20. Ollie's Troubles (short)

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Ollie looked at his watch. It was about time he phased and headed over for the secret spot where he and Dresden liked to hold council. It was mandatory that the spot changed with every new Alpha while the two packs were allied. This way, they could sure that their meeting would be held in secret. Only the two of them went and only they knew when and where to go. He walked off, away from the pack house, leaving Paul in charge. They were still playing their games but he didn't pay attention to see who was winning. He imagined it would've been Paul's team but with Andy as the captian on the opponent's side, he couldn't be sure.

He phased and ran through the woods. his senses checking the surrounding areas in case anyone might be nearby. He and Dresden did this and just in case someone was too close to the rendezvous point, they would settle for their second choice - a back up spot where they hold council instead. He didn't sense anyone close by. He got to the point early and he howled impatiently, hoping that Dresden wouldn't keep him waiting for long. He heard a reply, sounding anywhere from a mile to a mile and a half away and waited. Dresden's black wolf showed up a few moments later. Both of them nodded a greeting at each other and then proceeded to double check the area for any spying eyes or eavesdropping ears.

They phased and changed into jeans from the clothes box hidden under a nearby rock. Neither of them spoke until they were done and when they were, Ollie was the first to do so. He was eager to dig further into the rumors.

"How are things going with Julie?" He leaned back against the rock, crossing his arms over his bare chest. Dresden shrugged, kneeling a few feet from him.

"Good." He answered shortly. That didn't give much information to Ollie about her whereabouts. Was he keeping her at home? Was she locked up somewhere else? Or was it all just speculation on some troublesome rumors? "Is everything alright with your pack?"

"Everything's good." Ollie affirmed. "Paul just got back from checking on a little issue in the north but it's settled for now." Dresden's eyes narrowed at him.

"You've heard the rumors right?" Ollie glanced at him, waiting to hear what he would have to say. "Some pack is attacking the smaller ones."

"I'm aware of that," Ollie wondered if Dresden wasn't telling him everything. Was he actually going behind Ollie's back? "Paul went up to look after the packs for a few days just to be sure. Are your territories alright?"

"As far as I know, they're in the clear. I just updated border control on Sunday with Steve. If the rumors are true, we won't be an easy target." Ollie took this as a sign. It could be Dresden just updating his security and informing Ollie about it. Or it could be Dresden trying to warn Ollie, in case he was thinking about attacking.

"You haven't expanded your lands lately?" He ventured, watching Dresden carefully for any hidden signs. Dresden snorted, standing up.

"Are you kidding? I've got enough as it is." He retorted, shaking his head. "Is your financial situation under control?"

"Our omegas finally finished updating their homes so they're safe now and we can start handing out allowances fairly again." Ollie sighed, honestly glad that his omegas were finished. The entire financial situation had been giving him headaches. And on top of mating season, it was not a healthy combination. 

"My pack is going to have a party this weekend. If anything happens, let me know.  It's just those of us at the pack house if not close by. It shouldn't be an issue with the borders." Ollie nodded, wondering what they could be celebrating now. He remembered when Dresden invited the entire pack for a party. Ollie had been woken up at two in the morning to handle wandering drunk wolves crossing onto his lands.

"Just keep it under control."

"How's the old man?" Dresden asked, smirking. Ollie stared blankly at his opponent, wondering where his fascination with Ollie's Dad came from.

"He was concerned about you becoming the prime Alpha but you don't need to worry about him challenging it." Dresden smirked.


Ollie and Dresden finsihed up their council, reminding each other of new updates to the pact and of little changes each of them made within their own territories. Ollie never mentioned Ian and Dresden didn't bring up the rumors again. Ollie couldn't be sure if that meant nothing or if it was good enough reason to suspect Dresden. Regardless, he didn't show any signs that would suggest mistrust. Still, he knew better. Dresden was a perfect liar.

"Are you alright there?" Ollie looked up as he walked towards the pack house, dressed in plain jeans. Paul, Andy, Zach and the others were worn out and sweaty, ending what looked like the fifth game in a row. It was already dark out and he didn't realize their council had taken so long to finish.

"Fine." He answered, glancing over them. Andy and Zach seemed a little exhausted while the rest of them - mostly younger wolves who were still getting used to themselves - looked like they were ready to collaspe. Paul, on the other hand, looked like he had been enjoying himself. "Who won?"

"We did, of course." Andy smirked, wiping sweat off his forehead. "The younger ones decided to try going against the three of us." Paul and Zach chuckled, glancing back at their opponents. Some of them were lying on the ground, half asleep, while others were panting, watching the exchange between the three and their Alpha with admiration.

"Have you heard from Trisha yet?" Ollie remembered, glancing at Zach. The twin slouched immediately and his brother groaned, rolling his eyes.

"I just got him convinced that she was fine...again!" Ollie took that as a sign and narrowed his eyes at the ground. Trisha may have been a free spirit but even she didn't disappear for an entire day without informing someone. At least telling her mate would've been wise. He glanced at Paul, his eyes darkening.

"Go look for her - all of you. She should be back by now. I want border control on alert." He told Paul who was ready to take off for the woods. "And Paul! Do not make Dresden notice." 

Where could Trisha be?

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