Ch. 22- Breaking Free

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"The truth is this, every monster you have met or will ever meet, was once a human being with a soul that was a soft and light as silk. Someone stole that silk from their soul and turned them into this. So when you see a monster next, always remember this. Do not fear the thing before you. Fear the thing that created it instead." - Nikita Gill


I was still standing in the middle of the room wondering who was Jasper and why he is willing to help me. It looked like he was one of Anges's men so I was confused as to why he healed me. I glanced over to Sebastian in a second and arched my shoulders because I honestly didn't know.

"I have no idea who he is, but he looks like someone I know." I admitted to Sebastian. "I mean it was strange how he looked like me, don't you think?" I asked. I saw that Sebastian was standing with this arms crossed as he said nothing which made me wonder what he was thinking about. All I wanted was to get out of the dirty cell that could cave in on us any minute by the cracks in the ceiling even though we couldn't die by it. 

"Maybe he's your brother." he questioned in a jokingly manner as he managed to form a smirk on his lips. 

"Yeah right. My parents never had another baby." I told him. 

"That you know of." Sebastian said finally as he gave me a look that made me want to smile. I couldn't help but think about how he can smile through this. He must have gotten used to getting kidnapped and tortured by what he told me. I kept thinking how can this man that shows people the kind of monster he is but not show his good side. The side that is good and kind and protects his loved ones. He is even good to Christian, who doesn't treat him the same because he is still on that part where Sebastian turned me into a vampire.

 I don't forgive him for it, but I seemed to have gotten past what he did because there is nothing I could change about it. Christian should do the same because I want us to be friends again. I smiled at him for a second before dropping it because he doesn't realize is that I can see right through him. 

I changed the subject by asking Sebastian what has been on my mind since he told me about Segovia. "So whatever happened to her? Segovia. After she betrayed you and sided with the witches?" I questioned as I crossed my arms to cover my bare chest. He was silent for a moment and I noticed that he fidgeted a little bit as he tried to find the right words to say to me.

It was hard to read him as there was always something new to him. One minute he is this sarcastic asshole that doesn't know how to be serious and the next he is this kind person that showed me his mother's garden of flowers and taught me how to dance at the masquerade ball. 

"I killed her." he confessed finally. I opened my mouth suddenly as the words he said shook me to the core. I knew he was a monster that was capable of doing horrid things, but I did not expect him to admit that he actually murdered his old love.

"W-What?" I stuttered. I didn't have the words to explain what I was feeling, I couldn't come to terms with the fact that he did that. "Why?" I questioned him as I glared at him. I noticed that the look he had on made me think that he didn't regret it. He bowed his head for a moment to avoid my gaze before looking at me again with seriousness on his face. 

"She betrayed me, Elora. I was so angry at her for choosing the witches over me that I killed her in cold blood." he admitted with a low voice. I couldn't look at his face any longer so I turned my back toward me and ran my fingers through my hair, a nervous habit of mine that I always seemed to do when I'm stressed. 

I heard Sebastian's footsteps move slightly as he stopped at the base of the bars that kept us apart from behind me. 

"Elora, look at me." he commanded. "That was in the past and I regret it everyday." he told me. I put my fingers in my mouth because the thoughts in my head were all I could focus on. "You are nothing like her, darling. You and Segovia are so much different for two people that look exactly the same." he admitted. I closed my eyes as I was hearing what he was saying and I let out a breath. I turned around quickly as I saw as he had a sympathetic look on his face. 

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