Chapter 27

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I opened my eyes only to close them again. The familiar bright light from the hospital lights blinding me momentarily. I sat up with a groan and opened my eyes, letting them trail around the room. I looked down at my hands to see a drip coming from it. A large gauze pad covered my side and I winced in pain when I moved too fast. I lifted the gauze pad to reveal an open wound. I sighed softly, if that traitor hadn't been here I wouldn't have gotten shot.

But then again, he was also the reason I was still alive. He grabbed then gun as I pulled the trigger, he saved my own life that I was prepared to take. I swung my legs over to the side of the bed and stood up. "I'm done being hurt." I whispered to myself, a grimace on my face. I carefully pulled the drip from my hand and took the heart monitor pads off my chest and shuffled over to the door. A loud beeping sound emitted from the heart machine, most likely alerting a nurse.

I sighed and turned the machine off. I walked back to the door and tried the door handle, much to my dismay it was locked. A frustrated growl came from me as I stomped back over to my hospital bed and sat down. My phone caught my attention, I picked it up and looked at the screen, "11:30 PM," I mumbled.

I looked around the room, my thoughts slowly pulling me away. I thought about the letter, it's thick black cursive haunting me.

"Dear Zayn," I grimaced slightly, it was addressed to my brother, and I knew why he was enraged when he left. I would have been as well. I continued to think about it, replaying it over and over in my head.

"Dear Zayn,

I heard about the recent death of your parents and I am truly saddened, well I would be if I wasn't the reason they were dead. Watch your back boy, Kallack Kenai will contact you when I tell him, after all, you and I have some unfinished business to attend to. Lets just hope your sister is as beautiful as I was told, it would be a shame if I stole her purity and then killed her because she was unattractive. Zayn, keep your promise boy, or else.

From Valentine Picaso."

I growled, Kenai. That traitor! How on this earth could I be so stupid to trust a random man? I sighed softly, "but how could this man make us feel so safe?" Felan whimpered in my head. I agreed, he made us feel so safe, so secure, like nothing could hurt us. I would pay for my foolishness.

"Alpha?" I looked up to see Freya, the bags under her eyes were noticeable. "How long have you been standing there?" I questioned her, she smiled, "Not long, not long at all." Her answer made me smile. I remembered the day I met her, when we were younger. She was not afraid of me, like the other kids. I moved over and patted the bed next to me.

She sat down next to me, her big eyes looking up at me, "How are you feeling Alpha?" She questioned and I nodded. "I am well thank you," I paused, "Stop calling me Alpha, my name is Destiny, " I laughed slightly. She laughed with me before her laughing stopped suddenly. I looked at her, my head tilted slightly, "What's the matter?" She looked at me, "You remember Ashton?" I stiffened and nodded slowly. How could one forget the mate that loved someone else?

She paused and then looked at me, "Well he has a girlfriend now," She said her words cautiously, knowing that he was one of my mates. Pain fell through my heart, but Felan, goddess bless that strong wolf of mine, reminded me that he was not good for us. I agreed with her and nodded at Freya, "Well, we should prepare to move them too their own house, after all, mated couples don't live in the pack house." I said softly, Freya was shocked, she expected me to hulk and smash everything.

She nodded, "I will at once," She paused, "You are a strong Alpha, and you look out for your pack mates first, you're an excellent Alpha." She praised me and I smiled. "Thank you." She nodded and left the room. I sat there, still in the itchy hospital gown, I noticed some clothes at the end of the bed and mentally thanked Freya. I dressed myself and left the room, a loud, strangled scream came from the end of the ward.

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