His Dimples!

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Chapter: 10

"What do you want?" Harry asked me getting annoyed.

"Ask more nicely" I winked looking at him and he signed.

"How can I help you mam?" He asked smiling and I burst out laughing.

I noticed he has dimples. Looks really adorable!

"Whoah...ha haha" I put my hands on my mouth trying my best not to laugh.

"Just say" he stepped closer and raised one of his eyebrow.

"Ok ok" I controlled my laughter and took a deep breath.

"How did you find out I work here?" He asked guiding me to the shelves.

"Secret" I said while following him and suddenly he turned back coming closer to me.

"Are you trying to find out everything about me?" He said smirking.

"Don't have the slightest interest to do that" I put my index finger on his forehead and pushed him away from me.

I know you will push me away from helping you if I tell you everything so it will be best to keep my mouth shut.

"Now hurry up and tell what do you want?" He asked waving hand in front of my eyes.

"DVD of a movie" I said coming back to reality.

"What movie? Something Romantic?" He said sarcastically laughing.

"Nope" I smirked looking at him "I want a movie where a boy bullies around everyone and then a girl fights him back and at the end the boy begs the girl to let him go kneeling down on his knees"

"Is that a movie directed by you?" He said laughing "what's the name of the movie? Harry the bad boy, bulling around?"

"Nope! Pinki's revenge on Harry" we  both bursted out laughing.

I could see his dimples again. He is so cute when he smiles. No! No! Control Pinki control.

"See dreams baby girl" he said smirking "this is not gonna happen not even in your wildest dreams"

"Whatever, the DVD?" I raised up my hand asking for it.

"I don't think this type of movie exit" he said making a poker face "oh wait a minute it does"

"Oh then give me" I said smiling and he smirked.

"Wait in front of the counter I'm bringing it wrapping nicely for you" he said smiling looking at me. I nodded and stood in front of the counter. Few minutes later he appears with a smile holding the DVD.

AHH! I feel like I can spend the whole day just looking at his dimples!

"It's a really nice movie you will like it" he said sending me a wink.

"Thanks" I said rolling my eyes.

"Buy or rent?" He asked looking at the computer.

"Sorry?" I said awkwardly.

"Idiot!" He signed looking up at me "you want to buy it or rent it?"

"Oh!" I said slightly laughing and he seemed annoyed "I'll rent"

"Ok you have to return it after one week" he said putting the DVD inside the plastic.

"Hey Harry" I called him and he looked at me with his gorgeous green eyes.

"What?" He asked casually without being rude.

"Nah nothing just... leave" I said taking the plastic from him.

"You're weird" he said rolling his eyes.

"Bye!" I waved my hand and he showed me his middle finger.

What an asshole! He should smile more. He looks so cute with dimples on his cheeks.


"Why did I react like that?" I mumbled to myself.

I never acted like that before. I called him and then nothing came out of my mouth. Pinki you've become insane! Just go home and watch the DVD.

"Speaking of the DVD" I opened the plastic and found one small peice of paper. I opened it and start reading.

Baby girl, this DVD is perfect for you. Watch it! There are two girls instead of one boy who bully around others. I hope you will like it and admire the two girl's ;)
                                            - H

"When did he get time to write this and put it inside the plastic?" I mumbled to myself and took out the DVD.

"You must be kidding" I was standing like a statue holding the peice of paper in my hand.

I feel like an idiot right now! This boy drives me crazy! I mean seriously!!!


LOL!! Hey guys!! I hope you find this chapter funny. Please vote and COMMENT! Yes comment please please please it's just my two friends who comments. I beg you guys please comment I wanna read your opinions on this story. So please comment. Love you...

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