Chapter 17

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I pushed the doors of the cabin open and saw Kate asleep on the couch and the two other guys asleep as well. Bates had his arm around Kate and she was snuggled up against him, I felt Ash's presence behind me. A noise of disgust came from him as he limped his way to a room to heal himself. I closed the door and locked it making sure everything was locked up I went to the study.

I opened the doors, the faint scent of my father was all over this room. I breathed in deeply and smiled. The walls were lined with books and the beautiful oak wood desk stood proudly in the room. I made my way over and speed dialed my pack phone. After 3 rings someone answered, "Hello?" Freya answered.

"Freya," I stated. A gasp was heard from the other end, "Alpha are you okay? Where are you?" I chuckled slightly, "Yes I am okay, I am in my family's holiday cabin." She sighed in relief, "Alpha the pack has been worried about you, you can't just keep running off, ex-Beta Brett wants you to come back now, the pack is in chaos. Rogues attacked the night you left and we couldn't get a hold of you." Fear was evident in her tone and I growled.

"I am on my way." I hung up before she could say anything else and ran to the lounge room where my stuff was. I grabbed my bag and my daggers and prepared to leave. "Where do you think your going." I turned to see Ash. His hair was wet and his toned chest was on full display. I raked my eyes over his body but snapped them back up to his gaze.

"That is none of your concern," I stated and pushed past him and entered the cool air. I looked at the keys in my hand, driving would take a while because of traffic and is more risky because I would be in the open. I the looked towards the trees, running would take less time because I could cut across, I would still be in the open but safer. 

I put the keys on the window sill where Kate would find the and shifted into my wolf. The tree line was not far and I was safe here. I grabbed my bag in my jaws and broke into a run and headed in the direction of my pack. The forest became blurred as I ran at full speed. I stopped only twice to gulp down large amounts of water. I kept my speed up as I neared my pack boundary line. 

I slowed to a jog and saw the pack house in ruins. The once proud house now barely stood with destroyed walls and furniture. No one could be seen and I became worried, I headed for the run down shack in the tree line. The shack looked deserted and dirty. The furniture items in the shack were broken, tatty and old. I sighed and placed my paws on the paw scanner.

I heard the familiar click of a door opening. The walls of the shack opened to reveal a brightly lit passageway. I followed the winding passageway to a set of strong Iron doors. I pushed through the doors and saw many pack members, shock and awe plastered on their faces as my massive wolf form passed them.

I kept my head held high as I walked through the halls looking for my third or Beta. I saw Freya standing at the front of a set of double doors. I pack member got to close and she told them to leave because a meeting was on. Anger filled my body, why wasn't she in there if a meeting was on?

I walked towards Freya, my paws thudding softly against the hard polished floors. She bowed her head when I came closer to her. "Alpha," she addressed me and I just nodded my huge head at her. I motioned to the doors and she held them open for me.

I walked into the room, my Beta Ryan, the ex-Beta Brett and two warriors were hunched over a map of our territory discussing battle tactics. "We need to strike now, they will be recovering and we need to get them now!" Brandon an egotistical warrior screamed at my beta. 

Ryan growled at him, "We wait for the Alpha. She gives the orders." Brandon growled back. "The Alpha is useless! She is female! Lets just do this and forget her!" I growled at him and their eyes snapped towards me. "A-alpha." Brandon stuttered. Ryan smirked at Brandon, "Now your in for it." He whispered into Brandon ear.

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