Chapter 139 Heshan Village

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Cheng Yang suddenly smiled and said: "Well, needless to say, joke with you. Even if the altar can only save three or four days, you must also use. Because as an auxiliary station, false gods The limit of use of En is higher than that of the central village, and the level 1 divine grace of the central village can be used as long as the strength is lower than the peak apprenticeship level. level 1 in order to play the effect of pseudo-divine if you upgrade to a higher-order their strength, this pseudo-divine does not make sense. ".

cattle soldiers said:." even if we can not use, you can also use the thing to others, "

Cheng Yang resolutely shook his head and said: "You are the top personnel in the village of Laifeng, and you are also the backbone of the village of Luofeng. Therefore, the strength must be given priority. Moreover, the privilege of using divine grace is not wasted, because the original cultivation progress will be This will also allow you to advance to the peak of apprenticeship as soon as possible." After

listening to the two cattlemen, they also understand Cheng Yang's intentions and will no longer argue.

"Well, we will not talk about these now. After the altar has been taken over, the village chief will give you a job," Cheng Yang said finally.

After thinking about Liu Xi, he did not continue to refute.

Cheng Yang then arranged: "Lao Niu, you wait here first. There are too many monsters. You are not very suitable for rushing into the battle."

The cowman shook his head and said, "It's okay. I already knew that I came to soy sauce." He was right. The majority of the battles on this road were completed by Cheng Yang. Before Liu Ye and himself, they stayed far away when they fought. But now that there is a mutant white tiger, everything has changed and Liu Yuyi has been changed. Leap became the main combat personnel.

Cheng Yang did not say anything, because the next opportunity for the cattle soldiers will also make many people paralyzed.

Next, Cheng Yang directly into the enchanted herd. Liu Hao also followed There is Cheng Yang's ice thorn skills to clear the way, only see a piece of enchanted beast down. Even if there is a strong off-net fish, will also be taken care of by Liu Ye.

Although this monster group is huge, its actual strength is not comparable to the monster groups it had encountered before, because the strongest person here is only the first-order late stage.

The process of the slaughter took more than ten minutes. After Cheng Yang consumed a large amount of magic agents, the enchanted animals were all converted to his psionic value.

Cheng Yang will immediately occupy this site, named Heshan Village, and then set Liu Xi as the head of Heshan Village.

Even when Liu Ye used the privilege of being a sacred priest, his strength was instantaneously elevated to a high level. Its attack power also suddenly rose to 41 points, with the spike of most of the first-order peak of enchanting beast strength.

In fact, the high-level pastor's attack power was originally only 20 points. But she had a silver weapon, a silver grade and two pieces of bronze jewellery. After adding 14% of the attacking power of the statue of the priest, her attacking force was able to break the 40 point mark.

Now Liu Ye is definitely the first priest in the world. Healing light has now been upgraded to Level 3, and he can recover three times the amount of blood he has attacked. Together with the graciousness of the statue, his healing power is close to 140 points. In addition to Cheng Yang in the territory.One of her healing rays will be able to fill anyone from a sudden death.

After the remnants of the altar were occupied, Cheng Yang had to admit that he must face a very tangled issue, that is, how to hold this altar. Although he can also let alone, let the enchanted beast continue to occupy the altar in the past. In addition to allowing him to temporarily develop Heshan Village.There is no other bad influence. Because the enchanted beast will not destroy the altar of the territory.

But he had said before that he intended to rescue refugees in Yicheng. If they do not have altars, there is simply no possibility of living. But if Cheng Yang and others left this place, those who have just been transferred can hold this altar?

Although according to the law. There will not be too much enchanted beast around this place for the time being, but for the newcomer, the big guy in the first-and-second-end period is also a disaster. Don't say that there is no fence built yet. It was a 3 metre tall, first-grade wall that would not have much effect in facing the first-stage enchanted beast. The other party would come up.

Does this resident keep it?

After a while thinking, Cheng Yang decided to save the resident.

If this time he left his place after leaving home, it is estimated that waiting for his energy to take care of this side, it is already more than ten days later, equivalent to the development of the station more than ten days late.

In the early days of the end of the day, the gap of more than ten days can be very large. Let the warlords here develop for more than ten days, and maybe some of them can be promoted to mid-term. It is also very powerful to be able to increase the strength in advance and bring the leading edge.

Moreover, there is such a place in Yicheng, which will undoubtedly increase the strategic depth of the village of Laifeng, leaving more space for Cheng Yang.

As for how to hold this resident, Cheng Yang thinks well. Tonight, let the cattle soldiers and Liu Hao stay here. Anyway, the enemies that can appear in this neighborhood will not be too strong. With their ability, It is completely easy to solve.

After Cheng Yang spoke out of his own ideas, both Liu and Yan did not have any opinions. Although Liu Xin hoped to return to the village of Luofeng Village, it was also clear that Cheng Yang's arrangement was also for the sake of the overall situation.

"Take it easy, I'll come back tomorrow, and when we take some people to the area around Yicheng to look for wood, we can build the fence first, and after upgrading the territory to Level 2, this Heshan Village will be able to develop itself. Cheng Yang said.

The Cowman suddenly relieved and said: "Yangko, actually, even if you want me to stay here for a long time, it's okay. Just arrange Pang Shan on the line! You know, these two are separated

from each other..." Cheng Yang When the old blood was almost sprayed out, this guy started to talk about his friends for less than a month. He even started to call couples. Usually see this guy silly, how to hook up the relationship between men and women so able?

He did not bother with the process and did not bother with him. He took the two men directly to the other east side.

In the east of Heshan Village, it is in the direction of the main city of Yicheng. Cheng Yang spent less than half an hour and entered the urban area of ​​Yicheng City.

The city of Yicheng is not the same as Lucheng. There is no deep gully and no passage cut off by a monster. In this respect, this is just an ordinary ruin. However, unlike the ruins of other villages and towns, there are no trees on the ruins. It looks like there is no difference from the scene just after the earthquake.

"Lord, do you say what happened to this tree? Why didn't this place grow up? I remember that in the ruins of Huimin town, even a brick couldn't be seen anymore. It was completely covered with dead branches and leaves. "The cowman could not resist asking curiosity. Because the survivors may be encountered at any time, the name of the cattle soldier has changed.

Cheng Yang said, "You asked me who I would ask. This is what the gods do. Who knows what to think? But I guess that the gods do this just to give people greater chance of survival. After all, if the city ruins are covered by trees, I am afraid it is very difficult to find food in it. The purpose of the gods to transform the world is to let humans evolve instead of killing human beings." The

Niu Bing thought for a moment and said: " It seems that there are some truths. Do you estimate how many survivors there are in Yicheng?"

Cheng Yang said: "This city of Yicheng had only 300,000 people before the end of the day and it is now estimated that it will be able to save 145,000 people. And they are now It's already on the verge of life and death. If we don't get help, the proportion of deaths will continue to increase until all die." The

cowman said in a puzzled way: "There shouldn't be so much, and the city's population of nearly one million will increase. There is a main city on the ground, and the death toll is already close to half. You just said that this city of Yicheng does not have a main city, which means that the survivors here can't be retired to become a war job. ? Counter "

Cheng Yang shook his head and said:" In fact, there is little to do with the number of job seekers human survivors of war is not a great chance in the last day, as long as a few days to escape the front, to the back of ordinary people survived. It is still quite large, especially in the ruins of the city, waiting for the enemies to set aside space for people to exercise. One or two months is still not a problem.A city has become a ruin, but the food is still there, the canteen, grain and oil shops, there are too many things to eat.But this time to eat cooked food, basically It was impossible."

"After a month or two?" Liu Xi asked with a hint of patience. He quickly asked, "We can now travel long distances to Yicheng, but with the strength of the city's main city, Even if it is another month, I am afraid that there is no way to get through the route from Yucheng to Yicheng. Since Yucheng has no such ability, it is estimated that other major cities are the same. ?, How that the county is not the main city hold down the "

Cheng Yang sighed and said:"? That who knows maybe they will starve to death in the rubble, or maybe there will be other changes in it, "

Cheng Yang's words Liu Xi Yue Both were silent Down. Now that the gods are in control of this world, what do they care about more? The fate of ordinary people is not what they can control.

They walked along the ruins and could see that many places had signs of turning. These places should have been visited by survivors.

There is a big difference between the urban ruins and the wild jungle. After the enchanted beasts are inhabited here, the number of enchanted beasts that have become singles is reduced a lot, and the number of new enchanted beasts is very small. In the suburban area, Cheng Yang's trio will encounter a group of enchanted beasts almost every few hundred meters, and its strength is not much different from the urban ruins with the main city.

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