Untitled Part 30

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I moved forward but was blocked by my old friend Dominic Reaper. "Salem." He gruffly nodded at me, "we need to talk." I looked at him bored. "I'm a little busy right now Dom." i was close with him, the only person outside of immediate family that addressed him by his name. "I'm serious Salem. It's really important." He said and I sighed. "Fine lets go but make it quick." He nodded and turned on his heel. I followed him and cast a look back, Destiny and her mutt were gone and I was torn. She would be fine, wouldn't she?

Salem's POV

"What is it Dominic?" I was sharp and quick to the point, I could feel Destiny's panic through our bond. He cast a dark look towards me, "Salem, we are friends correct?" His tone was cruel and sinister, it put me on high alert. "Of course, why do you ask." I watched him carefully, calculating him. His dark look vanished and was replaced with a smile "just checking, I love watching your face." I glared at him, he never changed, such a child. "You are always wasting my time pup, I have to go, see you around." He laughed and I walked away quickly.  My eyes kept searching for her, but she wasn't anywhere to be seen. Panic bubbled in my stomach and I tried to push it away, she could handle herself, I knew that.

Destiny's POV

He gripped my hair tightly which caused me to cringe in pain. Felan was growling and pushing to the surface, she wanted to protect us. I knew it wouldn't be long till I lost control and she broke free. Kenai ripped my hair and brought my face to his, "You will respect me as a mate, got it?" I glared at him, "You are no mate of mine." I growled and grabbed his hand, pulling it free of my hair. Taking a step back I watched him, "Leave, leave and never return to these lands." He smirked and took a step forward, "I shall not unless I am forced." 

I took a deep breath in, attempting to calm Felan, "Kenai you need to leave, your mate is out there somewhere." Anger flashed across his features, he raised his hand to strike me and I went to attack him. I was quickly snatched back, my back hitting someones chest, hot sparks danced across my waist where his hands grabbed me. "Get off my mates territory and never return." Salems voice filled my ears and I heard Kenai take a sharp breath. 

I was turned to face Salem, he looked down at me with a flirtatious smile, "Hello Mate." I said nothing only stared up at him in awe. My heart hurt, this man was made for me, yet I pushed him away and ran into the arms of another. I could faintly hear Kenai being dragged away and his yells through my daze. I was a horrible mate, how could this man continue to love after being thrown away so many times. Hot tears rolled down my face as I watched him, yet I knew I may hurt him again I put my head in his chest.

I stood up on my own feet. Casting a look back at Salem I turn and leave to go to my room. The Lunaris party is over and members of mine, and other packs are going home, tomorrow morning I would decide who I want to rule my brothers pack. I stripped my clothing and turned on the shower, I scrubbed my skin to get Kenai's scent off my body, I scrubbed till my skin was red and stinging. Getting out of the shower I change into an oversized T-shirt and underwear and pull the covers up to my neck.

I missed Salem, I missed Noah, I missed mum and dad, I missed Zain and most of all I missed Declan and Kate. They had moved out, and I missed my best friend and adopted son. Thinking of Declan brought tears to my eyes, I remembered the night I saved him, he was so scared. The day I adopted him, he was so happy. But the one that hurt the most was the night he left with Kate, she offered to take him with her on a trip to see her grandparents, they'd been gone almost 2 months now. I was a horrible substitute for his mother. 

They come home in 3 days, 3 days I have to clean up my act, be a good mother, sister, best friend, but most of all, be a good mate. Thinking of Declan hurt my heart, it made me realize how much I missed my beautiful son. I fell into a deep sleep, thinking of my beautiful Declan.


I woke up feeling refreshed and full of energy, the best I had felt in a long while. It was still very early and most of the pack members were still asleep. I got dressed and walked out of my room, closing the door softly behind me I slowly made my way downstairs towards the pack kitchen. The ladies who cooked everyday for our pack were already preparing the breakfast for the hundred wolves who would devour it. Such a long time preparing for it all to be gone in one bite. 

"Good morning, ladies," I greeted them happily, each giving me a happy smile and a wave, "Morning Destiny." I grabbed myself an apron and did it up, I then tied my hair back and washed my hands, preparing to help them this morning. I walked over to Laura and offered her a hand with the two dozen eggs she was cracking into a large bowl, "Good morning Laura, how are you this morning?" I loved Laura, she was a short middle sized woman, Laura always looked after me when my parents went on holidays, I had many fond memories of her. 

"Destiny my beautiful girl!" Her excitement was almost uncontainable, it brought a massive smile to my face. "I've been rather well this morning, and you?" Her smile was contagious and kept mine on my face. "I am rather well," I watched her expression, she was bouncing on the balls of her feet. I narrowed my eyes at her curiously, "Something you want to tell me Laura?" Her face went a deep red, her blush spreading over her nose and cheeks. 

I raised an eyebrow at her, "Well?" She laughed,"I can't hide it from you. I am pregnant again." Her face practically glowed and I gasped. "That's exciting news! A boy or a girl?" I was now joining in on her excitement, "Dr. Hadley said we'd be blessed with a girl." I sighed in relief, "Oh thank the moon goddess, I'm sure twin boys are hard to handle, I couldn't imagine another little boy." I laughed softly and she laughed with me, "Yes the twins are so much already, and they are even more now that they will have a baby sister." Her face was full of enjoyment and it made me realize how much I missed my pack.

"I'm sure they are. Laura I am so happy for you and Duncan, I cannot wait for her to come into your beautiful family." I touched her shoulder and she blushed again, "Thank you Destiny, it means a lot." She paused, "Stop cracking eggs, get that apron off and go for a run, you look like you need it." She bossed me, her motherly tone scaring me lightly and i nodded, "Yes ma'am." I laughed and did as told. I walked outside into the chill air, time to let out the beast.

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