Surprise Of New Year's Night

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Chapter: 21

"Mm" I opened my eyes and found myself inside a dark room. Where am I? Its so calm here but I can hear music coming from downstairs. As I was thinking where am I suddenly I saw the door of this room opening slowly.

"Hey you awake?" I saw a tall figure standing. Listening to the voice I think  its a girl I'm familiar with.

"Sayani?" She was standing there holding a glass of wine.

"Do you remember anything? Like what happened??" I shake my head no looking at her.

"What happened?" I asked looking at her then I remembered I got senseless after having that fight with Harry.  Where is Harry? How I reached here? How she find me? All this questions were arising inside my mind when I saw someone getting inside the room passing Sayani.

"Are you okay now?" A guy with brown hair and blue eyes came and sat beside me on the bed. He is one of the member in One Direction. What was his name? Louis?

"Yeah!! I'm okay now" I said and he smiled looking at me "How did you guys find me?"

"You were lying on the road" Another one with brown hair entered the room. He is Liam as I remember.

"Yes!! We saw you lying on the road and so we bought you here" Louis said with a smile and I nodded.

"Why did you help me?" I asked them. Of course!! I have the right to ask them. Few days ago they used to put juice on me, throw my bag, throw me inside dustbin now suddenly helping me.

"Well we are humans Pinki and seeing someone lying on the road senseless. Our conscience is not that cruel you know" A guy with blond hair came inside the room with a glass of water. I remember him. He is the Irish one. Niall!!

"Thank you so much for helping me" I said taking the glass of water from his hand.

"No problem! Are you feeling good now?" Niall asked looking at me with a smile.

"Better!!" I responded and he nodded taking the glass back from me.

"You can stay here as long as you want" Sayani said looking at me with concern.

"No I think I should leave now" I said getting up from the bed. The room I was in was huge. I wonder whose house is this? I slowly stepped out of the room and went downstairs. I saw everyone dancing. The music was in full volume. Drinks were served by the bartender. What is going on in this house? Then I saw Zayn walking towards us holding a glass of some certain alcohol.

"Hey! Pinki Are you okay?" He asked with a smile. I smiled back and nodded. Is he drunk? he is constantly laughing.

"Zayn Babe!! Let's go upstairs Yeah?" Sayani hold Zayn's arm by her shoulder and took him upstairs. I was a bit surprised to see Zayn like that.

"What is this party about?" I asked looking at them.

"Are you joking? You really don't know?" Louis asked laughing and I shake my head no!

"Oh God! Its New Year's party" my eyes become widen. Now I remember everything I went outside to meet my friends then had a fight with Pragya then Harry. Oh God!! I need to apologize to Pragya. I need to go home too. My mom is gonna kill me.

"Oh Shit!!" I mumbled to myself almost tearing my hair.

"What happened?" Liam asked looking at my weird behavior.

"I'm done" This is what I could say that time. I could not think of anything. How am I suppose to talk to Harry? Well First what I need to do is apologize to Pragya. I have done a big mistake.

"Would you like to explain?" Niall asked looking at me. Should I tell them? Well they are Harry's friends so they have the right to know what happened. I looked at them and decided to tell them everything. After like twenty minutes I explained them everything. They all were looking angry. Why?

"You mean Pragya who left Harry without giving him a chance to explain" Louis said with an angry tone. I don't know how to respond but I nodded.

"Tell me something guys" I said and everyone stared at me "Why do you guys hate each other?"

"Cause that day if Pragya would have listened to Harry for once then both of them would be still together without any trouble" We turned around and saw Sayani standing behind us.

"What do you mean?" I asked. though I find out the answer I wanted to know the story from the depth. I looked at Sayani and she looked back. I was waiting for her to speak when suddenly Louis opened his mouth.

"Harry and Pragya had a relationship between each other a year ago"

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