2:57 pm
From Jules: Okay, make something good baby 😚

Louis giggled like a little school boy at the pet name. Quickly though, he realized that Jules wasn't supposed to be calling him names like that.

2:59 pm
To Jules: I will, and stop calling me that! You're going to get me in trouble 😤😤

Louis turned off his phone and headed to the kitchen where he decided to start dinner. The only issue was that he didn't know what to make. So, he whipped out one of his many cook books and searched for a recipe.

"Ahhh," he muttered in happiness when he found the perfect one. But sadly he didn't have the correct ingredients except for the cheese.

He ran back into the bedroom and unlocked his phone.

3:05 pm
To Hazzie💘👀😈: Hey Har, I wanna make something tonight but we don't have all the ingredients. Can you please pick them up at the store? 😕

3:07 pm
From Hazzie💘👀😈: I really can't leave work rn Lou, too busy. I'll send Zayn to pick them up and get them too you okay?

Louis frowned lightly at that.

To Hazzie💘👀😈: who's Zayn?

From Hazzie💘👀😈: a coworker, be home around 6:30. When Zayn comes let him in and thank him okay? What do you need?

To Hazzie💘👀😈: I need bacon and a package of  fusilli noodles

From Hazzie💘👀😈: got it babe, see you later. Behave 💙

He sighed and shut off the phone then went to the living room and plopped down on the couch. Louis fell asleep a few minutes later.

When he woke up it was 4:30 in the afternoon and the door bell was ringing. Louis got up and toyed with his hair then went to the door and opened it.

A tall man with dark hair was at the door with a bag in his hands. "Uh, can I help you?" Louis stuttered nervously. A smile formed on his face quickly.

"Harry sent me, you're Louis right?" The man asked. Louis nodded and opened the door wider for the man to come in.

"Yeah. I'm assuming you're Uhh-"

"Zayn," The man finished for him. Louis felt nervous under the gaze of such an attractive man.

"Here let me show you to the kitchen," he blurted out and made his way to the kitchen with Zayn following behind. Zayn set the bag on the counter and looked around the small place.

"Thank you for bringing the stuff," Louis said gratefully. Zayn just saved him from almost getting his arse kicked for not cooking anything.

"You're welcome. Hey, I didn't know Harry had a boyfriend." Zayn said surprisingly. Louis' gut feeling kicked in and he started to get nervous.

"Yeah, we've been together for a really long time," Louis chuckled unconvincingly, he tugged on the sleeves of his sweater in anguish.

"That's so weird, I guess he's just never mentioned you," Zayn replied shortly.

"Well he doesn't really share his personal life with coworkers," Louis excused on Harry's part. He was feeling really down that no one knew about him. It was as if Harry wanted to keep this secret life at home and live a different one outside of the house.

"Actually, we are best friends. Not just coworkers." That had Louis' breathing start to increase. In reality, you wouldn't be able to tell he was having a panic attack but in Louis' brain it was all red warning signs.

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