Chapter 8

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"What is your name?" he said huskily. "Destiny." I replied. "Destiny, Destiny." He said testing my name. "Cute."


I stared at him, my name rolled off his tongue perfectly. I wonder what else could roll off his tongue. Hehehe. My wolf was a pervert. "Felan!" I screamed at her. She just laughed. He smirked at me, and turned his back to me, wait he just did that. I growled at the disrespect he showed. 

He turned and glared at me. "I would like to go back to my coven." He basically demanded. Felan growled she doesn't like demands. "Well I would like a million dollars, but sweetie we don't always get what we want." Shock plastered his face at my rude words. "Listen i don't give a fuck you you are, but i'm leaving and that's final!" He screamed, I nodded "Do it then."

He was mad and gathered his shoes and left the house. I was mad, upset, and confused. I knew it was partly my fault, but now that he was gone I could start my plan. I got dressed into some short black shorts and a white singlet and black stilettos, I did some make up that would make Alic not recognize, grabbed my the keys to my mums car that she left me and my bag and ran out the door.

Many pack males looked at me with lust, females with disgust and Felan growled at the disrespect they showed their Alpha. Getting in the car I went to the club that Alic's boys attend regularly. Its neon pink sign read "Club Red" and two huge bouncers stood at the door, a large line stretched around the club. 

I walked towards the bouncers, their scent showed they were wolves. I stopped in front of them, "Look miss you gotta join the line like everyone else" said the guy who's name tag read 'Mark'. I raised my eyebrows, "Let me in" I growled at him. He growled back, we were locked in a heated glare when a man came and stood beside me, "She's with me Mark, let her in." The power behind the mystery mans voice was shocking. The bouncers eyes widened and he nodded apologizing about the disrespect he showed. The man put his arm around my waist and led me inside. 

Felan was growling and snarling at the man and I was trying so hard to be nice and fight every instinct to kill him. I smiled at everyone as we passed many people, I was getting glares from females everywhere, returned the glare with a small smirk, and continued to walk with the man.

We stopped in front of a table and there sat Carter Black and two other men I didn't know. "Hello brother, she's pretty who is she?" Carter said eyeing me up and down I growled at him. The man holding me I now knew was Sage growled at his brother as well and moved me to sit down. 

Carter moved closer and put his hand on my thigh, "How are you beautiful?" I was tempted to scream at him, but instead I smiled at him. Sage grabbed me and sat in between Carter and I. He whispered something to Carter and then they both got up and made their way to a different booth. 

I excused myself from the group of men and went to the bar, I ordered a Kraken rum on ice and sculled it in a second. I then made my way towards Sage and Carter and sat next to Sage. They both looked surprised, I leaned towards Sage and whispered in his ear, "How about we get out of here?" He tensed and nodded.

Carter gave me a half smirk and walked away, I followed Sage outside the club and to the car park and opened the door to a black Mercedes, "HAHAHA They are so 'rich' you'd think they'd have nicer cars" Felan all but screamed in my head I silently agreed with her and sat in the passenger seat.

The drive was short and no words were exchanged, and we pulled up to the familiar mansion and I got out. Sage put his arm around my waist and led me inside. We walked up two flights of stairs and stopped at double doors. Sage moved inside and I followed, he smiled at me and went into the small kitchen in the room. I started to put phase two of my plan in action. I walked over to Sage and put my arms around him, feeling his body. He turned around and looked down at me and I went in to kiss him, instead I clamped my hand down of his pressure points and squeezed till he passed out.

I dragged his body into the bedroom and  put him in the bed as if he went to sleep. I then grabbed the brown haired wig I put into my bag and put it on. Then I  walked out of his room like nothing happened. I walked down the familiar hallways and memories came back, all the pain I suffered here, the countless times I cried here. 

I shook my head, I needed to focus on why I was here. I walked into Alic's study and went over to his personal pack files. I sniffed the air he had been here 10 minutes ago, I rummaged through all the files till I stopped on his name. Alic Alfred Black. I opened the file, It said everything about his sons and his mate, his past mate and his past. I took a picture of all the papers in his file. I put it back and was about to close the drawer until something caught my eye. 

Vampire alliance, I scooped up the papers and it showed everything about the war and the vampire king and everything Alic intended to help them with. I took pictures of them and put the file back again. I then went to his desk and went through his drawers, and grabbed one of his spare I phone 6S plus's and walked out, I could hear footsteps approaching the corridor and I slipped out of the office. I saw Carter coming towards the office and I hid behind a nearby wall.

After he left I ran out of the house and towards my pack house many thoughts racing through my head, why would he do this? What will he do next? I need to find my mate and make him tell me. Alic is way more involved in the war and the vampires than anyone ever thought. He is a threat and possibly needs to be taken out.

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