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"So, how is my princess, Pinki?" I asked carrying her on my arms.

"Gud!" She said mumbling and I laughed.

She still can't talk clearly, after all she is just 3 years old little baby.

"Pinki, sweetheart how many times mumma has to tell you don't call your uncle by his name" Sayani, my sister came walking towards us.

"It's alright! Sis, she will learn everything soon, she is your and Zayn's child after all" I said giggling and she signed.

"Are you ok? Do you need a chair to sit?" I asked as I saw my sister, Sayani feeling tired.

I put Pinki down and bought a chair for Sayani. She sit down slowly, hovering hands over her belly.

"It's quite tough to be pregnant for the second time" she said smiling.

"Where is Zayn and the others?" I asked and Sayani pointed her fingers near one big tree.

"Let Pinki take Harry" Pinki hold my hand and started to pull me, I followed her and Sayani waved at us.

"Hey Harry!" Zayn looked at me with a bright smile. He put down his glass of wine on the table and hugged me.

"How are you mate?" He asked pulling me back from the hug.

"I'm good, but what you have done to my sister huh??" I smirked looking at him and he blushed.

"Harry!!" I turned back to the voice and saw everyone.

"Hey guys!!" I smiled looking at them.

Today, 21st October, all of us gathered to celebrate Pinki's birthday. It has been 8 years she left all of us. I can never forget that day when she left me. I cried so much sitting in the hospital bed. That bed where Pinki was breathing for the last time. Thinking about all this tears came out of my eyes.

"Hey Harry you ok?" Louis asked looking at me.

"Yay I'm ok! Let's go cut the cake" we all gathered in front of a big table covered with white table cloth.

"Babe! you sit here" Zayn hold Sayani and made her sit on the chair carefully.

"Can I fuu?" Pinki asked and everyone started laughing.

"Yes you may blow, I mean fuu the candles princess" I said smiling.

"Fuu" she blew the candles and we started to sing happy birthday.

Yes our little princess was born today, same day as Pinki so Sayani decided to name her first child Pinki. My happiness came back the day princess was born. Her smile reminds me of Pinki so much.

"Yay!! Now cut the cake!" I said holding her hand. She cut a small piece of cake and feed me first.

After few minutes everyone was eating and gossiping about their life.

"So Simon still calls you to become judge in reality shows?" Liam asked Louis and he signed.

"Hahaha" Niall laughed loudly as usual.

Within this 8 years many things happened. We became third in X-FACTOR. Then we got a chance to record our own song which surprisingly became a hit. After 4 years being the biggest boy band of the whole world, Zayn left. He wanted to marry Sayani and make his own career. Then after 1 year we all went to our separate ways and now all the 5 of us are successful solo artist.

"Hey guys!" I turned back to see Pragya and the others.

"Look the famous member of EXO and BTS is here, OMG!!" Louis said sarcastically and we all laughed.

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