Chapter 95- Division of Labor

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Yu Kai said, "Currently, our territory have 83 Forgers and 96 Engravers. Although these people have completed their auxiliary class task, but many of them didn't seem to care much about it. After all, at present whether it's quarrying or mining, the amount of power value earned just isn't as fast as killing monsters."

Cheng Yang said, "That's a good thing. It shows that our professions have basically gotten rid of their fear of enchanted beasts, and had begun to proactively kill more enchanted beast. As for the lack of initiative they have in training their auxiliary class, this one mustn't be forced. Now the price I have put out for the purchase of raw materials are already considered as pretty good. Since there is no danger when collecting raw materials, it is also very normal for the income to be lower than killing monsters. However, for the equipment problem we are facing, that must be solved now."

Yu Kai said, "If you want to solve the equipment problem, you must first start from the raw materials and work your way up. Now every one of us have an auxiliary class, and the biggest problem we face is the drawings and formulas. Because the few of us had been taking action with the Lord these past few days, the amount of power value we had were awfully a lot. With it, we had already purchased the most basic manufacturing drawing. However, for other people, this is more troublesome. A drawing in the shop needs 1,000 power values to purchase, which most people couldn't afford to take out."

Cheng Yang's face relaxed, he said, "This isn't an issue. First, tell me what auxiliary class you have picked? And what drawings you have learned?"

Yu Kai said, "I am a tailor. I have learned the drawing for manufacturing leather armor, which can create leather armor for apprentice-order archers. Moreover, my skinning skill has been upgraded to level 2, so now I am capable of stripping the fur off of first late-order enchanted beasts."

Liu Hao was next to speak up, "My auxiliary class is Forger. A moment ago, I have learned a drawing for how to make iron sword. As for my collection skill, that is giving me quite the headache. Up until now I have yet to find a place with iron ore, therefore I couldn't practice my mining skill."

Shortly thereafter, Niu Bing, Zhao Chuan and Lee Wanshan also respectively said their auxiliary classes. With the exception of Lee Wanshan who had shifted to Carpenter, Niu Bing and Zhao Chuan had chosen Forger. He was the only one amongst them that had selected Alchemist.

Cheng Yang said with a smile, "Contrary to what I expected, the allocation was pretty balanced. Each one of them can also manufacture equipment. Forgers are responsible for making iron weapons. Carpenters are responsible for the manufacture of staffs, scepters and bow-class equipment. As for Engravers, they can make all types of accessories. As for the ore you need, I know of some places that have it. Later this evening, I'll take you to collect it."

Liu Hao and the others were suddenly pleasantly surprised. His resentment of iron ore had been very deep. If it weren't for the fact that this was reality instead of a game, it was likely he would've already made a phone call to issue a complaint to the GMs (Game Manager).

"What do I do?" Yu Kai suddenly discovered his chosen auxiliary class was more of a pain than he had initially thought.

Cheng Yang said with smile, "Quite simple, making bows and arrows requires monsters' tendons, so this is handed over to you to collect. In addition, some monsters' leg bones can also be used to make staff-class equipment. You can hoard up on these materials and later sell them to people that need them. As for the leather armor, if you have some spare time, you can also make some. Just think of it as a good way to help level up the production skill."

Yu Kai asked, "But there's only a few of us. And the equipment produced from the instance aren't that many either. For the entire territory, it was nothing more than a drop in the bucket."

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