Two Hours

30 8 1

Chapter: 31

"Umm" I was lying on my bed waiting for the nurse to take me to the operation theatre.

"Are you ok?" Riyle asked sitting near me, looking at me with concern.

"Yeah!" I signed looking up at the ceiling.

I hope they will get selected. I really want to meet Harry. Only two hours left before I go to the operation theatre. Can't I see Harry for once?

"Pinki?" I looked at Riyle "do you want to meet Harry?"

" it's just" I blushed turning my head to the other side.

"I know you love him Pinki, there is nothing to hide" she said and my eyes become wide.

"How do you...?" I saw her smile.

No one knows about my feelings not even Pragya and Rei. How did she find out?

"I can feel you" she said with a smile.

"What about your feelings?" I asked her and she looked at the ground.

As Pragya said, Riyle loves Harry. So I don't think I should be the third wheel between them.

"Leave it!" She said with a smile.

"No! Tell me, what about you?" I asked and she took her phone out.

"Want to know what is happening at the X-FACTOR??" She said with a smirk.

"How can you find that?" I asked and she smirked.

"By calling them of course" she dialed someone's number and waited for the one to pick it up.

"Hello! Pragya?" She asked looking at me with a smile.

"Yes!" Riyle turned on the phone to loud speaker so that I could also hear.

"Hey how is everything going on?" She asked Pragya.

"They are on the stage, they are going to perform" Riyle suddenly got up from the chair.

"Wait let's video call" she said and Pragya agreed.

Riyle called her and soon both of us could see Pragya.

"Look at this big screen" Pragya said positioning her phone towards the screen.

I could see Harry and the rest of the boys standing in front of the judges.

"What is going to happen?"

Yeah! Yeah! I know this chapter was too short but I'm really tried this days... Me and my friends had to deal with this accounts which were trolling around.. anyway hope you liked this much... Have a great day ❤

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