Chapter 31

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I didn't bother stripping before I shifted, I had a lot of clothing anyways. Felan pushed her way forward, trying to push me down. I allowed her to take control and she was loving it. She loved her form as much as I did and she rolled all on the ground. "I miss the grass Des." I laughed at her. She finished her rolling and stood us up, with a rough shake of our fur she was off again, running at high speeds through the trees towards the border of our territory. With a loud howl she turned us around to take us home.

I pushed forward taking control but allowing her to be at my side of control. I walked towards the pack house, I shifted into my earlier clothing and walked inside, smiling and greeting anyone who walked past. I walked up to my office, no paper was on my desk and I smiled. I left the door open as I slipped into the plush office chair and faced my computer.

Tapping away at the keys, fixing any issues that needed to be fixed and scrolling through any emails I had. I paused at one and opened it. A smile graced my face as I read it, 

"Hi mummy I miss you so much and I cant wait to come home in three days I has been spending so much time with Kate's mummy and she is so nice she gives me chocolate every morning with my breakfast but shhh I am not supposed to tell you that hehe I have to go bye mummy I will see you soon."

I laughed quietly to myself, no doubt Kate had helped him write the email. I missed them both so very much. I hummed to myself quietly and stood walking over to the grand bookcase that lined the wall, "Alpha?" I turned with a hm to face a warrior by the name of Alan. "Yes Alan?" I watched him, his expression held fear as he looked at me. "We have been breached in the South western boarder by 5 rogues, they will not back down and have killed two men, we require your presence Alpha." He bowed and I nodded. "Let us go then." He nodded and followed me out the door.

I hurriedly descended the steps, a streak of fear coursing through my veins. Felan was scared and it worried me. I shifted and slowly jogged to where I was needed. "Whats wrong?" I questioned her, "I just can't shake the feeling that we will loose control again, you remember when we get angry that we turn merciless." She whimpered and I nodded to myself, the curse of our uncle will forever be on us and it quite frankly sucked.

I slowed my pace and stood by my warriors who were fighting the 5 rogues, 2 of ours lay dead and I growled. My warriors backed off and formed a line behind me, the rogues glaring and snarling at me. I stood in my defensive position and watched each. The sandy blonde was big, bigger than the rest but also heavy. The white was a little unstable on its feet, the light brown was small and skittish and stood behind the rest out of the fight. The dark brown and the reddish brown stayed glued to each others side. 

All their eyes were on the Alpha in front of them, the sandy made a leap at me, trying to assert dominance. I braced for impact and hit the ground hard with a loud thud, its heavy body on top of mine snarling in my face. I growled lowly and pushed my paws hard against his chest, my claws drawing blood as they dug into flesh. It whimpered and moved off, covering its new wounds, I leapt after it and bit its tail.

A wave of cold washed over my body and I tensed momentarily and then jumped onto its back sinking my teeth into its shoulder. My body moved on its own accord and I felt the sandy yelp underneath me. I moved my jaw to bite into its neck, with a tough grip I held it in place putting pressure on the neck joint, slowly killing it. The sandy bent in submission but as much as I tried I couldn't let go. 

A deafening snarl ripped from my body, my warriors taking a step back. A bloodcurdling scream came from my left, in the place of the once white rogue now stood a young woman, tears streamed down her face as she plead at me. I snapped out of my trance and looked down at the wolf. Its sandy fur was drenched with its dark blood and a large chunk of its shoulder was gone. I did not flinch, but feel Felan proud of the wounds we inflicted onto our enemy.

I shifted back to my human form and looked over at the woman who was now on her knees holding the sandy to her chest. It shifted back into a young male form, his breathing was labored and he looked up at me in fear. The other rogues that were standing back were now all shifted and watching on with horror. The light brown was a small young girl, around 10 years old and the dark and reddish were now two children around 16 years old with matching facial features, boy and girl.

I looked at the woman, with no emotion, "Who are you and why are you here?" She looked up at me with glossy eyes and I felt a little bad, "I am Maria, we were just trying to pass through before your patrols came and then Darrian attacked them." She eyed the wolves behind me and I let out a snarl, her eyes snapped back to me.

"Where are you from?" I questioned them further. "The 16 year old male stepped forward, "We are from crimson moon pack, Charlie is from white pure pack and Maria and Darrian are from Red satin and white moon packs." He watched me carefully, I looked down at the young male again, "What is your name?" He watched me and opened his mouth to say something before closing it. "Just tell her the truth please." The woman at his side said quietly.

He glanced back at her, " I am Kyran, and this is Lillian." He said glancing at the girl. I nodded my head and turned away from them, hand on my chin I thought carefully. "Why did you leave your packs?" I eyed each of them for a few moments. Kyran spoke up, "Lillian and I were not allowed to be in the same house, even though we are siblings and Lillian was beaten by him so we left to escape our Alpha Donavan." Felan snarled in my head, "Alpha Donavan." She said it so bitterly it almost scared me. 

I fought with Felan for control, a small whimper escaping my lips as my body shook. "Why did the rest leave?" My voice sounded strained, "Well, Charlie is 10 and was beaten by her father and one day she ran to the border where we found her. Maria left red Satin because she was an omega and was beaten, and Darrian was mated to Maria and Darrian was the beta in his last pack and they didn't take it so well that he was mated to an Omega." He finished and a low growl escaped my lips, I turned to look at my warriors who were watching me carefully.

"Alan" My voice was more a snarl than anything, his head snapped in my direction. "Find Freya, tell her that Felan is coming." His face went pale and he nodded quickly. "Do not let her go anywhere, fight her if you must." He barked orders to the now 8 warriors standing near him and ran off. "Move them away, take them all the the infirmary." Jaylen shook her head, "I am sorry Alpha but I cannot do that, I will call for someone to get them we cannot leave you." 

I nodded and dropped to the floor. Felan was clawing at the surface her movements rabid, she wanted blood, Donovan blood. I screamed as she ripped our bond and she pushed forward. She had control and she snarled at anyone too close, it was time.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2018 ⏰

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