang Yang and others played it and went to practice, he went to find Zhao Chuan.

When Zhao Chuan saw Cheng Yang come over, he naturally knew what he had for a moment and immediately said with a smile: "Lord, the statue-raising stone that you asked me to buy today has already been bought, and it only cost 300,000 psionic energy."

Cheng Yang is very satisfied with this statue to enhance the stone, is of great significance to him, not only can enhance the strength of the entire territories magician, but also allow their own strength has been greatly enhanced, Cheng Yang naturally attaches great importance.

"Afterwards, you will have more time to stare at Wanbaoge. If someone hangs this kind of statue and raises a stone's treasure, I will be the first to inform me." Cheng Yang casually ordered a sentence and then handed Zhao Chuan's The statue lifted the stone.

After Zhao Chuan transferred the remaining 200,000 psionic energies back to himself, he took the statue to ascend the stone and went near the professional statue, lifting the statue to the stone.

This time Cheng Yang promoted the attack of the magician.

Unlike warriors, magicians belong to the output profession, so attack power is more important. The original magician statue of Fallen Village has achieved an increase of attack power of 17%. Now it is the role of the statue to enhance the stone. This value instantly reached 34%.

In this way, although there is no change in other attributes of Cheng Yang, the number of magical attacks has increased a lot. From the original 82 points to 93 points, this definitely regarded as a leap forward. If he uses the real magic agent again, his attacking power will directly break 100.

With a feeling of excitement, he turned off his property panel and Cheng Yang began his cultivation tonight.

One night's cultivation allowed Cheng Yang's cultivation progress to finally exceed 75%. With his current cultivation speed, he will have at most five or six days, and he will be able to advance to the first class level. By then, it will be the smooth upgrading of Luofeng Village. Time.

As for whether the Fengfeng Village was a Grade 4 village or something after the upgrade, Cheng Yang is still not known, but anyway, after the village is upgraded, he will have a privilege to use it, and when he can successfully promote In the middle of the class, he can also try a copy of the hell-level difficulty at that time, and then he can take the nightmare of the Necropolis Valley without hesitation.

As for the other factor limiting the upgrading of villages: wood, Cheng Yang is no longer worried, because since the statue level has been upgraded to Level 5, Luofeng Village has received several statues of ascending stone, making the number of soldiers in Luofeng Village more numerous. Another significant benefit of this increase is that the output of timber and stone in the village of Luofeng has been greatly improved. Although it is not enough to build enough wood for the third-grade fences, there will be a maximum of three days before Cheng Yang can build the walls of the village.

Today is the 30th day of the end of the day. From the beginning of the morning, Cheng Yang's expression on his face is dignified, because he knows that the last day of the 30th day will usher in the biggest change of the end of the day, while enchanting. The beast will also get another boost in this change. This upgrade is not only to raise the first-order enchanted beast to the first-order mid-term, but to appear a certain proportion of the first-order later in the main city range. Enchant the beast.

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