Chapter 20

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Salem's POV

She fell, I ran over to the cliff face and looked down. She was falling and I couldn't stop her. Her body disappeared into the water and I felt the bond we had snap. I felt empty, I felt vulnerable. I turned to the other male, his face held sadness and regret. I hissed at him "Who was she to you?" He looked up at me, rage on his features, "She was my mate. But she loved you!" He yelled at me and lunged for me. 

His fist connected to my face and pain erupted from that area. I grabbed his throat and pinned him to the ground and punched him. We were both mad and upset and we were both trying to kill each other. Wolves and Vampires worked together to separate us. I was ripped away from him and pulled back from our fight. I hissed at him and bared my fangs and he bared his canines at me.

"She was mine!" I yelled at him, and he growled. "No she was mine!" He yelled back. We got into a heated glare before a woman stepped in front of him and looked at me. "As the third in command of this pack I declare war on you leech." She said I hissed at her insult. "WAR?" I yelled. She simply nodded and turned away. 

Another man came forward "As Beta of this pack I support her decision. She was distraught and came to you and now our Alpha is dead. We all felt the link kind of snap" He growled and they walked away. I was seething, I stomped my way back to my house and slammed my door indicating that I wanted to be left alone.

Felan's POV

"Destiny?" I asked into our link. There was no response and I howled at the loss of my human side. I had shifted into our wolf form before we hit the water so we would survive. My thick coat kept us warm in the freezing water. I took control and started swimming towards the shore, My lungs burned at the lack of oxygen and when I reached the surface I took big gulps of air.

When I reached the sand I shook off my coat and padded slowly to a rock crevice for shelter against the whipping wind. "Destiny?" I tried again, no response was heard. I whimpered, I wish I paid more attention when father taught us how to survive for days without water. Destiny loved the open landscape and listened to every word father said.

I laid my head on my paws and thought about the memories I had with Destiny. "Please come back" I whispered into our link. I decided I couldn't stay out here, especially since it was getting really dark. I rose from the ground and started my trek up the beach to the cliff face path. I kept my guard up and my ears poised ready to take in any sound.

The beach was quiet other than the steady crash of the waves, it was peaceful something Destiny would like. Sadness coursed through my veins, I felt empty. My human side was not there, I couldn't feel her at all. I found the path that lead up the cliff and made my way up it. The occasional clatter of a stone as it fell down the cliff face could be heard.

To any other werewolf I would look like a werewolf, to humans I would look like a ferocious wild wolf. I let my paws take me to whatever destination they desired. I thought about how we were rejected by both our mates. One was total rejection, the other rejection through making love to another.

I felt the tears come to my eyes, I did not fight them instead I let them fall. I howled in pain of rejection. I howled in mourning loss, I howled because I was lonely. I slumped to the floor, it had started raining yet I made no effort to move. I thought of the dangers that the woods held, the vampires that could attack. The rogues that could kill me, yet I stayed still.

I heard the sound of paws hitting the wet earth. There was 3 distinctive sets of paws hitting the earth in my direction. I laid there, in a heap of wet fur and limbs. The thudding paws stopped and I heard the padding of them coming towards me I stayed still. I felt a nose press to my back and I moved my head to look at my offender.

Freya stood there Bates was right behind her and so was Cade. I whined and laid my head back on the ground. I heard the cracking and popping of bones and I knew they had shifted. "Alpha?" Freya asked and she hesitantly put her hand on my back. I stayed still and whined, "Destiny you need to shift back." Cade said and he stood in front of me. I shook my head, I couldn't shift back.

He nodded "You have to." I growled at him and bared my canines to tell him it wasn't Destiny. He seemed to get the message and he nodded. He said something to Bates and Freya but I zoned out. I felt their hands on my body and felt the ground disappear from my under me.

I felt Freya stroking my head and I closed my eyes and tried to connect with Destiny. No response was heard once again and I sighed. I heard the shouts of Freya telling people what to do as we made it back to the pack house. We made a good choice I thought to myself. I thought of how I still had to be Alpha even though Destiny was no longer here. I would change Freya to Beta.

I felt something cold under my body and opened my eyes to see the infirmary walls. I looked at Freya, she never left my side and I was glad of that. "Freya?" I said into our link. She looked down at me and ran her hands through my fur. "Yes Alpha?" I whined, "I can't feel Destiny." I saw the pain in her eyes, she nodded and looked away.

I felt the doctor lift up my paws and heal any cuts I had and fix anything wrong with me. I had to have 6 people including Freya hold me down when he drew blood from me. "Freya." I said. "Yes Alpha?" Her eyes connected with mine, "Where is Kate, is she safe?" I questioned. She nodded, "Kate is safe, I made sure personally that no harm came to her." i nodded and closed the link.

"Felan?" Destiny's weak voice filled my head. I shot up, receiving many weird looks from people. "Destiny? Are you okay?" I asked worriedly. "Yes I am okay, just very weak and tired." I sighed in relief. "Do not waste your energy." I said back. I used my last energy to shift back into human form, I saw the hope on Freya and the doctors faces. I closed my eyes and let sleep take me.

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