Chapter 6

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Brittany Snow playing Destiny

The wind ripped through my fur as I ran towards my territory. My mate was still unconscious on my back and I feared for his life. I didn't see what was in the needle but I could smell it and it was burning my nostrils. I was nearing my territory so I slowed my pace and jogged towards my house which was on the edge of the territory. My mate was a vampire so he was a massive threat to my pack so I avoided getting seen and headed straight for the Alpha's house.

I walked through my back door which opened when it recognized my paw prints, paw print scan was the best thing I ever created and I earned millions of dollars off it as every pack need almost 200 paw scanners. I sighed as I padded lightly up the stairs to my room. My mate was still unconscious and I maneuvered his body off my own and a strangled noise came from his throat. I whimpered and shifted back into my human form. 

I tried to pick him up but I wasn't strong enough instead I dragged him into my bed and placed the covers over him. He looked in pain and I desperately wanted to ease his pain. He was a vampire and naturally I was scared of him, but he had a spot in my heart and I couldn't leave him. I moved a chair to the side of my bed and sat there.

He was so pale, paler than a normal vampire. "Taine" I said to my packs doctor, "yes Alpha?" "Come to my house right now, no questions don't tell anyone", "of course Alpha." I closed the link and studied the face of my mate. He looked peaceful now, as if my presence calmed him. There was a brief knock at the front door and I hesitantly went to open it.

Taine was standing there looking slightly nervous but tried to hide it with a lopsided grin. I nodded at him and turned to go back to my mate. I walked in him following shortly after. Taine moved to the side of my mate and sniffed the air, he growled and coiled away. His face held pure disgust and hatred for the vampire laid in front of him.

A snarl left his lips and his eyes went black, on instinct I grabbed his throat and pinned him to the wall. His 6ft frame towered over my 4 and a half ft one. His strength was no match for mine and my bright blue eyes peered at him. My eyes go almost white when i'm mad much like my mothers. Fear was etched on the mans face in front of him as I snarled at him, daring him to do anything. 

My growls vibrated around the house and Taine moved his neck to show submission. He was grasping for air and I released him, sending him to the ground spluttering and coughing. "Get your good for nothing ass up and help him" I growled. Shock was plastered on his face, I never spoke like that to pack members but right now I was beyond pissed.

He nodded and made his way over to my mate, a low growl left my throat and he hesitantly checked his vitals. "What's wrong with him Alpha?" His eyes bore into mine waiting for my response. "I was out on one of my trips and I came across him, two vampires injected him with some form of liquid and he's been like this ever since." I couldn't stop the worry in my tone as I responded to Taine.

Taine studied my face, "Why did you bring the vampire here?" His tone held disgust and I growled lowly, he bowed his head. "This so called vampire is my mate." I said proudly. His eyes went wide, "Alpha I-i meant no disrespect towards you or him." LIAR! Felan screamed in my head. I shook my head at her antics and gave him a curt nod.

"Well Alpha from what I can tell is that he is alive, but I cannot know for certain, i'm not trained in the vampire side of health." I sighed knowing he was right. "Okay, tell anyone about this and I will kill you and I will enjoy every bit of it." Alpha tone leaked into my words and he nodded and I dismissed him. 

I stood there, staring at my mate. His chiseled jaw and high cheek bones would make any woman swoon over him. His face was strong and beautifully highlighted, he had the cutest nose and his hair was very messy. My mate resembled a godly creation and I couldn't help but touch his cheeks. All I wanted was to have him open his eyes so I could get lost in them. 

He was my other half, the person there to love me endlessly. He was to be my best friend, my savior, my night in shining armour and my reason to exist. His laid there, deadly still, his face was expressionless and I badly wanted to see him smile. I sighed knowing that this was just a waiting game and I had to wait for him to wake up.

I sat on the bed next to him and clutched his hand tightly. "I'm not sure if you can hear me." I paused a tear slipped down my cheek and I willed myself to go on. "But if you can please follow the sound of my voice. I desperately want to see your beautiful eyes and I want to spend eternity with you." Nothing happened so I got up, I gave him a small kiss on the cheek and walked out of the room.

I followed the long hallway down to my late mothers study and began on the paperwork piled on the desk. Memories of my sitting in my mothers lap as she dis her paperwork flooded back to me. I smiled at the little blond girl who so desperately wanted daddy to come home and play with her. The young carefree girl I was back then vanished when I went to high school. 

High school was where everyone would bully and torment me, filling my head with rude names and say no one would ever love me. One of my mothers enemies had a daughter and that girl went to my school. Her name was Bethany, she had a flawless body and good looks, her body got her everything and she had many boyfriends. She was my main tormentor. I never told my mother about it, afraid she would go bash Bethany's mum and I would get the blame.

The memories brought tears to my eyes. I missed my mother and father, I also missed Noah, my adopted brother left as soon as he turned 17, he wanted to start a new life and show the would what he could do. I haven't seen him for 10 years and I wanted him. My brother Zane rejected his mate because she was too ugly for him apparently, I didn't speak to him for 3 weeks after he did that. Mother was disappointed in him because she knows what rejection is like.

He finally came to his senses and is showering the girl in gifts and love. I want to meet her one day. I shook the thoughts and memories from my head and continued on paper work. After I finished the paperwork I stared at the ceiling. I was lost in my thoughts when a white note caught my attention. 

I cautiously made my way over to the letter and opened it. Fear made its presence known as I opened the letter.

My Dearest Destiny,

I saw you today, you looked as beautiful as ever. I was going to proclaim my love for you and make you mine. If you wouldn't come willingly I would forcefully take you. But as I came towards you that ratty vampire appeared. You killed several of my men that day in the queens courtyard. It was pure luck that you happened to be there. Your vampire savior killed most of my men, many only just escaping with their lives. You wait till he is no longer there, when you are most venerable I will come for you my love.

I will see you again soon my love, when he is no longer there to protect you.

Dearest love,

Your secret lover.

I dropped the letter and ran out of the study. No scent was in the air and I frantically searched for a way the letter could have got in. The only fresh scents were Taines, mine and my mates. My mind went into overdrive, I was not safe, my pack was not safe, the children could be harmed. Panic made itself known and a loud crash sounded from upstairs.

I ran as fast as I could up the stairs and grabbed my daggers from their holders, I kicked the door open disbelief etched it's way onto my face. The only sound was my breathing and my daggers hitting the floor.

Cliffhanger enjoy this update.

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