Tears Of Happiness

34 9 12

Chapter: 33

"Pinki, hang on right there"

After I finished watching the boys performance I was so happy I could feel tears coming out of my eyes but then suddenly this pain. I couldn't stop coughing. I was barely breathing and the worst was I was coughing blood.


Riyle was shouting at the top of her voice. She became panic seeing me like this.

"Yes, what happened?"

Soon the doctor entered the room hearing Riyle's voice. She took my hand and checked my pulse. I noticed the colour fading away from her face.


She shouted and summoned for a nurse. Few seconds later a nurse arrived.

"Hurry! We need to shift the patient to the OT"

She ordered and nurse nodded. She went outside and within some seconds she came with two more nurses. They brought a stretcher and laid me on it.

"Hurry up let's go"

The doctor ordered and the nurses started to push the stretcher. I saw Riyle following us. She was all heart broken. I could see tears rolling down over her cheeks.

"Riy... Riyle!"

I managed to call out her name and raised my right hand towards her. She took my hand and started to cry more loudly.

"I'm here Pinki"

She said looking at me with a smile. I returned the smile back and took out my phone from the hospital dress pocket using my left hand.

"What should I do with this?" She asked taking the phone.

"Ha..r... Harry.." I could barely speak to Riyle.

I was coughing continuously but I need to say this. I took a deep breath and looked at Riyle.

"There's a message in my inbox make sure Harry reads this" I coughed loudly.

I was not able to breathe. Everything was becoming dark around me. Riyle nodded quickly looking at me.

"I will give this phone to Harry" she signed "I will make sure he reads it"

"I wish I could know his reply" I said smiling a bit.

Riyle looked at me with a sad look and took a deep breath holding my hands and running with the nurses at the same time.

"Pinki look at me and listen very carefully" she said and I just nodded.

But it was too late. We reached the OT. The doctor opened the door and Riyle stopped the stretcher.

"Please one minute it's very important" Riyle requested the doctor.

"Okay, but quick!" She said and Riyle turned looking at me.

"Pinki, Harry loves you!" As she said that my eyes immediately became wide.

"You were never a third wheel between us, I was!" She said sniffing.

"That day when everything regarding Veronica ended and you disappeared" she paused and  took a breadth "I told my feelings to Harry"

My eyes become widen once more. She proposed him? What was Harry's reply? My mind got filled with thousands of questions.

"Want to know what was his reply?" She looked at me with a smirk and I nodded.

||Past|| That Day...

||Riyle is narrating to Pinki||

"Umm Harry" I called out Harry who was looking for you, Pinki.

"Yeah?" He looked at me.

"I think I should make this clear" I signed and looked at his green eyes "I like you since one year"

"What?" He looked at me with shock.

"Yes! I had this feelings for you which I wanted to make clear" I looked at him and he was standing quietly "I wanted to tell you before but because of all this caose.."

"Riyle.." he cut me off. He hold both of my shoulders and looked at me with a smile "I'm sorry!"

"I knew it" I said with a smile and he let go of me.

"I don't hate you Riyle it's just I never thought of you like that" he said scratching his head.

"Thought so.. sorry for the trouble" I said and he nodded.

"I have to go now and find out Pinki" he said turning back.

"HARRY!!" I called him and he turned back.


"You love her, right? Pinki!" As soon as I asked him that I saw him getting all red. He was blushing.

"Umm.." he started to rub his neck with his hand and looked at the ground.

"Am I right?" I asked and he looked at me.

"I used to hate her but as time passed and  we started to get along I discovered this feelings for her. I never thought this hate will change into some amazing feeling" he said while blushing and I nodded.

"You are lucky to have someone like Pinki" I said giggling.

"Nope! She is the lucky one to have me" he winked and ran away.


"So that's what happened! He loves you" Riyle said breathing heavily.

"Are you done? We are taking the patient inside now" the doctor said pushing the door wider.

"Pinki!" I opened my mouth looking at Riyle but nothing came out.

I had no words. I could only feel tears falling down my eyes. This time those tears didn't came out because of pain but happiness. I looked at Riyle with a smile and she smiled in return holding her tears back. Before the nurses took me inside the OT. I raised my hand and pointed my finger at Riyle.

"I love you..." I said biting my lower lip "I love you, Pragya, Chanyeol, Rei, Suga, Sayani, Zayn, Liam, Niall, Louis all of you and...."

I took a deep breath looking outside. The stretcher got inside the OT. As the door was going to close I whispered looking at Riyle.

"and ... I love you too, Harry"

Hahaha 😈😈 evil laugh~~~~ so how are you guys??.... Sorry for late update.... I was busy fucking myself.. LOL 😂 don't take that seriously... Yeah yeah I know... I talk to much.. whatever without talking anymore nonsense let's get into the point.... Vote and comment 😊😊 love you bye.. ❤❤

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