Chapter 29

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I opened my eyes, my hand going to my lips. How could I? Why did I let him? I shook my head, looking around the room. My clothes on the floor, panic took over me and I ripped the covers off my body and looked down. Relief washed over me as I saw I was still in my clothes from last night.

A pounding headache blessed my body and I groaned, alcohol was bad. I held my head in my hands, the pain hurting bad. A growl slipped from my throat and I grabbed my painkillers and took two. I stood up and stretched my muscles, they were tight. Making my way to the bathroom I grabbed a few pieces of clothing. Tonight was the full moon celebration. 

I glanced at my clock before I entered the bathroom, "5:30PM" I sighed. I woke up too late. I took a quick shower, feeling refreshed. I had an hour and a half till the celebration started. Two other packs, alongside my brothers. I had a few Alpha's coming to join the celebration in hopes of finding their mates and to talk about taking over my brothers pack.

I dressed in black jeans and a maroon hoodie that read "PINK" and paired them with some maroon converse. I put my hair in a messy braid and did light make up. I sighed and grabbed my phone and walked to the back yard. My pack members all dressed up, I didn't though, nor did I feel out of place.

I smiled at the passing pack members, each smiling at me back. Since I have won my place in the pack back and have helped the pack survive since my mother had gone, everyone has new respect for me. I love my pack, and they love me.

I made my way to the stage, each pair of eyes turning to look at me. A smile graced my face as I looked at everyone. I didn't bother with the microphone and started my speech. "Tonight we feast. Tonight the moon goddess joins us in soul for our full moon celebration. Each pair of mates will have an increased chance of conceiving a pup," my smile grew wider, "May the moon bless you all." I ended my speech and the crowd hollered at me. My pack are beautiful.

I made my way to the table of food and picked out a plate with fruit. I ate slowly and engaged in conversation with other pack members. Mid way through chewing a piece of watermelon I was tapped on the shoulder. I turned around to come face to face with Salem, he smiled and my blank face never wavered. " Can I help you Salem?" His smile dropped and he nodded, "Yes you can actually, I was looking for Selina. Have you seen her?" Jealously swarmed my body and I grew hot. I shook my head, "no I haven't seen her, maybe try looking near the warriors." I turned around and continued my talk.

His presence left me and I relaxed a little I was approached by another Alpha and my relaxed body went rigid again. "Alpha DeFirenze, I am Alpha Reaper of the Bloodlust Pack may we speak?" His blank face stared at me and I nodded. I knew him, his reputation was not one to forget. He killed his mate for power, he was greatly feared by a lot of packs. His warriors followed the packs name, Bloodlust was all they had. 

He lead me towards a quieter spot, his warriors leaving his side to join the party. He looked down on me, his aggression was thick in the air, he was only here to get my brothers pack. "I see you know why I am here, I can feel your hostility coming off you in waves, Alpha." His tone was like ice, his face was blank. I nodded, "Yes I know why you are here, and you feel my hostility? Good." My lip curled up slightly in a snarl.

"I suggest you respect me Firenze, I don't want to kill your precious pack." He said, his face was still blank and I gaped at him. "The fuck the think he is?"  Felan roared in my head, I growled lowly at him. "Reaper, I suggest you know your place as you are not in your pack lands and you are trying to win me over to take my brothers pack." I smiled at him and patted his chest then walked away. He growled and made his way back to his warriors. 

I shook myself off and joined the party again. Salem had Selina in his lap and I averted my eyes, anger bubbling in my stomach. Felan was going crazy, her anger making me angrier. I passed Salem and took myself over to speak with Freya. She smiled and bounded over to me, "Alpha! It's great to see you." Her smile was contagious and made me smile back. "Freya, its great to see you too." She pulled me into a tight hug and I returned the hug. 

"Freya could you please keep an eye on Alpha Reaper he is here." Her smile vanished instantly and she nodded. I watched as she walked away to do her duty and I skimmed my eyes over the party, my eyes meeting Kenai's. I growled softly and walked away, I had avoided him all morning. I was distracted as I made my way to the food table. "It's rude to walk away from your mate." His voice was low and his hands roughly gripped my hips, yet I felt no sparks.

Salem's POV

 Her nails dragged over my chest while her lips attacked my neck. It was obviously odd for the Wolven to realize that Lamia was among their Lunaris party. Their hostile side glances at my species didn't go unnoticed. They constantly eyed off the lamia Sentries and me. I smirked when I caught Destiny's stare and I pulled Selina closer and gripped her hips which caused her to moan softly.

I watched Destiny's face scrunch up in anger and how she aggressively elbowed people out of the way as she walked to the food table. I still had Selina in my lap and she was conversing with a passing person. I watched Destiny tense when her mutt put his hands on her. I hissed lowly and moved Selina off me and stood up. 

I watched them walk to a corner, their facial expressions held anger. They spoke in short snappy tones and I inched closer to listen in. I stood near the food and pretended to be getting food. Her angry voice startled me slightly "I don't believe you anymore, you said we were true mates yet I feel no connection anymore." She was mad and I was slightly amused. 

"Destiny we are mates! The moon picked you to be with me, not some filthy wretch vampire." He sounded desperate and I clenched my fist at what he called me. He knew dam well that she was my soulmate. "Stop lying to me!" She growled at him. Her hand connected with his face and he looked shocked. His face twisted in anger and he gripped her hand tightly, "I will show you your place, mate." He seethed and grabbed her hair. 

I moved forward but was blocked by my old friend Dominic Reaper. "Salem." He gruffly nodded at me, "we need to talk." I looked at him bored. "I'm a little busy right now Dom." i was close with him, the only person outside of immediate family that addressed him by his name. "I'm serious Salem. It's really important." He said and I sighed. "Fine lets go but make it quick." He nodded and turned on his heel. I followed him and cast a look back, Destiny and her mutt were gone and I was torn. She would be fine, wouldn't she?

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