Nobody// You x Depressed! Fem! Reader

Start from the beginning

           t h e 

a b y s s

she didn't waste time. she tried to comfort you, caressing the masses of (h/c) locks, whispering sweet nothings into the other's ears, softly, careful to avoid triggering you. careful as she was, you became furious and thrashed about in you's arms, shrieking for her to leave you alone.

stubbornly, she didn't

she knew about your depression and your tendency to inflict harm on yourself. she couldn't bear seeing you like this, seeing another scar on your porcelain skin.

t h e  c a r n i v o r o u s  

b e i n g  o f  a n x i e t y -


please make it stop.

"you're alright now, (y/n)-chan, you're gonna be alright" she whispered, nuzzling onto your neck. you raised a curled fist, eyes blazing with rage, then became still. her voice, a voice so smooth, and sweeter than honey. a voice that could rival a choir of angels. like an orgasmic pleasure for your ears. it was her voice only that could grant you passage to a state of tranquility. you lowered your fists as salty tears began to dry out. 

l i g h t

a t  t h e  e n d  o f  t h e  a b y s s ;

a  t u n n e l  o f  l i g h t


it finally stopped.

"i...i-is it o-over...?" you sniveled, looking up at you, eyes bloodshot from crying, dark bags clear as day, from restless nights. 

a n  a n g e l

w i t h  t h e  m o s t  g e n t l e  o c e a n - b  l u e  e y e s

a n d  a  s m i l e ,  p l e a s a n t  f o r  t h e  e y e  t o  s e e

a r m s  o u t s t r e t c h e d , w a i t i n g  f o r  y o u  t o  l a n d

"yes" you smiled. "it's all over now"

y o u  l a n d  i n  t h e  a n g e l ' s  a r m s

she grabbed you by the collar of your blouse, and placed her soft lips against you chapped ones, bringing color back onto your sickly-pale skin. she giggles against the kiss, seeing the red shade erupting on your face. moments later, she pulls away, and looked around the messy bathroom.

"looks like we've got to clean up, huh?" she chuckled, picking up the razor nearby and chucking it to the bin beside her. she looked back at you, and noticed your uncomfortableness. her mouth forms a thin line as she quickly captured you into another hug.

"don't listen to those brutes, you're not a nobody" your dead eyes widen. "they're probably just jealous you have me as your girlfriend" she smiled, unknowingly witnessing that her words brought vibrancy to those dead eyes.

"i love you, y'know?"

you was like a novocaine, your own anaesthetic. she eased your pain. she was the needle, her kisses and words were the drugs.

and you were addicted.

but soon enough, the side effects will come.

how can something so enticing, have such awful side effects?


lel i don't know what I just wrote

Next up: Kotori x Futa! Fem! Reader (L)

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