Chapter 4

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Instead of continuing on through their territory I ran around. It was an extra 4 hour run around the territory but I didn't care I desperately wanted to avoid my aunty and uncle. I felt on edge and I constantly looked back in case I was being followed. I could hear howls and paws thudding on the ground near me and I immediately picked up my pace. I tried to keep my steps light so they couldn't hear me and I only stood on tussocks of grass  in order to leave no trace I was ever here.

I heard a howl not too far from where I was and I stilled, someone was close, I could smell their scent. I shuffled slowly into the shrubs nearby and hid my body from them. After a few seconds of waiting I saw 3 wolves and 3 vampires battling each other. I saw the Alpha of the pack standing behind his wolves and my mate standing behind his vampires.

A heated glare was between them. I watched as my mates muscles rippled after each step he took. Out of nowhere the Alpha lunged onto my mate and he didn't get out of the way quick enough as the wolves canines sunk into the side of his torso. A painful hiss came from him and my instincts took over and I lunged at the Alpha. He toppled off my mate and sized me up.

A growl ripped from me as he looked at my mate. I had never met this Alpha before and he posed a serious threat to my mate. He was distracted by one of his wolves and I quickly shifted and took my silver daggers and aimed for his pelt. As I moved forward he turned and clamped his jaws around my arm. I screamed in pain and connected my leg to his skull. He let go and stumbled back shaking his head. 

I glanced at my mate and saw a huge chunk taken out of the side of his body. He was unconscious and a grimace was on his face. The Alpha took that as a sign of weakness and jumped onto my back. I shifted into my wolf form  under him and used my powerful hind legs to push him off. He went flying through the air and landed with a loud thud on the ground.

I didn't wait for him to get up and I jumped on him snapping my jaws in his face. I was looking for any signs of submission. I saw none and pressed my snout to his, glaring into his eyes. He growled at me and I snarled at him. He tried to push me off but my wolf was much bigger than his.

I clamped my jaws around his throat and bit hard. I heard his whimper and felt him turn his head to the side showing me his submission. I released him and got off. I growled at him and he stepped back and retreated with his wolves. I cautiously walked over to my mate and sniffed his limp body. I was scared of him because he was a vampire and could attack me any second. 

I let out a whine and laid down next to him and started to lick his wound. I heard a hiss and suddenly my body was thrown away from him. I slammed into the base of a tree trunk and got into my fighting stance. I saw the three vampires standing protectively in front of my mate. I let out a warning growl. They didn't move away from my mate, and I lost all control. Felan came to join me at the surface to get to our mate. 

I lunged at the nearest vampire and tossed him to the side with my huge paw. The other two ran at me, one jumped onto my back and sunk it's fangs into open wound and I howled as agonizing pain spread up my back. I started to shake him off as I grabbed the other and bit down on his arm. He hissed and scratched me as the other scratched as well.

I caught one vampire in my paw and crushed his stomach. I flipped and rolled effectively crushing the other. I got up and growled as they writhed in pain. I slowly walked over to my mate again and continued licking his wound. When I was satisfied that I had cleaned it enough I shifted into my human form. All the pain from my fights had caught up as the adrenaline left my body. I slumped to the ground next to my mate. Black spots evaded my vision and I welcomed the darkness.

Hiya to whoever is reading this little note at the bottom, I apologize for not updating sooner but here it is. Bya lovelies

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