Chapter 25

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Destiny's POV

I woke in an unfamiliar room, the panic set in and my body was frozen. I could smell that Salem had been here and it made me confused. I got up, my clothes ripped and destroyed from my outburst. I sat up and wiped my eyes groggily. My vision was blurry and my head pounded from the headache that decided to bless me. My tear stained cheeks made me look like more of a mess than usual. The affects of losing someone was taking its toll on me. I wanted to see him so bad.

I dragged my body out of the comfortable bed and patted my rat nest hair down in hopes of looking a little better. I saw a hoodie, and by it's smell I knew it was Salem's. I put it on and made my way down to the Alpha's quarters, I needed to meet the Luna of the pack, Lillian Crawley. My brothers scent was strongest here and I grimaced.

It was late, I passed a window and stopped to look out of it, a sense of calming washed over my body as I looked into the forest ahead. I continued my walk to his room and knocked on the door softly. Zayn's smile invaded my mind, his face swirling in a mix with my parents faces. I wiped away a stray tear and was brought back to face the door when I heard it unlocking.

The door opened to reveal the tear stained face of a woman no older than me, "Hello?" She questioned me, with a cracked voice. I smiled softly, "Hello, I am Destiny, I am Zayn's sister." I bit the inside of my cheek to prevent me from crying. A tear slipped down her cheek, "I can see that, you look so much like him." She smiled softly. She moved aside as if for me to enter, I shook my head softly, "I'd rather not." I said. She seemed to understand, "I get it" She paused and her eyes met mine, "Please come tomorrow," I nodded and turned away.

My footsteps echoed through the quiet halls as I walked. My shoulders slumped forward slightly and my expression was grim. My mind wandered away and my feet unconsciously lead me to the trees. I was brought back when I stepped on a twig, the snap sound echoing through the quiet forest. I was immediately on high alert as I looked around the forest.

Dark shadows jumped at me, the trees clawed hands trying to scratch me as I walked past. The ground under my bare feet was cold and squishy. I felt sick as I looked to my left, a darkness was looming in the trees. I knew this forest, it was called the forgotten forest. No one entered because of the superstitions.

I was puzzled as to why my body took me here. I paused and looked around, the darkness was beckoning me to follow it. "Come here," an eerie whisper was heard. I jumped, a little startled as I looked behind me. No one was there, I growled feeling slightly intimidated. "Now now child, that's no way to treat your uncle." I paused as Hades came in view. I smiled, "You scared me."

He chuckled softly, "I have that affect on people." A smile graced his face as he came to a stop in front of me. "To what do I owe you for this visit, uncle." He brought his hands to his face and scratched his chin softly, "How about a packet of pretzels, we don't get those in the underworld." I laughed at him.

"In all seriousness though, I summoned you here because of your brother." I looked at my feet. "Go on," I mumbled. "Destiny, You need to be prepared." I looked up at him. "Prepared for what?" I questioned. His expression went grim, "His death will bring on fear, from you, form a threat and other things." I nodded, "I shall prepare." He hugged me, it was a warm hug despite his cold skin.

I closed my eyes momentarily, but when I opened them he was gone. I sighed and sat on the grass, the grass was half dead, like this forest. "Deep long breaths," I told myself over and over. I knew what he meant by 'Fear from you.' I was afraid, not for myself, but for the others around me.

I looked up towards the sky, only to have the trees cover my view. Little specs of light managed to seep through the thick canopies of the huge trees. Two days from now there would be a full moon. I would have to what many powerful Alpha's do every full moon. It was usually hard for an Alpha to control their wolven half, but for me it was extremely hard. Ever since my 'powers' have been given to me I find it harder to over power Felan.

I sighed, the moon was beautiful but it made dangerous things happen. I was lost in my thoughts but I lost my train of thought when the suns rays started to peek through the trees. The fatigue caught up with me and I let out a much needed yawn. I decided I should make my way back. I started walking in what I thought was the right direction, only half an hour I ended up back in the same place.

I growled in annoyance, and Felan snickered in my head. "I now see why it's called the forgotten forest." She laughed. I agreed with her, a slight chuckle escaping me. I decided to rest and I chose a nice big tree to sit next to. The tree's trunk was old, its rough bark was making it uncomfortable to sit against but the fatigue decided I wasn't allowed to move. I yawned and eventually fell asleep against the tree.

2 hours after dawn (Australian time 6:30am) - 8:30am-

I woke, startled by something on my leg. I looked down and sighed in relief when I saw it was just a leaf. I looked up at the sky, it was still early morning. I got up and stretched my cramped limbs. I walked to my right, a dead end was in my view. "For god sake!" I screamed, and kicked a rock, holding my now hurting foot. A breathy growl came from me as I scowled at the rock.

"He won't help you," I looked up to see the amused face of a male. "What a beautiful stranger," Felan said in awe of the man. "What did you say?" I questioned him, confused by his presence. "I said that god won't help you." He smiled at me, I narrowed my eyes at him. "And who are you?" I threw another question at him which he dodged easily by replying with, "I'm not a threat if that is what you are wondering." I tilted my head at the beautiful man as he came closer to me.

His voice was hoarse, as if he didn't speak to much. I felt strangely calm around the beautiful stranger. Felan was conjuring up some dirty thoughts about the man in her "evil pot" as she likes to call it. I scowled at her and turned my attention back to him, "My name is Kallak Kenai McDominhail, but please call me Kenai." He informed me.

I nodded and stuck my hand out to him, "My name is Destiny, but call me Destiny," I mocked him. An amused smile came over his features. He stuck his gloved hand in mine, a strong and firm grip against my own. "A pleasure." he smiled and I couldn't help but smile back. "Do you have anyway to get out of this place?" I asked and looked around the trees. He nodded, "Of course, care to join me on a run?" I didn't get to respond before I was picked and he started running.

I yelped a little and an amused smile came over his face once again. I took the time to study his face, he had a strong jawline with beautiful raven hair framing his face. His hair was not long but not short, it was perfect and looked soft. He was clean for someone who lived in the forest. His eyes were a deep brown and i was hyper aware of his hands on my waist.

He came to a stop at the treeline and looked up at me, he didn't let me go, instead held me flush against his body. His perfect teeth were on display as a hotness fell over my cheeks and I hid my face. I was about to say something but I was cut off by someone yelling, "Put her down now." A few growls were heard agreeing with the statement. I looked over to see angry faces. "Well shit." I whispered.

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