Chapter 1

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Destiny's POV

1 year ago today I watched my parents leave. It was said that they were going off to war. I feared for my parents lives, I somehow knew that they wouldn't be coming home tomorrow. They were chosen for the top class and to train the elite. I wished I could see them right now. Felan is my wolf, she had bonded closely to May before mum left. Sighing I turned away to prepare myself for bed. I was terrified but excited to see the outcome of tomorrow.

-The next morning-

I woke up to the sound of howls outside, shooting up I ran outside. I saw a queens guard at the door. I pushed pack members out of the way, "what business do you have here?" I asked him. They looked at me shocked, "Pipe down little wolf before you get yourself hurt, where is your Alpha's child." I looked him dead in the eyes "Right here, I ask again What business do you have here." This time I added a growl.

He lowered his head, "I apologize for the disrespect Alpha, but your Alpha female and her mate has passed away during battle." I took a step back, Pain spreading over my body like wildfire. My mother and father, they can't be dead. Tears formed in my eyes and I started a mourning howl.

Many pack members joined in even the queens guard. I was seething, if the stupid queen didn't star the war my parents would be in perfect health. I growled at him, "You may leave now." He nodded and walked back to his car. I suddenly could feel power swarm my body, my Alpha tone coming to me, and the power my mother had. I was going to avenge my mother and father,and I would die trying. 

I stormed up to my mothers office to call my brother. My brother is Alpha of the Black night pack which was my fathers pack. I dialed the number on the desk and someone picked up on the third ring. "Hello?", "I need to speak to the  Alpha." There was muffling on the other end of the phone then I heard my brothers voice, "Hello?" I sighed and tears formed in my eyes. "Brother?" I managed to choke out and then he started to sob. "You heard the news I guess then?" I sighed "Yes I did, and I got mums power and Alpha tone." Silence filled my ears as I waited for a response.

"I am having a funeral for them tomorrow at my pack" He said to me, I sighed I cannot come brother, I refuse to break down in front of our parents grave." He sighed, "Understood, I will send mums belongs to you later," "I love you brother." He sobbed, "I love you as well sister."

I did not tell him anything about my revenge plans. He would only try and stop me, I was planning on killing the vampire king. The werewolf queen failed but I refuse to fail. And if no one would help me then I wouldn't care, I will die trying if need be. I am a warrior and I will succeed.

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