Chapter 14

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My alarm blared in my earphones startling me. I turned the alarm off and checked the time it was 4:00 am, I had an hour and 35 minutes till sunrise. There was a soft knock at my door and I grabbed my daggers off the bedside table. I cautiously opened the door to see Kate standing there, she had a suitcase in her hand and a small back pack in the other.

I let her in and grabbed my previously packed back pack. The only thing I had here was my clothes from the last visit and my phone and earphone. "Destiny we have a problem." I cocked my eyebrow at her, "What is it?" She sat down, "I couldn't get a hold of anyone's keys." I shook my head at her, "leave that to me then, lets go." I walked out with Kate following and she quietly closed the door.

I went full assassin mode like my mother had taught me, my steps were soundless but Kate wasn't so soundless. I knew we were going to get caught. I blocked Salem from mine and Kate link, "Kate try and make your steps less noisy." She looked up at me, "Okay I'll try" We resumed walking and her steps were a bit quieter, I motioned for her to exit into the garage and she did so. I continued towards the kitchen where I saw the keys hanging up.

I walked up to the cabinet and looked over the ranges of car keys. The words 'Lamborghini' caught my attention and I grabbed the first set of keys from it. "Oi dingbat, you know that will make a lot of noise." Felan said in my head, "Yeah I know but I don't care, they wont know who's leaving so we might as well leave with a bang." She smirked in my head and agreed.

I ran to the garage, but abruptly stopped when I heard voices in the garage. "I'm going to repeat my question, why the fuck are you in here Kate?" A man hissed at Kate, I fought back a growl at the threatening tone he was using on her. "I am looking at the cars Franco" She hissed back. Felan was suddenly proud at the way she stood up to him.

A loud smack echoed through the garage and I bristled. I poked my head around the corner to see Kate holding her face and three men laughing at her. This time I couldn't stop the growl that vibrated in my chest. Kate looked up and smiled slightly, but I could see the tears in her eyes.

Felan was growling and snarling in my head, her proud feeling vanished and she was furious, her only friend had just been smacked and she wanted blood. I stalked my way through the garage towards the men, fear was on two of their faces, I recognized one of them as Charlie the man at the party who wanted to dance with me.

His face held pure shock and fear as I stalked towards them. He tapped Franco on the shoulder, "Bro lets leave." Franco shook his head, "No I want to put the mutt in place." Kate's eyes went wide with fear for Franco even though he hit her. I laughed at him, "You put me in place? I don't think so leech." His face held anger.

I could feel something bubbling in my stomach, I had never felt this feeling before. Blood lust was something only Vampires and the Wolven side of a Werewolf felt. I embraced the feeling and by the look on their faces I knew I had shifted and my eyes were white.

I snarled at Franco who had his hand around Kate's wrist. "Kate move and get help now, I am going to kill him. GO NOW!" I screamed in our link, she ripped her arm from Franco's hold and ran out of the room. I started to twitch with anticipation of the kill and got into my fighting stance. Franco got into his fighting stance and then lunged at me.

I barely got out of the way and his claws scraped my side. I turned and snarled at him, he was puffing his chest out that he landed a would on me. I lunged at him, Charlie screamed for him to look out, but it was too late. My paws made contact with their target and I bit down hard on his arm. I heard someone running at me and the sound of doors opening.

Hands went to the scruff of my neck and ripped me off Franco. I went sailing through the air and landed on the grass outside of the garage with a loud thud. I whimpered in pain as my shoulder took most of the impact of my fall. I got up and saw Franco and Charlie running at me. Both had claws and fangs out, I dodged Franco but tumbled into Charlie. He bit down on my paw and I cried in pain. I used my left paw to smash his face and he let go.

I hopped back away from them on three good paws. I growled, I was getting annoyed now. "Quit playing with your food and end it already" Felan snarled in my head. I agreed and lunged at Franco and bit down hard on his neck. I was going to kill him but then Charlie jumped onto my back, I let go of a now limp Franco and rolled onto my back crushing Charlie under my tremendous weight. He screamed in pain and I got off him, I locked eyes onto my target and lunged for his throat.

I made contact and bit down, I let him go as soon as he went limp, he was unconscious but not dead. I looked around for my next target, eyes darting around wildly to find my target. I paused when I saw Salem storming out of the house. I sat down next to Charlie and Franco's limp bodies.

Salem's POV

I stormed my way out of the house to see a small crowd of people whispering. I was tired it was 5 am and Kate had barged her way into my room saying they needed help. I pushed my way through the crowd and stopped at the sight before me. My two best fighters laid in puddles of their own blood and Destiny's black wolf form sat in between them. She had blood on her fur and her eyes were shining a bright white.

Her huge paws had blood on them and her mouth had blood all over it. She sat there, challenging anyone to come near her. I stepped towards her and she immediately got up and bared her teeth, she looked terrifying.

"Oh my god, Salem baby! Be careful she is poisonous!" Diana's shrill voice cut through the silence. Destiny's head snapped in her direction and she snarled at Diana. "Shut up Diana" I hissed at her. "Come on baby, lets just go back to bed." My eyes went wide and I looked at Destiny. She was already looking at me, her eyes held pain, anger and pure hatred.

I walked towards her but she snapped at me. Her eyes found Kate and she walked away. Kate ran after her and stuck the finger up at me "Pathetic!" She screamed at me. I hissed at her. I yelled at some people to help me get Franco and Charlie to the doctors. 

We were walking to the infirmary when my Black and red Lamborghini Adventador stopped near us. Destiny was sitting in the drivers seat and Kate was half out of the window. She stuck her finger up at me "Fuck you asshole, enjoy being mate less prick!" she screamed at and got back in the car. My jaw dropped and I started to get mad, the car drove off and I could hear Kate laughing. Watch out Kate disrespect isn't tolerated around here.

TA DA another chapter yay! Anyways I would like to dedicate this chapter to MercenaryLife Because I miss her wicked comments and private messages. I hope your doing well best friend I miss you❤

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