Ch. 32- Breaking The Spell

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"She was the kind of person who took care of things by herself. She'd never ask anybody for advice or help. It wasn't a matter of pride, I think. She just did what seemed natural to her." - Haruki Murakami


I didn't think it was possible to feel this amount of power surge through my whole body all at once. I did not know what I was doing at first but as I let the power flow in my hands, I saw what looked like glowing blue energy form out of nothing. I widened my eyes suddenly as I realized that my hands were holding it. It felt like in the middle of Antartica with how cold it felt on my skin. 

I couldn't but keep still and I closed my eyes for a second before opening my eyes again and I saw that it disappeared from my hands. I narrowed my eyes in confusion as I wondered how it went away like that. I looked back at my brother who was standing in front of me and I saw him put his hands on his face in annoyance. "Elora, we don't have time for this. You have to be able to control your heartbeat." he demanded. 

I put my hands down as I clenched my jaw. "I am trying my hardest, okay?" I told him while I raised my voice. 

Jasper crossed his arms over his chest and I could tell I was making him angry almost as much as he was. He glanced at me again as I noticed that his eyebrows clenched together in a frown. "Not hard enough." he scowled. How dare he say that. I am doing everything I can to make my powers work and he doesn't know what it's like to have to break a powerful spell that was cast on us in one day. 

"Yeah, okay, try and learn how to use your powers in a week when it takes years to fully learn it and try to break a spell in one day and see how you like it." I told him. I love my brother dearly don't get me wrong but sometimes he makes me want to punch him. I know there is a lot of catching up to do with us after years apart but I just wish I can do something other than being in this room with him. 

Everybody did not let me out of this room until I learned how to break this damn spell of Agnes's. Not even Sebastian was willing to let me out to get a drink so it felt like I was suffocating in my room that could fit a hundred people if it could. The sun was out right now which meant that I couldn't open a window to get air or else I will burn alive. Maybe then they would let me out of here. "You can do this, Elora. I know you can, we all do, and you just have to believe that you can do this." he assured. 

That didn't help at all. It just made me worse because I do believe I can do this, I just don't know how I am supposed to do it. It made me angry that it wasn't working and that there is a feeling deep inside my chest that is telling me that I can't do it and I should just give up already. But I couldn't listen to it. The lives of my family and friends are on the balance. I can't give up because I'll just be letting them down. 

"Try again Elora. We don't have a lot of time." Jasper urged as he nodded his head. I rolled my eyes for a second and I let out a deep breath before continuing again. I pushed both of my hands together and I saw blue energy flow out of them once more. "Concentrate on the sunlight. Let the feeling of the sun on your skin flood all of your senses." he told me in a calm voice. 

I listened to him and I closed my eyes to remember the sunlight. It has been a long time since I seen it and I generally miss it. I miss the golden rays go through my pale skin as if it were made it for me. I remembered when my parents took me to the ocean for the first time when we lived in California and feeling of the sand in my feet was unimaginable. Swimming the warm water as there were no clouds in the sky made me form a smile on my face. 

I wonder if I can ever feel like that ever again, at peace. Being out in the sun and in the water made me forget everything that is around me. It was just silent from my overpowering thoughts that consumed me every second of the day. Maybe that's why Sebastian was the only one that I could see myself with and the one that I I feel attracted towards since I met him. 

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