Chapter 93- Ice Shield

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In this crowd of 120 people that had just transferred in Xianghe village, not a single person was gifted with s-class talent, let alone a person with a special talent.

From this perspective, it can be seen how lucky Cheng Yang was to had found Liu Xiyue and bring her back to the village. Although Liu Xiyue's talent categorized as "special talent" and was unable to partition equally among the ranks, but by virtue of this one special talent, it was enough to overshadowed all the s-class talent.

After the completion of these people's transfer, Xianghe village has fulfilled the conditions to upgrade Xianghe village. Immediately, Liu Hao chose to upgrade the territory.

After upgrading Xianghe village, similarly a few more buildings appeared on the list that can be built. But now, Xianghe village apparently doesn't have enough wood for the construction of these buildings. Fortunately, Luo Feng village wasn't very far away from the village. If they want to obtain an auxiliary class or purchase items, they can also take the road directly to Luo Feng village.


When Cheng Yang walked out from his room, Liu Xiyue has also completed her first night of cultivation.

Compared with other people, Liu Xiyue was no doubt lucky because she could opened up six times cultivation speed on her first day of cultivation, coupled with the level 3 residence and Cheng Yang's talent bonus, it was equivalent to opening seven times cultivation speed. In just one night, her cultivation progress went over 14%.

In other words, Liu Xiyue only requires eight days to advance to mid-order priest's apprentice.

"Liu Xiyue, how's your condition? Alright? It seems your cultivation went fairly went. Many people after their first day of cultivation would find their legs even problematic to even stand correctly." Cheng Yang said with a smile.

After yesterday's interaction, Cheng Yang noticed Liu Xiyue was somewhat constrained during their time together and this wasn't the results he wanted to see. Although he doesn't expect Liu Xiyue to be close with him, but as the first guard to accompany him, their relationship shouldn't be too stiff, right?

Neither does he know what kind of state Liu Xiyue was in right now. Perhaps, in this short ten days she experienced many things, and this made her heart produced a hint of guard.

However, regarding Cheng Yang's greeting, she lightly responded, "Thank you for the concerns, Lord. In my opinion, cultivation is easy. Perhaps, currently there was millions of people around the world that wish to cultivate but couldn't find the proper method. In this regard, Xiyue is also lucky."

Cheng Yang smiled and said, "Your attitude is very optimistic, and this is a good thing. Today, we are going to take a trip to Xiangcheng city's main city. Go wash up, and find something to eat. Then in a bit, we'll head off."

"Yes, Lord." Liu Xiyue replied with a cry, then departed from the courtyard.

Speaking of wash, it was in fact going to the small river ditch that flows through the territory to wash the face and rinsing the mouth. To be honest, after the gods had transformed the world, the water quality of the entire Earth had gotten much better. Before the apocalypse, this small ditch was utterly filthy, but now it is clear enough to see the bottom. The only pity was that not a single small fish can be seen, making it lacking a bit of vitality.

Cheng Yang arrive at the territory altar, and found the four main profession statues have all completed the last property upgrade. Finally, their level has reached 4.

Building Name: Magician StatueLevel: Level 4Profession Research:
+Enhance Health (Level 4, not yet researched): Increases the Health of all Magicians transferred under this statue by 14%. Upgrade Condition: 2,000 power values.
+Enhance Mana (Level 4, not yet researched): Increases the Mana of all Magicians transferred under this statue by 14%. Upgrade Condition: 2,000 power values.
+Enhance Magic Attack (Level 4, not yet researched): Increases the Magic Attack of all Magicians transferred under this statue by 14%. Upgrade Condition: 2,000 power values.
+Enhance Physical Defense (Level 4, not yet researched): Increases the Physical Defense of all Magicians transferred under this statue by 14%. Upgrade Condition: 2,000 power values.
+Enhance Magic Defense (Level 4, not yet researched): Increases the Magic Defense of all Magicians transferred under this statue by 14%. Upgrade Condition: 2,000 power values.Learnable Skills:
Wind Shackle: Bind enemies with less attack power than oneself. Have a duration of 2 seconds with a cooldown of 1 minute. The higher the skill level, the longer the binding, and the shorter the cooldown time. Learning condition: High-order sorcerer's apprentice, 200 power values.
Magic Shield: Bless upon oneself a magic shield. granting reduction to damage by own magic attack* 4%. Have a duration of 1 minute with a cooldown of 1 minute. The higher the skill level, the higher the damage reduction percentage. Learning condition: Peak-order sorcerer's apprentice, 600 power values.Transfer Quota: 206/530. Ice Mage (1/1)

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