Chapter 23

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His hug was warm and I fought every instinct that told me to stay in his arms. I broke free and looked at him coldly, "I apologize for that mishap that you had to witness, I will have my guards escort you to your territory and then no further." I said emotionless. He looked shocked and hissed quietly, "I'm not going anywhere, you're my mate." He said.

I shook my head, "Correction, I was your mate, was." I said he looked hurt at my words. "You rejected the bond when you had another woman under you." I said hiding my sadness behind an emotionless mask. He looked at me, anger crossed his features but quickly morphed into regret.

I turned to walk away when he grabbed my shoulder, "Stay please. It was a mistake I'm sorry." He begged me. I shook my head, "I don't care." I growled and walked away leaving him standing there with his heart in his hands. I growled at Freya as a warning when she got too close to me.

"You poisonous bitch!" A pack member screamed at me when I walked by. I stopped in my tracks and turned to face the man I now recognized as Kai's father. "Pardon you?" I asked him, the fear in his face was hilarious, his son was just like him, all talk no show. "N-nothing Alpha." He lowered his head, "That is what I thought." I continued my walk, receiving many bows of the head as I had won my rightful place in my pack.

When I walked into the pack house I smiled at a pup that was playing with it's mother and the pup looked at me with wide eyes. I continued my walk through the pack house up to my office trying not to show any pain.

My dominance had spread out across the whole pack and my scent had spread across my territory more than before. I made sure that my entire pack respected me on new level. I entered my office and closed the door behind me. I filled out the papers on my brutality on Kai's life. My wounds were starting to heal and my pain was easing.

I lied my head on my desk, the exhaustion catching up with me. I let out a sigh and closed my eyes. There was a faint knock at the door "come in" I mumbled, not caring if the person heard or not. The person stepped inside and sat on the chair in front of me. I didn't bother to look at them, "Can I help you?" I questioned. "Yes you can Destiny." I looked up to see Ash's cool grey eyes looking at me.

"With what?" I stated bluntly. He looked down, "We need to talk" I snorted, "You need to leave, there is nothing to talk about." I waved him off and turned to my bookshelves. I heard him sigh and get up, "One more thing." I turned to him, "Either you and your brothers join the pack or you leave my territory." He left after hearing what I said and I sat thinking about both my mates.

I needed to choose one or none. Felan whimpered over having to choose between her mates. Salem is a vampire, it would cause major problems. Ash was a rogue, but not just any rogue. His family were known to be brutal.

I banged my head against the desk multiple times. I sighed and got up. The woods were calling to me and I walked towards my office doors. I passed many pack members and kept my expressionless mask up. Each gave me a small smile, and I returned it with a silent nod.

I didn't wait for the woods, instead I shifted at the door. My tail was stood straight up as I scented the air. My muscles were tight and sore, every step was a great effort to stay upright. I pushed through the pain and made a dead sprint to the treeline.

In the corner of my eye I saw Freya's red wolf join me. I yipped to her and set for a run though the trees. She was fast, but not fast enough to keep up with me. I weaved my way through the trees, both Freya and I leaving a trail of dust in our wake.

We slowed when we came to a waterfall and small lake. I lapped at the cool water, it tickled my throat as it made its way down. My breath came in quick short pants as did Freya's. I shifted back and looked at her.

She shifted back and smiled at me, "Hello Alpha, I hope you don't mind that I joined your run." I shook my head, "No I don't mind." I offered her a small smile and looked over the water. It was peaceful. Freya and I fell into a comfortable silence as the bright sun faded to nothing.

I let out a sigh and looked over at Freya, she was asleep. Her hair fell over her face and she looked calm and at peace. "How foolish to fall asleep in the middle of the woods, especially when we are so close to the unclaimed land." Felan grumbled in my head. I laughed at her, "How foolish of the moon goddess to put me with such an incompetent wolf side." She growled playfully at me, and retreated to the far reaches of my head.

It was almost 7 pm and Freya and I would have to get back to the pack house. I had promoted Freya to beta and demoted Ryan to third in command. He was glad that he got demoted, the work load was too much, especially with an newborn pup to look after. I knew that Ryan would be doing the duties of the Alpha while I was recovering.

I picked up Freya gently and she stirred in my hold. She remained asleep and relaxed in my hold as I walked back to the pack house. My walk back calmed my senses, but I still remained on guard, we were never safe inside the treeline. I looked around my surroundings, taking in all the beauty of the natural landscape as I wandered back to the house.

It was almost cliché when two rogues stepped out of the tree cover and walked around, I kept low holding Freya, knowing they hadn't seen us. I continued to make my way to the pack house, ignoring the wolves. I linked Ryan, "Two rogues on the west border, I have a sleeping Freya send people to come and get her I will deal with the rouges." I said in his head sternly, "Yes Alpha, they are on route." Was his response and I closed the link.

I knew pack patrol would take at least another 5 minutes to get to us, those 5 minutes I didn't have when the rouges appeared in front of me. "Well well look what we have here Patrick, a weak Alpha and a damsel in distress." The man Patrick laughed at the other rogues comment. "Get her Will." Patrick said and Will lunged at me.

I moved to the side, keeping Freya close to me. "Excuse me gentlemen, would you kindly wait as I put my "damsel in distress" down safely." I didn't wait for their response as I put a snoring Freya on the ground. I was procrastinating. I didn't want to harm another today. The mark on my wrist that Hades put there to show I was a dangerous demon wolf was burning. It wanted the blood of my enemies splatted on the floor.

They snickered and Will jumped on my back, pulling me away from Freya. Patrick went over to Freya and caressed her face and his eyes trailed down her body. I growled, 'You do know she has a mate." I said in a bored tone as I threw Will to the ground. Patrick laughed, "I'll be her new mate." He said. I gave him a disgusted look.

Pack patrol appeared at the scene and Bates was leading them. I was proud of Cade and Bates, both had accepted my invitation to join the pack and they assumed high ranks almost instantly. Bates snarled at the male touching Freya, his mate. "Take them to the cells." I ordered and the rogues were restrained and taken away. I nodded at Bates who was holding a now awake Freya, and made my way to the pack house. I now had an interrogation to do.

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