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Chapter: 29

"It's finally our turn guys" I said looking at my band mates Louis, Liam, Niall and Zayn.

"You will do great everyone" my sister Sayani said showing all of us a thumbs up.

"Rock it out there guys" Pragya said with a bright smile.

"Ok let's go then!" Liam said going first and we followed him.

It was the day of audition in X-FACTOR. We practiced a lot for this day. I hope we get selected. The judges where sitting in their chairs waiting for us.

"And the next performer is a boy band one direction" the anchor of the show called our name.

My heart beat increased but not as much as like that when I heard the news of Pinki one week ago.


" in the Hospital" Pragya screamed and the phone fall on the ground from my hand.

"Harry what happened?" Sayani asked holding me by the shoulder.

", Sh..she is in the" I said trembling my hands were shaking and I couldn't find any words.

"Relax Harry let's go to the hospital" Sayani said and I nodded.

We took a cab as soon as possible. Sayani called Pragya again and asked for the address. Then she called the called the boys. Soon after 20 minutes we reached the city hospital.

Both of us went to the reception and asked for Pinki. The receptionist informed us she is in room no.19. We walked towards the room and saw Mrs. Scarlet standing in front of the room.

"Mrs. Scarlet!" I managed to call her and she looked at me with teary eyes.

"Harry!" She bust out crying and Sayani hugged her.

"How this all happened Mrs.Scarlet?" Sayani asked and she looked at us.

We got interrupted by Pragya and others who were holding some snacks.

"Thank God Harry you came" Rei said looking at me and Pragya just nodded.

"Mrs. Scarlet please eat something. You didn't eat anything since hours" Suga said giving her a sandwich but she dined to eat.

"Please Mrs Scarlet" Chanyeol said with concern.

"How can I eat at a time like this" she said whipping tears coming out of her eyes.

"What actually happened?" I asked and she looked at me.

"After you left suddenly I heard Pinki coughing loudly" she signed "I went to her room and saw her coughing"

"I saw her coughing once inside the store. I asked her about it but she said it's just cold" I informed Mrs Scarlet but she shaked her head.

"It's not cold" she said sobbing "when I get inside her room I saw her coughing blood"

"" I was shocked and so was everyone.

Many questions were coming in my mind and as I wanted to ask them the doctor came outside of the room.

"Doctor is my daughter ok?" Mrs Scarlet asked in hurry getting tense.

"Your daughter has very less time" the doctor said and I could see tears forming in Mrs Scarlet's eyes.

"I'm sorry" the doctor said and left the place.

But what is the actual matter? What did he meant by Pinki has very less time? I looked at Mrs Scarlet, she slowly sat down in one of the chair. She didn't have words to say. I bend down on my knees in front of Mrs Scarlet.

"Mrs Scarlet!" That's what I could say looking at her. She looked at me with a small smile.

"She hide it from you all" she signed "she is suffering from this since years. Finally the time came"

"What do you mean Mrs Scarlet?" I could feel tears coming out of my eyes rolling down my cheeks.

"Pinki has lung cancer"

Holla!!!! Hope you liked this chapter....😉😉😉😉😉😉😉

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