Chapter 9

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Pain. That was all I could feel through my body. "AGAIN!" I yelled at the 5 large males in front of me. They hesitated, Jay the biggest of the group spoke "Alpha we don't want to cause you anymore pain"." I snarled at him, Felan rising to face him, he flinched "I'll show you pain." I snarled at him. I flicked my right leg under his ankles and kicked them out from under him. He hit the ground with a loud thud and I jumped on top of him and clawed his shoulder, his eyes filled with pain and he whimpered. I jumped off and sighed, "alright boys thats enough, take Jay to the infirmary because those gashes on his shoulder are deep." They nodded and helped Jay to the infirmary.

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard footsteps. Instinct made me grab my daggers and I flung them towards the intruder. They landed just inftont of the person. I turned to see Taine, suprise on his face as he inspected the two daggers infront of him. He went to touch my daggers and I pushed him away from it, "don't touch that, its pure silver. You will burn from it, I have a tolerance to it much like my mothers but bigger." He nodded and cautiously stepped around it. "Alpha I came here to ask how your mate was doing," he said it softly so noone else could hear us. I nodded, "he's fine I think,  he left the other day." He nodded and left the training room. I grabbed the cloth that hung on the hook and put it in hot water and cleaned the blood off the mats.

"Much like your mother, you know we have cleaners for that." I turned to see my mothers beta. I smiled, "sorry but I can't help it, besides I had nothing better to do anyway." He nodded, I walked past and dipped my head with respect at him. He nodded back and I went into my room, I still refused to go into my mothers room, and I was planning to go to her grave because I needed her help.

----TIME SKIP----

I stood in front of my parents graves. They were buried side by side, guilt flooded through me for not attending their funeral. I barely registered I was crying till I touched my face, my body slumped to the ground in front of the beautiful graves. I layed there, head on the foot of my mothers grave, tears streaming down my face as I sobbed saying over and over how much I missed them.

"Mama, if you can here me, I really need your help." I sat on my knees, and put my hands up to the sky "As I sit here near the grave of my family I wish upon you great moon goddess, hear my calls to you. I need your guidence great one, I need your passage. Please let me speak to the ones I have lost great one, Hear my calling." The ancient calling my mother had taught me proved useful in her time of need, now I needed help I used the same one. (I was going to write it in Latin and then put the English version, but I wasn't sure if you guys would like that) I sat with my eyes closed, waiting just like my mother did. I felt no change in the wind or anything.

I sighed and got up, I opened my eyes to see my mother standing in front of me, "Mum!" I chocked out and flung myself at her. "What, how wh-" she cut me off, "shush my daughter, I have limited time." I nodded waiting for her to go on. "I have watched you for some time now, some stud you got for a mate" I blushed. "Anyways, the guidence you seek, you need to fight your upcoming battles with your all, try and accept your mate, it will be hard as you your afraid of him, but he is your greatest ally, aswell as your most powerful enemy. Watch yourself my darling daughter, you are being followed. You need to get into the werewolf Queens castle, in her office are great secrets that will aid you, go now before the attack happends, be on your guard, use your daggers and your gifts. You have hidden talent and when you need help do the chant I shall come. Your powers will come in time my daughter." She hugged me and then vanished.

I opened my eyes and looked around me. Mother was right, in the wind I could smell many scents, one stuck out the most, a vampire lurked in the shadows somewhere. I put up my guard and made my way back to my car. I got into the car my parents gave me it is a 67' Chevrolet Impala. I started the engine, the familiar roaring sound calmed me and I pulled out of the secluded woods and onto the long street that led to my pack. I sighed, I was starting get tired, talking to my mother had drained me.

I clutched the wheel tighter trying to stay awake, but unfortunately I was loosing. Fear flashed through me as I saw headlights then blackness. I opened , my eyes but snapped them closed again. Pain shot up my right leg, and I looked down to see metal sticking out of it. Dazed I looked around to see my car and another car smashed with their car almost on top of mine.

I hissed in pain as I moved towards the wreckage, I had been flung out during the crash and my seatbelt was mutilated. I made it over to the cars and saw a woman unconscious in the drivers seat and a small boy in the back seat crying with a bleeding head and leg. I ripped the door off the drivers side and pulled the woman to safety, she had major stomach wounds and was covered in blood.

I then climbed into the car and grabbed the young boy. I managed to pull him free of the wreckage and sit him away from the wreckage. The woman was bleeding badly and I grabbed my phone which managed to survive. I called for an ambulance and waited putting pressure on her wounds. I could faintly hear the sound of sirens and I sighed in relief. I moved to tend to my own wounds. I cried out in pain as I pulled the large piece of metal from my leg. The wound was going to be healed in 5 or so minutes if I shifted into my wolf.

I ran into the woods and shifted where the boy couldn't see me. I put my head onto my paws and waited for the ambulance. I could hear the little boy sobbing and the mothers shallow breathing. I was about to shift back to comfort him when I heard him scream. I jumped to my paws and barreled out of the woods. I saw a male vampire and a female vampire standing near the boy.

I crouched low to the ground and listened to their disgusting hissing. "Look Jared, we have a snack here, and look at the lady ooh yummy. " she hissed, and he hissed in approval. They moved towards the boy and grabbed him I growled and they froze, my growl vibrated in the pit of my stomach, it was a real animalistic and feral sound. I lauched at the man who was holding the boy and fixed my jaws around his throat, I applied pressure and he cried in pain.

She screamed and cried and tried to lunge at me. I moved out of her grasp dragging him like a rag doll. I motioned for her to move away from the boy and she complied. "Let him go mutt," I simply shook my head making the guy in my jaws move with my motions. He screamed, and I snorted. The boy was crying uncontrollably and I whimpered. "If you just put my Jared down we will leave and not bother you." I know it was stupid, but I did. They ran for the trees and I turned to the boy.

He was crying and I walked up to him and licked his tears away. He giggled and played with my fur. I licked his cheek and then ran to the woods to shift back. I shifted and came out as the ambulance arrived,  they put the woman on a stretcher and assessed her wound. One of the paramedics came towards me. "I'm really sorry, she isn't going to make it. The boy will have to go to an orphanage unless you want to adopt him, he has no other family." I sighed, "where do I sign up to adopt him?" He handed me some forms told me to take them to the orphanage not far from my pack and I will get him. Mean while they would take him there.

I nodded and turned to get into my car, only to realize I no longer had a car. Cursing I started my trek home. Tomorrow I would adopt the boy and take him home, he had that scent of a werewolf and I would go through the files to see who he was.

Hey friends, sorry about the REALLY REALLY late update, anyway please enjoy.

-Yellowpopsicle 😙😙

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