Past Friendship

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Chapter: 22

"I'm back" I opened the door getting inside and closed it behind me.

"Sayani!! SAYANI!!" I called my sister twice but she didn't reply.

Oh right!! It's New year she must be in Zayn's house with everyone else drinking and celebrating. I should be there right now. After all this drama with that bitch I'm tired. I need some fresh air. I think I should go there and enjoy with them. It will help me refreshing my mind.

"My phone?" It was not in my pocket. Maybe I left it on my bed.

I went to my room to search for it. As I opened the door to enter my room I got hurt on my foot.

"Shit! I didn't notice the closet" I sat near the closet and noticed a bracelet lying on the floor at the corner.

I stopped cleaning my room it has been months. Things are lying around everywhere. I picked up the bracelet which was lying at the corner. That's when the flash back hit me.

"Pragya's bracelet" I mumbled to myself looking at it.

It was Pragya's bracelet. She left it before going out of my life. Leaving me alone.

*1 year ago*

"So what's your name sweetie" I was as usual bulling someone with my friends and sister.

"Riyle" she said shivering.

"Bad name" I said and everybody started laughing "how about we give you a name?"

"Yeah good idea bro" Sayani said with a smirk.

"Guys anybody wants to give this little girl a nickname? Liam?" I asked looking at him.

"How about tiny?" He said looking at her "look at her such a tiny looking creature"

"Aww!! Look we gave you such a cute name" I said and noticed the girl almost crying.

"Ohh why are you crying tiny?" Everyone started laughing looking at her.

"Stop bullying her" I looked up and saw Pragya standing with her friends.

"Oh look who are here peace making group" I said giggling "now what will you do call your daddy? I mean the Principal"

Everyone started laughing and Pragya signed looking at me. She was our good friend along with her group. YES!! she was our good friend. Shocking right!! She is the daughter of your Principal. Rich, beautiful, talented but no attitude. That's what I use to like about her. She helped us a lot. She helped both me and my sister to take admission in this high school where my aunt was not ready to give money. Pragya's dad arranged scholarship for both of us. We used to do top so we had that advantage. Beside this she helped a lot. She knew how cruel my aunt was. She knew the torture my aunt used to do on me and my sister. So she took the help of her dad to arrange an apartment for us. Yeah the apartment we are staying right now. She even arranged jobs for us she was so kind and good hearted. That's the reason I can never get angry on her.

"You may go" she said to the girl name Riyle and she left.

"Come on Pragya it was so much fun" I said making a puppy face.

"Shut up Harry do you remember today is the fresher's party" she said crossing her arms.

"You guys are going to perform right!" Rei said looking at us.

"You guys should practice instead of roaming around and bulling people" Chanyeol said smiling.

"They don't need to do practice they rock all the time" Suga said giggling.

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