Chapter 16

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I sat at the foot of the large tree, its trunk was thick and its branches spiraled upwards and created a leafy canopy. The tree was old, very old. I remember my mother coming here on our holidays to the cabin in the winter. She would sit for hours and pray at the very foot of this tree, in the winter my brother and I would tumble about in the snow, whilst mother prayed and father cooked.

I smiled at the tree and got onto my knees and put the palms of my had on the tree. "Mama, if you can here me, I really need your help. As I sit here near the great tree I wish upon you great moon goddess, hear my calls to you. I need your guidance great one, I need your passage. Please let me speak to the ones I have lost great one, Hear my calling." No sound was made and no wind rushed by.

I opened my eyes to see my mother, dressed in white like the moon goddess. I gasped her beauty as extravagant as ever and I smiled her. "Hello my child." Her voice was like an angel, and angel I had missed. "Mother! I gather you spoke with Uncle Hades and got my powers?" She nodded, "Those men in the cabin need your protection, They helped me and now you can help them. They can help you as well. Protect them with your life and you will not regret it."

I nodded and she touched my face. "I miss you mother." She nodded, a small tear escaping her eye, "as do I. If you ever need to speak to your uncle Hades go to the darkest place you can think of and chant for him." I nodded and she vanished. I wish I could have more time with her, but the goddess is a busy woman.

I opened my eyes and ran back to the cabin. My paws thudding on the wet earth as I came to a stop at the cabin. I shifted and went inside. Everything was deadly quiet and nothing moved. I reached for my daggers as I walked silently through the cabin. I entered a room and saw nothing. I repeated this through the whole cabin until I found no one.

I let a breath escape my mouth and I kept looking for Kate and the others. I let no panic come forth as I calmly looked for my companions. My grip tightened on my daggers as a rock cluttered to on the floor. I did not go towards the sound, but in the opposite direction.

I knew this game to well, when prey is desperate to escape they make noises in an area and go the other way. I came to a stop at a door, I trained my ears listening for the slightest sound, I could faintly hear three heartbeats and shallow breathing. I entered the room and grabbed an intruder.

I heard them gasp and the light was turned on, in my hands was Cade, "Jesus Cade, i could have killed you." He chuckled and nodded his head, "I know, but the boys wanted to see if you really were your mothers daughter." He said,and I released him. I saw Kate sitting on the bed and she had a huge smile on her face. "That was awesome Des!!!" She shouted and threw herself at me knocking me to the ground. "Jesus Kate!" I screamed as I tumbled to the ground.

Her laugh sounded around the room and I pushed her off me, I gulped down air and looked at the boys. Bates and Cade were smiling and Ash was sitting on the ground, a frown on his face. I frowned at him, "Whats your problem?" I questioned him. He looked at me his hard stare was met with my matching one. "None of your business 'Alpha'" He mocked me. I growled at him and he growled back.

Cade got in our way and shushed us both. I decided I wanted to go for a run to cool off and I exited the cabin, I could hear Kate yelling for me but I ignored her. I shifted into my wolf and made a break for the trees, I knew no one would follow me because I was mad. I felt bad for leaving Kate. And decided on my next run I would take her with me.

I trotted at a fast pace and came to a small stream. I sat in the water, letting the cool water surround my body. I drunk some of the water and loved the cool feeling it gave my throat. I splashed and played in the water and Felan was having the time of her life. She played for 2 hours before she decided to hunt rabbits.

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