Chapter 49- Wind Shackle

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Next, Cheng Yang started counting today's harvest.

To him, the biggest gain was obtaining the Redirection skill. However, after using this skill for no less than 50 times today, the skill proficiency only increased by a meager 2%. In addition, the skill required as much as 40 power values to learn, which was not something ordinary people could afford. Although the learning condition for the skill was only at low-order apprentice, but the 40 power values consumption wasn't something an ordinary low-order apprentice profession would have.

For Luo Feng Village, the biggest harvest was once again rescuing nearly 3,000 people, and previously the village had already rescued more than 6,000 people from Huimin Town. Plus those that were temporarily not yet rescued from Huimin town, Luo Feng Village's population would soon be able to break through 10,000.

Cheng Yang didn't know how much population was needed after the territory break through to town, but a figure of 10,000 wasn't small.

In addition, after a day's effort from the carpenters, 250 units of wood were harvested. The reason for the excess of harvest was due to having dedicated personnel responsible for transporting wood back from Huimin Town.

With 250 cubic units of wood, Cheng Yang could build two buildings. Cheng Yang used 100 units to build the Grocery Store, while the rest were used to construct level 1 residences.

Cheng Yang wasn't considering using all the woods to construct shops, since its current role was nothing more than selling a few items. As for learning craft skills, at this stage Luo Feng Village had no more than a few people that could have sufficient power value to purchase the corresponding recipe or drawing, let alone have enough power value to purchase the items needed to continuously used the craft skill*. [T/N: Should be like those vials Cheng Yang needed whenever he wants to produce mana potion.]

In fact, Cheng Yang wanted to build the wall first, because the scope of the level 1 wall was just too small, and fragile against more advanced order monsters attack. But level 2 walls required 500 cubic units of wood to be built, which Cheng Yang temporarily hadn't managed to scramble up, therefore he first used this portion of the wood to construct the residences.

After these people donated their wood to the village, each respectively received nearly 20 points of power value, which also included those responsible for transporting. In this regard, the world's rules was very fair.

However, now all these Carpenters earned power value went into the hands of Cheng Yang, increasing his power value.

Originally, Cheng Yang intended to temporarily leave these power value for them to use, but taking fairness into account, he decided to take the power value back. Cheng Yang's total power value had again reached 2,900 points, most of which were from the killing the enchanted beasts today. The power values obtained from these people returning the power value was only around 400 points.

At night, after Cheng Yang let all the refugees settle down, he ordered Luo Feng Village's five teams to go out and hunt. Specifically looking for enchanted beasts to kill, in order to satisfy the territory's population food demand. As for the staple food and fast food they obtained these past few days, Cheng Yang left them aside for a rainy day.

As for himself, after dividing 2,000 power values into two parts and giving it to selected professions, he took five men into the jungle. For professions in the early days of the apocalypse, every minute was precious. They were able to accumulate more power values, making their growth more beneficial.

The five people together with Cheng Yang were either a team captain or vice-captain, who Cheng Yang put his focus into training. In addition to lending them power value for their cultivation, giving them opportunities to gain more power value was also very necessary. So when these people grew up in the future, they would inevitably contribute more power value to Cheng Yang and the territory.

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