Who Am I to you?

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Chapter: 15

"Help service Pinki is here" she stick her tongue out looking at me.

"What do you want?" I asked rudely. I don't want her to be here. She will give me trouble instead of helping me.

"I'm here to help" she said smiling.

"Go home, it will be the best help" I said to her smiling back.

"You have a nice house"


This girl is trying to piss me off but I won't let that happen. I will treat her in such a way she will run away.

"So you are here to help me?" I smirked looking at her getting close to her.

"Well yes" I pushed her against the wall and leaned over her. I saw her getting nervous. Huh! I won't let you stay here.

"You shouldn't have come alone. You know I can do things to you" I smirked looking at her. Suddenly her facial expression changed and she put her hand on my forehead.


Why? Why is she so concerned about me?

"I don't want to" I say making a poker face "it's boring lying on bed for the whole day"




Why I obeyed her? Who is she? I never listened to anyone? Then who is she?

"Did you eat something?" She asked looking at me. Her eyes are so pretty. Wait! What are you thinking Harry?

"Yes I had salty chicken soup made by my sister" I said giggling and started to laugh looking at her face. It was speechless.

"Ok I get it! I will make you porridge" she turned to move towards the kitchen.

"Why?" I asked. She turned again looking at me "why are you doing all this?"

"I... I" she was blushing looking at the ground. Wait she was blushing?

"I just wanted to help" she said looking at me "my mom taught me to help others"

"So your mom is a good lady not like you" I said smirking.

"Shut up" she went to the kitchen. After few minutes she came back with a bowl and spoon.

"You overcooked the rice" I said looking at the porridge she made "now it has become white soup"

"Shut up and eat" she said crossing hands over her chest "It looks bad but it will taste good" she said looking at me.

"Ok!" I said holding the spoon.

"How is it?" She asked with excitement.

"I'm speechless" it was really good but I don't like to appreciate people so I decided to tease her "I never knew there was such way to kill the natural flavour of food"

"Oh! I see" I saw her getting upset. Poor girl but I was having fun.

"You play guitar?" I follow her gaze and find out she was staring at my guitar.

"Yes I have this love for different instruments" I said having another spoon of porridge.

"It means you can sing right?" She asked getting excited.

"Yes we all can me, Niall, Liam, Louis, Zayn we are like a band" I said giggling "you took late admission or you could have seen us performing at the Freshers party"


"I'm done" I said finishing the bowl of porridge.

"But you said it's not good" she raised her eyebrow and I cough.

"Lier" she said under her breath but I hear it giving no response. I saw her smiling. Is she so happy just because I liked the porridge?

"Hey! Hey!" She again looked at me in excitement.

"What?" I asked wondering what stupid thing she will made me do now.

"Can you play this guitar and sing for me?" She asked taking out the guitar from its place and holding it. As I saw her standing with it smiling widely I bust out laughing.

"Play the guitar FOR YOU" I kept on laughing until I saw her looking sad.

"Yeah right who am I?" She said smiling "forget it"

She took the bowl and went to the kitchen and started washing the dishes. After sometime she took the thermometer and measured my temperature.

"It's normal now" she said smiling "I think I should go now you take rest"

She was speaking so calmly. Is she so hurt because I rejected to sing for her?

"Ok I'll be going then take care"

"Wait" suddenly this word came out of my mouth. Why I stopped her?


"Sit here I'll play the guitar" I said looking outside the window.


"No need to be so excited I'll just sing two lines. I have fever remember? I'm weak"

"No problem" she said bringing the guitar again and sitting in front of me. She was staring at me with sparkling eyes. Wait am I blushing?


"You are like a punk getting pissed at people who make eye contact with you" she said laughing which made me blush more.


"ok ok" she looked away from me. I took a long breath and started to sing.

"I got a heart
And I got a soul
Believe me I will use them both
We made a start
Be it a false one, I know
Baby, I don't want to feel alone"

As I was singing I saw her smiling and taping her foot on the ground. She was actually liking the song. And I was happy.

"That's it?" She turned looking at me.

"You should be great full I sang more than two lines" I said keeping the guitar aside "and I'm still writing the song. It's not complete yet"

"The song was really good" I looked at her with wide eyes "I hope you will finish it soon and play it for me again"

"Huh! Who are you? that I'll  play for you" she was still smiling looking at me.

"Ask yourself who am I to you" she winked looking at me and unlock the door.

"Goodbye Harry"

"Bye-bye" I said sarcastically and she laughed. She closed the door behind her and left.

"Finally" I lie down on my bed and start thinking about her words.


"Ask yourself who am I to you"

I turned around looking at my dad's picture on the wall.

"No one!"

Hey everyone! Sorry for the late update! I'm really busy sleeping and eating LOL 😂 anyway please vote and comment. Love you.

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