Chapter 163

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As Cheng Yang is getting closer to Dongshan Village, the density of enchanted beasts is gradually increasing. Sometimes Cheng Yang has to brush monsters with the aid of ice acupuncture groups. Fortunately, the speed of Xiao Bai is amazing, these enchanted beasts are difficult to form surrounded Cheng Yang, they basically have no chance to Cheng Yang shot.

When it was about seven or eight hundred meters from Dongshan Village, the density of the monsters was already amazing, and there was no lack of first-order lateness.

Cheng Yang brows to follow, even if ready to rush into the flock of monsters, but at this time, the voice of Jade Fu in his arms again rang.

Cheng Yang changed his face and instantly removed Yu Fu and listened to her ears.

Yu Kai's anxious voice came out of Yu Fu: "Lord, I found a man a kilometer south of the village. This guy is hidden on top of a tree. It is hidden. But now the enchanted animal has surrounded the village. ., I can not catch the guy out, "

Cheng Yang immediately said:" I have been to the village outside, you let the spirit continue staring at the eagle, we first solve the magic of these animals say. "

When he finished, the acoustic Cheng Yang Yu Fu went to her bosom and drove Xiaobai into the enchanted herd. Whether it is Xiaobai or Cheng Yang, it completely ignores the enchanted beasts in the first-and-middle stage. Even if it is the enchanted beast of the first-order stage, under the joint efforts of one person and one beast, it will be a blow to kill, even to Cheng Yang. The ability to create a little trouble is not available.

Soon, Cheng Yang rushed under the wall. At this time, Dongshan Village only built a second-level fence. A wall less than five meters high is not high for Cheng Yang, not to mention the strength of up to two. At the beginning of the stage, White saw the guy's leap and jumped over the fence.

The Dongshan village wrestlers on the fence are the pets who saw the process. Not only were they not scared. In spite of the great earthquake, the offensive against the enchanted herd was more powerful.

At this time, the entire Dongshan village had fallen into a chaotic battle. There were nearly 3,000 war fighters standing on the 12-kilometer fence, including Yu Kai's fox hunting camp. There are also warlords who have switched jobs in Dongshan Village. Compared to Dongshan Village's need for defensive distance, the number of combatants is indeed too small. Everyone needs to defend a fence that is four meters wide.

Fortunately, for most of the enchanted beasts, they are unable to rush onto the wall, the height of three meters is insurmountable for most of the enchanted beast. But for the first-stage or enchanted beasts with climbing talents, this wall is not much different from the plain. So fighting on the wall is not easy.

For the first-order enchanted beast that climbs up the fence, the veterans can easily deal with it. After all, many of the current veterans have several pieces of equipment, plus a potion, one-on-one. The warlords can take absolute advantage. But for those of the first half of the enchanted beasts, several combatants must cooperate with each other.

After all, in addition to the advancement of the midfielders who have squad leader or above in the five main battlefields, the others are still junior apprentices and face a higher rank than their own. Animalization, it is understandable that they are very difficult to fight.

When confronted with the first-stage enchanting beast, it represents a difficult battle for the combatants, but once the enchanted beast of a later stage rushes in. It is very likely that death will occur. In order to enchant the beast's attack power in a later stage, it takes only two strokes to kill one of the wrestlers.

Two consecutive attacks are undoubtedly very simple things. Unless someone can lead this enchanted beast after an attack. Otherwise, people who have been watched by it basically have only the fate of death.

Fortunately, among the enchanted herds below, only a handful of people in the first-order stage were there. In addition, Yu Kai, the master of the game, supported the scene on the city wall. Once there was a later-stage enchanting beast, he immediately rushed to the rescue. Even so. Only Yu Kai, the master capable of fighting with the first-order enchanted beast, was one, and the battle loss on the human side began to increase gradually. Wait until Yu Kai arrives at the place. Four or five dead bodies have been lying on the ground.

Cheng Yang's arrival is tantamount to a booster, and I do not know who shouted: "The Lord came to save us. Everyone gave me full strength to kill these monsters."

"Kill!" The workers broke out in their mouths. They had strong fighters and weak magicians.

Cheng Yang watched as one of the first-order mid-stage lizards just climbed up from a wall more than twenty meters from the right side. On the wall, only one of the first-time combatants was fighting another spider. . Cheng Yang did not dare to make any mistakes. A direct ice hockey shot fired the lizard beast.

After killing this opponent, Cheng Yang jumped from Xiao Bai and then ordered Xiao Bai to circle clockwise along the fence. He encountered the enchanted beast that rushed onto the wall, killing and clicking to kill the first or middle stage monster. Cheng Yang himself runs counterclockwise.

At the moment, there are a lot of enchanted beasts crowded under the wall and they are constantly attacking the wall. As a 2nd-level fence, with 10 points of defense, and the wall may not have the idea of ​​forced deduction, as long as the attack power does not exceed the defense of the wall, it can not wear away its durability.

So don't look at the magnitude of these enchanted beasts below, but the effect is not great. Except for a few first-order middling beasts that have more than 10 points of attack power, the other enchanted beasts can work hard even harder.

Cheng Yang, facing the front impact, throwing ice thorns under the wall, a skill goes on, and the range of dozens of square meters is covered. One of the early enchanted beasts surrounded by them is instantly spiked, even if it is The first-order middling enchanted beast will also be instantly remnant of blood, and some of them have no advantage in the same amount of blood to escape the fate of the second spike.

After rushing out for nearly two kilometers, Cheng Yang finally met Yu Kai on a wall.

"Lao Yu, how is the situation now? We are not very heavy casualties?" Cheng Yang asked a little anxiously.

Yu Kai panted and said: "The casualties are not very clear now, but I estimate that the number of people who died in battle will not be less than one hundred. At this time, although the number of enemies we have destroyed is close to 10,000, We haven't reached one-tenth the total number of enemies. If the fighting continues this way, the rest of us will not be able to guard the entire fence. When the enemies are likely to enter the village."

Cheng Yang decisively, Says: "You go to the dignitaries at once and try to buy more life potions and magic potions. Don't forget to make yourself a storage ring, and these consumptions will be deducted from the 100,000 psionics I gave you. Go to the office and give it to me first."

Yu Kai immediately understood Cheng Yang's intentions. Although they had just learned that the enchanted beast was rioting, they also bought some medicines from the alchemy room. However, the quantity was really small. Now that he has been authorized by Cheng Yang, Yu Kai can purchase it.When Yu Kai did not hesitate, he immediately turned and jumped off the wall.

Cheng Yang did not care about Yu Kai. He knew that after Yu Kai bought the medicine, he would naturally distribute it to the wrestlers on the wall.He now needs to protect as many as possible the combatants on the fence, reduce their damage, and at the same time work hard to create damage to the enchanted beasts outside.

"Icy manipulation..."

"Ice hockey..."

Cheng Yang constantly repeats his actions. Although he also has defensive magic, facing these powerful enemies, defensive magic is not of much value. What he needs to do now is attack and attack...

"Thank you for the Lord!" Cheng Yang could not remember how much gratitude words he heard, and he did not know how much he saved from the enemies' claws. Warfighters.

He only knows that these people are their own people. They have not yet grown up and they still need their own protection.

In the future, their own territories also need their contribution.

In the future, humans also need them to fight!

In two minutes, Cheng Yang and Xiao Bai merged at the other end. Cheng Yang only ran a distance of four kilometers. The remaining eight kilometers were all cleaned up by Xiao Bai. It's not that Cheng Yang is not working hard. No matter whether it is at the limit speed or endurance, Cheng Yang is not comparable to Xiao Bai, and it's normal to be more than half behind.

However, if the number of killing the enemy, I am afraid that two small white is not comparable to Cheng Yang. For Xiaobai's single attack, Cheng Yang's ice acupuncture is more like cheating. After being rushed down, Cheng Yang's enchanted beast is no less than two thousand. That is to say, Cheng Yang's every time. Ice aggression took away the lives of at least 30 enchanted beasts.

Yu Kai returned to the wall at this time. He quickly distributed the medicines he had bought to the soldiers who needed the most potions on the wall.With these pharmacological supplements, they can persist for a longer period of time in the face of first-order enchanted beasts.

The battle continues...

Although Cheng Yang has come up with his strongest strength, he continues to see the warlords in Dongshan Village continue to fall.

In the last episode, Cheng Yang saw too many human deaths. Among them were the war dead and ordinary humans. That time, Cheng Yang could do nothing.

After his rebirth, Cheng Yang did not feel that he could save the world, but he felt that he could still give the people in his territory a guarantee of their survival. Even after he had killed the first-time enchanted beast, he once thought that nothing had been able to budge him around the main city.

But what happened at the moment gave him a heavy slap. No matter how strong personal strength is, if he alone faced so many enchanted beasts, he was fearless. But his current identity is not a lone man of the previous generation but a lord.

The lord possesses supreme privilege in the territory, but at the same time he also has the responsibility of guarding his territory, because the people in the territory are his leaders. How powerful is a lord, can he guard the entire territory?

Before Cheng Yang thought it was possible, but now he discovered that he was too small to see the enchanted beast.

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