Chapter 7

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I stood there, frozen in place. My daggers were discarded on the floor and my breathing was labored. He stood there, a lamp was smashed on the floor and he was standing over my mate. Not thinking  I lunged at him, he dodged scraping my side. I stood protectively in front of my mate. Felan was snarling loudly in my head. 

Looking at him made the memories come back. The pain, the suffering, all the tears that were over him. I snarled at him, he was the reason I cried. He smirked and jumped out of the open window. I growled and barked after him, but I couldn't leave my mate. I turned to him, he was still laying there, deadly still. His perfect features held a frown and I wanted him to smile.

I sighed and left the room, running straight to my study I dug through the masses of files my mother had. I froze, finger on his name, memories came again and I shook them away. Alic Alfred Black. My tormentor and the reason I was only partly living. He was my mothers first mate, but they rejected each other. 

He always told me that I was his daughter and I should not go near my father. He was jealous over my father and how mother had moved on. He haunted me often in my dreams, he also was horribly upset when mother found dad. They often speak of when they met and how they wish it was different.

Now that she is dead I wonder if he knows. I shook my head and looked at his file. Alpha blah, blah, blah, Mated to Jessy Black, formerly known as Jessy Knight. "So he has a new mate" Felan mused, Poor woman. I chuckled and continued looking over is file. Blah, blah, blah, loser, blah. Two sons, Carter and Sage. Interesting interesting, I wonder if they lead a horrible life? I sighed at Felan's pointless antics.

I would pay his sons a visit and find everything I could about Alic and see his involvement with the vampires and why he was spying on my mate. I let out a much too long sigh and proceeded to go to bed. Tomorrow I would start my mission. 

NO! Felan screamed in my head. I flinched, 

"What do you mean No?"

Exactly what I said. 

"Smart ass wolf, now why did you say no?"

Because you can't call it a 'mission'. It has to be an operation, hm. She proceeded to think which was rather dangerous.

I know! Operation fuck Alic with a giant pole. That is what its called HEHEHE!  I am literally screwed. I have a crazy wolf. She just grumbled and went back to whatever she does in my head. I got into my bed and closed my eyes, tomorrow will be fun.


GET UP!  Was the lovely way I woke thanks to my horrible wolf. I growled at her and got dressed into tights and a plain white shirt. I went to the kitchen and poured myself a much loved bowl of fruit loops, and chowed down on them. When i finished I cleaned up any mess I had made and walked down the hall to the room my mate was laying in and I opened the door. I flinched when a hand connected with my face.

I dropped to the floor surprise and pain came across my cheek. I looked up to see my mate, his fists were balled and he was staring down at me with surprise. I shot up and pined him to the wall. "I don't care who the fuck you are, mate or not never lay your hands on me to inflict pain ever again, or you'll regret it." I growled at him. I released him and heard a loud hiss. I growled back. The room was tense, and we glared each other, challenging each others ego. His gaze softened and he moved towards me.

"What is your name?" he said huskily. "Destiny." I replied. "Destiny, Destiny." He said testing my name. "Cute."

Heya guys sorry for updating so late, enjoy. 

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