
Julie started back for the pack house, a foreboding feeling creeping over her skin, digging deep into her bones. What if Ollie really did intend to start the war soon? Her brothers would become her enemies. Her new family would get hurt. They wouldn't have their beta to help them. She would have to face the terrors of war all over again. Could she really deal with it? Could she really chose between her Alpha, her friends and family over her own flesh and blood?

She turned around, wanting to voice these fears to Dresden. She hoped he would help settle her mind. Instead, she found a wounded tree and in the distance, a wolf howled. She swallowed her fears. He had too much on his mind at the moment anyway.

Inside, Sheila was sitting next to Jack who was sleeping soundly. She had his hand in her lap and she kept her eyes on him, staring with so much emotion, Julie wanted to hug her. Julie looked down at her beta, only able to guess how bad his wounds really were. She felt herself flinch just at the site of him.

"It's not good to move him yet." Sheila explained, staring at him gravely. Julie could see that Sheila cared deeply for him, despite not being his mate. Whether that was because they were kin as Were or because of their relationship during this whole matin season, she wasn't sure. But she knew Sheila would do anything for Jack and she was struggling hard to keep it together. "He'd be more comfortable in his own room though."

"What do you think is going to happen?" Julie asked her softly, standing next to the she-wolf.

"About what?"

"The war with Ollie, Jack's attacker...everything," she sighed, reaching over and brushing some of Jack's hair off of his face. He let out a snore and she smiled. Sheila scoffed at her.

"We're going to kill them, of course."

Julie felt like that was Sheila's way of assuring her, telling her that they would all be safe and sound. But the thought of killing her brothers hit her like a heavy boulder that she just couldn't avoid. She gave a small smile to Sheila and left her to her tendering, loving and caring that Jack desperately needed. She headed back for Dresden's bedroom, despite finally being freed from it. She didn't want to get in anyone's way and she didn't want to stay next to Jack, as guilty as she felt for it. He just reminded her too much of her old pack, wounded and pained.

Kris and her mate, Steve, were talking feverishly on the second floor. When they sensed her coming, they quieted. They kissed each other goodbye and then Steve left, passing Julie with a smile.

"I didn't mean to interrupt." Kris shook her head, giving her a warm smile.

"You didn't. Dresden was calling for him." She stared at Julie and her smile faded. "Are you alright?" Julie hesitated. She wanted to voice her fears to someone but she feared Kris wouldn't be as accepting to them as Dresden, despite how motherly she was.

"I'm fine," She gave Kris her best smile and resumed going up the stairs.

"It's just," Kris called out to her, stopping her. "With all of the injuries you had, even if we don't know the full story, we figured seeing Jack like that might bring up some bad voodoo." Julie felt her heart ache. Here Kris was, along with whoever she was talking about, worrying about her and she couldn't even trust Kris enough to voice her fears. She returned, her fingers picking at each other in front of her.

"Thanks but I'm fine. It's Jack we should be worried about. It's just..." She hesitated, finding the right way to word things without sounding like a traitor to her own pack. She was the only one who had connections to Ollie's pack. Would Kris even understand?

"What's on your mind?" Kris smiled at her, setting her hand on top of Julie's to stop the nervous habit.

"With everything that's happened, with Ollie acting like he is, do you ever think that something's missing? That this war shouldn't go on?" Kris shrugged.

"I wasn't there the day Ollie and Dresden got into it. All I know is that Ollie thinks Dresden has his sister and he's willing to go to war for her. It would make sense only Dresden doesn't have Trisha. Still, Ollie's willing to kill us because of that. And I think we're not going to let that happen." Julie sighed, agreeing.

"But with Jack's attacker - this Ian guy - don't you think that something doesn't make sense? I mean, there's the rumor that someone's going around and attacking the packs. Ollie was just fine not too long ago and suddenly, Trisha is missing. And all of the suspicion is on Dresden. And now, Jack is wounded. What would give Ollie the reason to believe that Dresden is the cause for it? And why would Ian attack Jack?"

"I don't know Julie. Right now, Dresden is just trying to focus on the war here at home. He'll get to Ian eventually but he can't leave his territory in peril. Jack's important but even Jack knows that stopping this war or defending ourselves during it comes first." She explained, squeezing Julie's hand. "What are you really worried about though?"

"I'll be up against my brothers." Julie admitted, her voice mumbling. "I don't know if I can do that." Kris sighed at the Alpha mate, her heart going out to her. She didn't have siblings to understand how Julie felt but she imagined it was like a love triangle. She'd have to pick a side eventually and if she didn't chose carefully, someone would end up hurt. Kris did the only thing she could do. She pulled Julie into a hug and held her tightly, showing her some support. Julie was stiff at first, surprised that Kris was hugging her, but then she broke down and accepted Kris's kindness.

"Luckily for you, you can't phase. Dresden wouldn't make you fight in that condition and he definitely wouldn't pin you against your brothers. If this war does happen," Kris started, pulling away to look at Julie. "Dresden won't just sit around and let them attack. He's going to fight back. It's in his nature much like the rest of us. But, if it helps any, I'll make sure I'm the one who goes against your brothers. And I won't kill them. I'll just injure them enough so that they can't fight for the rest of the war."

Julie felt her confidence fade. She has seen her brothers wounded before. They might have healed within weeks but it was still a bloody nightmare that she wished she never has to see again. Still, Kris was giving her a way to protect her brothers even if it meant harming them. They were better wounded than they were dead. She wouldn't know what she would do if they died because of her pack.

"I'll take what I can get." She smiled, thanking Kris. 

Author's Note:

I have to share this song. I love it. It's classical, of course. It's still amazing. It has vocals in it unlike most classical selectiions ITunes radio has given me and its hauntingly beautiful. Yeah, that's a contradiction. I think? 

4 Songs Op 13: 3 Sure On This Shining Night - Kyle Bielfield & Lachlan Glen

That's it for today. Next chapter will be another Andy chapter and then the fatal event: Ollie attacks! After that, Julie gets into some deep, deep trouble. Honestly, she's careless. Her emotions get the better of her. 

Until we meet again!

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