Ch. 23- The Sister

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"Kind people are not born that way. They do not stumble into it. Kind people are forged in fire and darkness and imploding stars. They have steel cores. Throw a punch and your going to break your hand. Kind people are kind because they know firsthand that life isn't." - unknown


Ellie's Point of View

My name is Eleanor, but everyone calls me Ellie for short. I am the second in line to the throne and the only vampire princess. I have many abilities that many are jealous of, but my absolute favorite is the power of truth. Just by looking at them with my deep violet eyes, I can make them tell me what they don't tell everyone else. It was fun when Sebastian and I were little and I would use my powers on him to tell me whatever I asked him. But I got in trouble for it all the time by my parents.

But I remember that my father would go easy on me and tell me that my abilities are powerful and that I need to use it well. Thinking about him just made it all sadder that he isn't here with us. Everyone thinks that I am always happy and that nothing gets to me, but it does. I try to be optimistic about things but in reality, my mind is filled with dark thoughts. Thoughts that I try to push away from the back of my mind, but it doesn't seem to work out sometimes. 

For some reason, my mother seems to not like me very much. She doesn't even acknowledge my existence sometimes and it makes me angry so much that I blow up around her. But no matter what, Sebastian has always been there. He was the only one that has included me in everything. When we were at the dinner table, he would make sure that we talk about me and not about the future king of Ambrosia. Maybe that's why I am so worried about them right now because he is my brother and I don't want anything to happen to him. 

I remember two hundred years ago when Sebastian met Segovia at that Halloween party. I could tell that he never felt that way toward any other girl before, a girl that was the daughter of the Fae king. Of course, we were allies before the war even started but my parents didn't like them two together because they are known to be manipulative and can play with your mind. But Sebastian repeatedly told them that she was different than any of the other faes, that Segovia was caring and funny. 

Nobody was surprised except for Sebastian when she betrayed all of us for the witches. He could never admit it, but what she did broke his heart which made him lash out in anger. So he ripped out her heart in cold blood because she did the same to him. So for all this time, he has been going to the meetings and staying low for the sake of the country. That is until he met Elora that night and he is willing to risk everything for her. When he figured out that she was human, he did not hesitate to turn her into a creature of the night, which I was surprised by because we have always followed by the rules to turn a human into a vampire.

Right now, I can't stop thinking about what my older brother and Elora are going through. I may make fun of Sebastian a lot and we get in fights on a daily, but at the end of the day, he is my big brother. And Elora, the girl that he turned into one of us just because she looks like Segovia and the one that has made my brother risk everything for. The one that admires because she is more than I could ever be. 

She is strong and independent and doesn't take any of my brother's shit, a quality that no many people have. Elora is the only friend outside of the people outside of this castle that I have met. Grace is basically my sister because we grew up together in the castle and the only person I can talk to about the thoughts that go on in my head. She knows that I can be this blunt and annoying person to others, but on the inside, I don't talk to many people about my feelings. 

"Ellie are you listening?" Grace asked as she was staring at me. I snapped out of my thoughts and it took me a moment to realize what she was asking. I nodded my head slowly as I was sitting at the table in the library with one leg crossed on the other. I was wearing my favorite black jeans that curved my hips and a top that barely covered my stomach which made me confident in what I was wearing somehow. 

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