"Man kann's ja mal probieren. Woher sind Sie eigentlich? (You can try at least. Where are you from?)"

"South Shields in England."

"England? Ich höre keinen Akzent, wenn Sie sprechen. Ihre Schüler scheinen sehr begeistert und interessiert zu sein.(England? I can't hear an accent when you're speaking. Your students seem to be very enthusiastic and interested)"

"Ich habe Familie hier und spreche auch Dialekt, ich habe Deutsch schon als Kind gelernt. Ja, es ist toll zu sehen wie sich die Schüler auch mit ausländischer Geschichte befassen und alles hier genießen.(I've got family here and I'm able to speak dialect as well, I've learned German as a kid. Yeah, it's great to see the students how they deal with abroad history and enjoy everything here.)"

"Ahh, also ist es das erste Mal hier in Österreich für die Schüler? (Ahh, so it's the first time here in Austria for the students?)"

"Ja, ich denke das einzige, das sie bisher von Österreich wissen ist, dass Schnitzel und Walzer von hier sind und das Österreich mit Conchita Wurst den Song Contest gewonnen hat.(Yeah, I think everything they've heared about Austria so far is that Schnitzel and Walzer are from here and that Austria won the Song Contest with Conchita Wurst)"

He laughed a bit at the Conchita Wurst part. "Dann wissen sie die wichtigsten Dinge.(Then they know the most important things)" he joked, causing me to laugh.

"So ziemlich, mir ist es aber sehr wichtig, dass sie mehr darüber wissen, es ist so ein schönes Land und alles was sie darüber wissen ist Essen, ein Tanz und eine Frau mit Bart und vielleicht sogar Arnold Schwarzenegger (Yeah pretty much, but it's very important to me that they know more about it, it's such a beautiful country and all they know about is, is food, a dance and a bearded lady and maybe even Arnold Schwarzenegger)"

We chatted a bit longer and he toured us through the castle, telling historical and fun facts, making the tour not boring and all about history but filled it with fun and easyness. I'm glad we got a good guide because the last time i was here the tour was soo boring I wanted to end it 2 minutes into the tour.

Right now we're on our way to Tiergarten Schönbrunn. "Alright guys, so Tiergarten Schönbrunn is the world's oldest zoo. And it's very beautiful like it's so cute when they feed the animals"

We all were very excited to be here and I noticed that everywhere there were lots of posters of the Life Ball, a charity event for aids and HIV positive infected people. It's famous for the celebrities that come there and their extravagant style.

Charly, one of my students, went up to me and asked, "Miss, can we go to the Life Ball? It's today and we don't have anything planned for tonight"

"Yeah, Pez can we go ther?" Kat asked.

"It's impossible to get tickets that fast. It's probably already sold out and the tickets are very expensive. I'm sorry guys"

I looked at their defeated faces and felt bad. I looked at the poster again and read "Special guests, Conchita Wurst and a mystery worldwide known famous British singer" That brought an idea to my head and we went to the zoo, me still wondering if my plan would work.

Jade's POV

It's been 2 days without Pez. I'm so lost, I don't know what to do. I miss her so terribly. Right now I lay on my bed in her jumper, not seeing a point in getting up, because my loved one isn't here. Every time I try to sleep I wake up and I'm even more sad seeing my beautiful blonde not beside me.

Every time I close my eyes I see her. Her mesmerizing blue eyes. Her beautiful blonde hair. Her plump pink lips that are so soft when they touch mine. Her nose that scrunches up so adorably when you kiss it. Her voice that sounds so soft yet so strong. Her laying in my arms. Her face she puts in the crook of my neck when we hug or cuddle and how she'd press light kisses on my neck, making me feel on top of the world and so loved. Her eyebrows she furrows when she doesn't get what you mean. Her melodic giggl-

You can't plan everything (Jerrie)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora