Ch. 18- Dancing in the Dark

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"He's like nobody else in the world. When I'm with him, it's like I'm split in half. Part of me is on fire, going crazy if I'm not touching him. The other half is calm and peaceful just perfectly content, knowing he is the one for me." - unknown


I put my hand in Sebastian's and he led me to the dance floor where the other people were dancing. As I looked past me, I saw Ellie and Grace give me a puzzling expression and I slumped my shoulders before looking straight ahead with Sebastian in front of me. The rock music was loud enough that it was the only thing I could focus on. He stopped suddenly and turned around to face me. I noticed that his eyes were droopy which made me wonder how many drinks he had. 

"Are we just going to stand here, or are we going to dance?" I questioned in an annoyed tone. I heard him let out a slight chuckle over the music as he looked at the ground for a moment before looking u at me. Every time he gazed at me, I could feel fire ignite every inch of my body. Suddenly, he put both of his on my hips as he pushed me against him so that our noses touched. I pursed my lips as I looked into his eyes the color of the night sky and I could feel my heart starting to beat faster than usual. 

"Somebody's a little grumpy tonight." he commenced with a smirk on his face. I put my hands on his shoulders as we swayed to the music. I wasn't feeling that good because I haven't had blood since this morning at the hunger of blood started taking control of my thoughts. 

"I'm just hungry." I confessed as I looked all around me at the bodies of humans. 

"Well, there's a lot of pick from." Sebastian said with a smile. I glanced at him suddenly and I gave him a frown. 

"No, Sebastian. I'm not feeding on a human." I told him with a cold tone. 

"Why not, Elora? These humans like to be fed on." he admitted as he waved his hand to the crowds of humans dancing beside us. 

"They do?" I asked as I tilted my head and looked around again. This time I noticed that that a person had their teeth sunk into a human's neck and I narrowed my eyes in surprise. I felt a strange sense that I shouldn't be doing this, not with him. I wasn't used to the idea that I had to drain blood from a person in order for me to survive. I still think that I am a regular human being that has to sleep and eat to be alive, but I'm not. I'm a vampire and the only thing I am able to get down is alcohol mixed with blood. But if I have to sink my teeth into someone's artery to eliminate this hunger that has taken over my life, then I will. 

"That's what this bar is." Sebastian said finally as he moved his eyes all around the room. He and I were still swaying back and forth to the music and I felt his warm hands caress my back. I felt shivers go up my spine as though his touch made my skin uneasy. "What about her?" Sebastian asked as he points to a girl that was standing by herself by the bar. I darted my eyes to a girl and I noticed that she had long black hair that flowed down to her lower back and olive skin. 

The girl was dressed in black shorts with a flowy white tank top and sneakers. She seemed to be the only one in the whole bar that was out of place because everyone was dressed nice, and she dressed casually. "She smells good, doesn't she?" Sebastian whispered in my ear as I felt his soft lips touch my ear. I closed my eyes for a second as the thought of his lips close to mine made my whole body electrified. I opened my eyes again as I was still staring at the girl across the room and I formed a big smile on my face. 

"They all do." I whispered slowly. I heard him chuckle a little bit through the loud music and it made me smile knowing that I made him smile. He was always so serious and I'm glad he gets to have a little fun once in a while.  I turned my head as I saw as the girl started walking across the room and I glanced at Sebastian because it was our chance to get something to eat. 

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